
Publikationen Annelie Holzkaemper

Herrera J. M., Levy Häner L., Holzkaemper A., Pellet D.
Evaluation of ridge regression for country-wide prediction of genotype-specific grain yields of wheat.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 252, 2018, 1-9.

Meier M., Fuhrer J., Holzkaemper A.
Changing risk of spring frost damage in grapevines due to climate change? A case study in the Swiss Rhone Valley.
International Journal of Biometeorology, 62, 2018, 991-1002.

Muller A., Ferré M., Engel S., Gattinger A., Holzkaemper A., Huber R., Müller M., Six J.
Can soil-less crop production be a sustainable option for soil conservationand and future agriculture?
Land Use Policy, 69, 2017, 102-105.

Holzkaemper A.
Adapting agricultural production systems to climate change—what’s the use of models?
Agriculture, 7, (10), 2017, 86.

Flückiger S., Brönnimann S., Holzkaemper A., Fuhrer J., Krämer D., Pfister C., Rohr C.
Simulating crop yield losses in Switzerland for historical and present Tambora climate scenarios.
Environmental Research Letters, 12, (7), 2017, 074026.

Herrera J. M., Levy Häner L., Holzkaemper A., Pellet D.
Genotypic predictions and environmental characterization by coupling climate suitability and statistical models.
In: Book of Abstracts iCROPM 2016. 15-17 March, Hrsg. ICROPM, Berlin, Germany. 2016, 276-277.

Holzkaemper A., Fuhrer J.
Wie sich der Klimawandel auf den Maisanbau in der Schweiz auswirkt.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 6, (10), 2015, 440-447.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Holzkaemper A., Calanca P., Honti M., Fuhrer J.
Projecting climate change impacts on grain maize based on three different crop model approaches.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 214-215, 2015, 219-230.

Holzkaemper A., Klein T., Seppelt R., Fuhrer J.
Assessing the propagation of uncertainties in multi-objective optimization for agro-ecosystem adaptation to climate change.
Environmental Modelling & Software, 66, 2015, 27-35.

Holzkaemper A., Fossati D., Hiltbrunner J., Fuhrer J.
Spatial and temporal trends in agro-climatic limitations to production potentials for grain maize and winter wheat in Switzerland.
Regional Environmental Change, 15, (1), 2015, 109-122.

Calanca P., Spirig C., Stöckli S., Samietz J., Holzkaemper A., Hirschi H. U.
Implications of changes in seasonal mean temperature for agricultural production systems: three case studies: Chapter 9.
In: CH2014-Impacts (2014), Toward quantitative scenarios of climate change impacts in Switzerland. June, Hrsg. OCCR, FOEN, MetoSwiss, C2SM, Agroscope, ProClim, Bern Switzerland. 2014, 91-97.

Klein T., Holzkaemper A., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
Adaptation options under climate change for multifunctional agriculture: a simulation study for western Switzerland.
Regional Environmental Change, 14, 2014, 167-184.

Fuhrer J., Tendall D., Klein T., Lehmann N., Holzkaemper A.
Water demand in Swiss agriculture - Sustainable adaptive options for land and water management to mitigate impacts of climate change.
ART-Schriftenreihe, 19, 2013, 1-61.

Klein T., Holzkaemper A., Calanca P., Seppelt R., Fuhrer J.
Adapting agricultural land management to climate change: a regional multi-objective optimization approach.
Landscape Ecology, 28, (10), 2013, 2029-2047.

Fuhrer J., Holzkaemper A., Klein T., Tendall D., Lehmann N.
Wasser und Schweizer Landwirtschaft: Das Projekt AGWAM im Rahmen des NFP 61.
Aqua & Gas, 7/8, 2013, 34-39.

Fuhrer J., Herzog F., Holzkaemper A., Schuster B., Schweppe-Kraft B.
Förderung zukunftsfähiger Landnutzung im Klimawandel.
In: Biodiversität und Klimawandel. Auswirkungen und Handlungsoptionen für den Naturschutz in Mitteleuropa. Heidelberg, Hrsg. F. Essl, & W. Rabitsch, Springer Spektrum. 2013, 352-367.

Holzkämper A., Fuhrer J., Frei Ch.
Temperaturtrends und Rebbau in der Schweiz.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 149, (1), 2013, 6-9.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Holzkämper A., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
Identifying climatic limitations to grain maize yield potentials using a suitability evaluation approach.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 168, 2013, 149-159.

Klein T., Holzkämper A., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
Identifying optimum strategies for land management adaptation to climate change - A multiobjective approach.
In: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty, Sixth Biennial Meeting. July 1-5, Hrsg. R. Seppelt, A. A. Voinov, S. Lange, & D. Bankamp, Leipzig, Germany. 2012, 621-630.

Klein T., Calanca P., Holzkämper A., Lehmann N., Roesch A., Fuhrer J.
Using farm accountancy data to calibrate a crop model for climate impact studies.
Agricultural Systems, 111, 2012, 23-33.

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