Katsoyiannis I.A., Lammel G., Samara C., Ernst M., Wenk J., Torretta V., Voutsa D., Vollertsen J., Bucheli T., Godbersen L., Lambropoulou D., Heath E., Kallenborn R., Giannakoudakis D., Deliyanni E., Bandosz T. J., Ražić S., Samanidou V., Papa E., Lacorte S., Katsoyiannis A.

Innovative aspects of environmental chemistry and technology regarding air, water, and soil pollution.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 2021, 58958-58968.

ISSN Print: 0944-1344
ISSN Online: 1614-7499
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-15370-8
Publication-ID (Web Code): 47872 Sending by e-mail

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