
Publikationen Felix Herzog

Dennis, P., Herzog F., Jeanneret P., Arndorfer, M., Bogers, M., Bunce, R. G. H., Bailey D., Choisis, J.-P., Choisis, N., Cuming, D., Ehrmann, O., Fjellstad, W., Franck, T., Fraser, M. D., Friedel, J. und weitere
Selection and field validation of candidate biodiversity indicators, including field manual. Handbook for testing candidate indicators of organic/low-input farming and biodiversity.

Wolfrum, S., Kainz, M., Arndorfer, M., Bogers, M., Bunce, R. G. H., Dennis, P., Dyman, T. N., Garchi, S., Geijzendorffer, I., Gomiero, T., Herzog F., Jeanneret P., Jongman, R. H. G., Kölliker R., Moreno, G. und weitere
Report on the potential applicability of BioBio indicators beyond Europe – exemplified for three ICPC case study regions (Ukraine, Tunisia and Uganda). Munich, Deliverable 2.3 of the EU FP7 Project BioBio.

Jeanneret P., Walter T., Birrer, S., Herzog F.
Evaluating the performance of the Swiss agri-environmental measures for biodiversity: methods, results and questions.
Aspects of Applied Biology, 100, 2010, 35-40.

Herrmann, J., Bailey D., Hofer G., Herzog F., Schmidt-Entling, M.
Spiders associated with the meadow and tree canopies of orchards respond differently to habitat fragmentation.
Landscape Ecology, 25, (9), 2010, 1375-1384.

Bailey D., Schmidt-Entling, M. H., Eberhart, P., Herrmann, J. D., Hofer G., Kormann, U., Herzog F.
Effects of habitat amount and isolation on biodiversity in fragmented traditional orchards.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 47, (5), 2010, 1003-1010.

Batáry, P., Báldi, A., Sárospataki, M., Kohler, F., Verhulst, J., Knop, E., Herzog F., Kleijn, D.
Effect of conservation management on bees and insect-pollinated grassland plant communities in three European countries.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 136, (1-2), 2010, 35-36.

Kaeser A., Sereke F., Dux D., Herzog F.
Moderne Agroforstwirtschaft in der Schweiz: Innovative Baumgärten: Produktivität und Wirtschaftlichkeit.
ART-Bericht, 725, 2010, 1-12.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Kaeser A., Sereke F., Dux D., Herzog F.
Moderne Agroforstwirtschaft in der Schweiz. Innovative Baumgärten: Produktivität und Wirtschaftlichkeit: ART-Bericht 725.
Schweizer Landtechnik, 8, 2010, 43-53.

Mühlner, S., Kormann, U., Schmidt-Entling, M. H., Herzog F., Bailey D.
Structural versus functional habitat connectivity measures to explain bird diversity in fragmented orchards.
Journal of Landscape Ecology, 3, (1), 2010, 52-63.

Jeanneret P., Walter T., Herzog F.
Environmental heterogeneity helps farmers to make agri-environment schemes more effective as illustrated by multiple diversity components of spider assemblages.
In: 9th Annual Conference "Dimensions of ecology: from global change to molecular ecology". 14th -18th September 2009, University of Bayreuth. GfÖ. 2009.

Aviron, S., Nitsch, H., Jeanneret P., Buholzer Hons S., Luka, H., Pfiffner, L., Pozzi, S., Schüpbach B., Walter T., Herzog F.
Ecological cross compliance promotes farmland biodiversity in Switzerland.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7, (5), 2009, 247-252.

Le Roux, X., Barbault, R., Baudry, J., Burel, F., Doussan, I., Garnier, E. , Herzog F., Lavorel, S., Liran R., Roger-Estrade, J., Sarthou, J.P., Trommetter, M.
Agriculture et biodiversité. Des synergies à valoriser.
Versaille, INRA. 2009, 177 S.

Szerencsits E., Palma, J., Guélat, J., Birrer, S., Herzog F.
Target regions for agroforestry systems to enhance landscape quality and resource protection.
In: European Landscapes in Transformation Challenges for Landscape Ecology and Management. July, 12-16, 2009, Hrsg. IALE Conference, Salzburg, Austria. 2009.

Dennis, P., Arndorfer, M., Balázs, K., Bailey D., Boller B., Bunce, R. G. H., Centeri, C., Corporaal, A., Cuming, D., Deconchat, M., Dramstad, W., Elyakime, B., Falusi, E., Fjellstad, W., Fraser, M. D. und weitere
Conceptual foundations for biodiversity indicator selection for organic and low-input farming systems: Deliverable 2.1 .

Spiess E., Prasuhn V., Richner W., Herzog F.
L'écoconditionnalité réduit da pollution azotée et phosphatée provoquée par l'agriculture Suisse.
In: EUROFERT 09 - "L'Europe de la fertilisation". 3 et 4 février 2009, Hrsg. Belan, J., Rennes, France. 2009, 83-87.

Herzog F., Böni, R., Lauber, S., Schneider M., Seidl, I.
AlpFUTUR - an inter- and transdisciplinary research programme on the future of summer pastures in Switzerland.
In: 15th Meeting of the FAO-CIHEAM Mountain Pastures Network. Integrated research for the sustainability of mountain pastures. 7th to 9th October 2009, Hrsg. FAO-CIHEAM Mountain Pastures Network, Les Diablerets, Switzerland. 2009, 53-54.

S. Aviron, Olivier Sanvido, Jörg Romeis, Felix Herzog, Franz Bigler
Case-specific monitoring of butterflies to determine potential effects of transgenic Bt-maize in Switzerland.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 131, 2009, 137-144.

Felix Herzog, Volker Prasuhn, Ernst Spiess, Walter Richner
Environmental cross-compliance mitigates nitrogen and phosphorus pollution from Swiss agriculture.
Environmental Science and Policy, 11, (7), 2008, 655-668.

Felix Herzog, Irmi Seidl
AlpFUTUR - Wie soll sich das Sömmerungsgebiet entwickeln? Editorial.
Agrarforschung, 15, (11), 2008, 523-0.

Gabriela Hofer, Helene H. Wagner, Felix Herzog, Peter J. Edwards
Effects of topographic variability on the scaling of plant species richness in gradient dominated landscapes.
Ecography, 31, (1), 2008, 131-139.

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