Wittwer R., Bender S. F., Hartman K., Hydbom S., Lima R.A.A., Loaiza V., Nemecek T., Oehl F., Olsson P.A., Petchey O., Prechsl U.E., Schlaeppi K., Scholten T., Seitz S., Six J. und weitere
Organic and conservation agriculture promote ecosystem multifunctionality.
Science Advances, 7, (34), 2021, 1-12.
Grassauer F., Herndl M., Nemecek T., Guggenberger T., Fritz C., Steinwidder A., Zollitsch W.
Eco-efficiency of farms considering multiple functions of agriculture: Concept and results from Austrian farms.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 297, (15 May), 2021, 1-14.
Ineichen S., Zumwald J., Nemecek T., Reidy B.
How cows compete with human nutrition: Assessing feed-food and land-use competition of Swiss dairy production.
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Nemecek T., Bystricky M., Röthlin S.
Umweltwirkungen von Alternativen zur Glyphosatanwendung - Evaluation basierend auf der Ökobilanzierung: Kurz-Gutachten zu Handen des BLW.
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Green A., Nemecek T., Mathys, A.
Testing the use of nutritional-LCA for the sustainable optimization of agricultural-food production.
In: International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food. 13-16 October, Hrsg. LCAFOOD, Virtual from Berlin. 2020.
Green A., Nemecek T., Chaudhary C., Mathys A.
Assessing nutritional, health, and environmental sustainability dimensions of agri-food production.
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Green A., Nemecek T., Mathys, A.
Transforming the food sector by integrating nutrition into LCA.
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Nemecek T., Zumwald J., Ineichen S., Reidy B.
Reconsidering the land resource for food production: quantifying feed-food competition in dairy systems.
In: 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2020 (LCA Food 2020). 13-16 October, Hrsg. DIL, Berlin, DE. 2020, 559-563.
Nemecek T., Thoma G.
Allocation between milk and meat in dairy LCA: critical discussion of the IDF's standard methodology.
In: Proceedings 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food LCAFood2020. 13-16 October, Hrsg. DIL, Berlin, DE. 2020, 83-89.
Meyer N. L., Reguant-Closa A., Nemecek T.
Sustainable diets for athletes.
Current Nutrition Reports, 9, (3), 2020, 147-162.
Reguant-Closa A., Roesch A., Lansche J., Nemecek T., Lohman T.G., Meyer N.L.
The environmental impact of the Athlete’s Plate nutrition education tool.
Nutrients, 12, (8), 2020, 1-27.
Roesch A., Weisskopf P., Bystricky M., Schüpbach B., Jeanneret P., Nemecek T.
Modelling foreground and background land use impacts in agricultural systems: the dilemma of highly detailed or universally applicable.
In: 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food. 13 - 16 October, Virtual - Berlin, Germany. 2020, 1-6.
Pedolin D., Six J., Nemecek T.
Aggregating midpoint indicators for eco-efficiency using data envelopment analysis.
In: LCA Food 2020. 13-16 October, Berlin. 2020.
Roesch A., Weisskopf P., Bystricky M., Schüpbach B., Jeanneret P., Nemecek T.
Modelling foreground and background land use impacts in agricultural systems: the dilemma of highly detailed or universally applicable.
In: 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food. 14.10., Berlin. 2020.
Bystricky M., Nemecek T., Krause S., Gaillard G.
Potenzielle Umweltfolgen einer Umsetzung der Trinkwasserinitiative: Einfluss verschiedener Produkte und Herkunftsländer auf die Umweltwirkungen der Importe: Ergänzende Analyse zu Agroscope Science 99.
Agroscope. 22.09., 2020, 14 S.
Bystricky M., Nemecek T., Krause S., Gaillard G.
Potenzielle Umweltfolgen einer Umsetzung der Trinkwasserinitiative.
Agroscope Science, 99, 2020.
Nemecek T., Basset-Mens C., Gentil C., Renaud-Gentié C., Roux P., Peña N., Antón A., Melero C., Fantke P.
Emission and toxicity modelling for pesticides: Operationalising the pesticide consensus.
In: SETAC Europe: 30th annual meeting. 3-7 May, Hrsg. SETAC Europe, Dublin. 2020, 1-2.
von Ow A., Waldvogel T., Nemecek T.
Environmental optimization of the Swiss population’s diet using domestic production resources.
Journal of Cleaner Production, online, (15 November), 2019, 1-15.
Zimmermann A., Nemecek T., von Ow A.
Stellung der Milch hinsichtlich der Umweltwirkungen der Ernährung in der Schweiz.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin, 3, 2019, 6-7.
Nemecek T.
Environmental impacts of cropping systems: lessons learnt from LCA studies.
In: Abstract Book of Conference "Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials?". Hrsg. Agroscope, FiBL, ETH Zürich. 2019, 52.