
Publikationen Andreas Lüscher

Suter M., Lüscher A.
Gestresstes Grünland erholt sich gut.
Top Agrar, 6, 2020, 28-29.

Fox A., Suter M., Widmer F., Lüscher A.
Positive legacy effect of previous legume proportion in a ley on the performance of a following crop of Lolium multiflorum.
Plant and Soil, 447, 2020, 497-506.

Finn J. A., Suter M., Haughey E., Hofer D., Lüscher A.
Multi-species grassland mixtures increase yield stability, even under drought conditions.
In: . 11 December, Hrsg. British Ecological Society. 2019.

Suter M., Huguenin-Elie O., Lüscher A.
Species diversity enhances multifunctionality of sown grassland.
In: Symposium: Above- and belowground Biodiversity for Sustainable Ecosystems. 14./15. November, Hrsg. Agroscope, Zürich. 2019.

Schneider M. K., Zehnder T., Bérard J., Kreuzer M., Lüscher A.
Verbindung von Produktions- und Naturschutzzielen durch die extensive Beweidung von Grenzertragslagen.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Grünland und Futterbau AGFF, 6, 2019, 45-48.

Finn J.A., Suter M., Haughey E., Hofer D., Lüscher A.
Species richness increased yield stability in intensively managed grasslands subjected to experimental drought.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 131-133.

Gilgen A.K., Klaus V.H., Lüscher A., Buchmann N.
"From research - for practice": translating research findings for practical application.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 536.

Silva L., Fox A., Lüscher A., Barreiro A., Dimitrova Mårtensson L.M., Vieira A., Parelho C., Cruz C., Melo J., Musyoki M., Zimmermann J., Rasche F., Widmer F.
Linking above- and belowground diversity: plants and microbes as indicators of grassland management intensity.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 468.

Musyoki M., Melo J., Zimmermann J., Guo Y., Jongen M., Cruz C., Fox A., Lüscher A., Widmer F., Barreiro A., Dimitrova Mårtensson L.M., Silva L., Vieira Â., Parelho C., Rasche F.
Soil enzyme activities as driven by contrasting agro-ecologies and management practices in grassland across Europe.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 467.

Fox A., Lüscher A., Barreiro A., Dimitrova Mårtensson L.M., Silva L., Vieira Â.F., Parelho C., Cruz C., Melo J., Musyoki M., Zimmermann J., Rasche F., Widmer F.
The distribution of bacterial operational taxonomic units in European grasslands.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 466.

Barreiro A., Fox A., Lüscher A., Widmer F., Vieira A., Parelho C., Silva L., Melo J., Cruz C., Musyoki M., Zimmermann J., Rasche F., Dimitrova Martensson L.M.
Soil microbial biomass and community structure in differently managed grasslands along a European gradient.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 464.

Hammelehle A., Mayer J., Lüscher A., Mäder P., Oberson A.
The 15N natural abundance and enrichment techniques provide similar estimates of N transfer.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 344.

Schaub S., Buchmann N., Lüscher A., Finger R.
The economic value of species diversity in intensively managed grasslands.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 225.

Hammelehle A., Oberson A., Lüscher A., Mäder P., Mayer J.
Below ground nitrogen of clover-grass mixtures and its residual nitrogen potential for subsequent crops.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 217.

Fox A., Lüscher A., Widmer F.
Legacy effect of legume proportion in the preceding ley on the bacterial community composition under a Lolium multiflorum following crop.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 134-136.

Finn J.A., Suter M., Haughey E., Hofer D., Lüscher A.
Species richness increased yield stability in intensively managed grasslands subjeced to experimental drought.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 131-133.

Klaus V.H., Gilgen A.K., Lüscher A., Buchmann N.
Can we deduce general management recommendations from biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research in grasslands?
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 63-65.

Fitton N., Bindi M., Brilli L., Cichota R., Dibari C., Fuchs K., Huguenin-Elie O., Klumpp K., Lieffering M., Lüscher A., Martin R., McAuliffe R., Merbold L., Newton P., Rees R.M. und weitere
Modelling biological N fixation and grass-legume dynamics with process-based biogeochemical models of varying complexity.
European Journal of Agronomy, 106, 2019, 58-66.

Hovenden M.J., Leuzinger S., Newton P.C.D., Fletcher A., Fatichi S., Lüscher A., Reich P.B., Anderson L.C., Beier C., Blumenthal D.M., Chiariello N.R., Dukes J.S., Kellner J., Hofmockel K., Nicklaus P.A. und weitere
Globally consistent influences of seasonal precipitation limit grassland biomass response to elevated CO2.
Nature Plants, 5, 2019, 167-173.

Le Clec'h S., Finger R., Buchmann N., Gosal A., Hörtnagl L., Huguenin-Elie O., Jeanneret P., Lüscher A., Schneider M. K., Huber R.
Assessment of spatial variability of multiple ecosystem services in grasslands of different intensities.
Journal of Environmental Management, 251, 2019, 1-25.

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