To identify the genomic regions for the physiological and morphological traits of barley genotypes under normal salinity and drought, a set of 103 recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations, developed between Badia and Kavir crosses, was evaluated under phytotron conditions in a completely randomized design in 2019. Linkage maps were prepared using 152 SSR markers, 72 ISSR, 7 IRAP, 29 CAAT, 27 SCoT, and 15 iPBS alleles. The markers were assigned to seven barley chromosomes and covered 999.29 centimorgans (cM) of the barley genome. In addition, composite interval mapping showed 8, 9, and 26 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) under normal, drought, and salinity stress conditions, respectively. Our results indicate the importance of chromosomes 1, 4, 5, and 7 in salinity stress. These regions were involved in genes controlling stomata length (LR), leaf number (LN), leaf weight (LW), and genetic score (SCR). Three major stable pleiotropic QTLs (i.e., qSCS-1, qRLS-1, and qLNN-1) were associated with SCR, root length (RL), and root number (RN) in both treatments (i.e., normal and salinity), and two major stable pleiotropic QTLs (i.e., qSNN-3 and qLWS-3) associated with the stomata number (SN) and LW appeared to be promising for marker-assisted selection (MAS). Two major-effect QTLs (i.e., SCot8-B-CAAT5-D and HVM54-Bmag0571) on chromosomes 1 and 2 were characterized for their positive allele effect, which can be used to develop barley varieties concerning drought conditions. The new alleles (i.e., qLWS-4a, qSLS-4, qLNS-7b, qSCS-7, and qLNS-7a) identified in this study are useful in pyramiding elite alleles for molecular breeding and marker assisted selection for improving salinity tolerance in barley.
Makhtoum S., Sabouri H., Gholizadeh A., Ahangar L., Katouzi M.
QTLs controlling physiological and morphological traits of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings under salinity, drought, and normal conditions.
BioTech, 11, (3), 2022, 1-20.
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