Moubset O., François S., Maclot F., Palanga E., Julian C., Claude L., Fernandez E., Rott P., Daugrois J-H., Antoine-Lorquin A., Bernardo P., Blouin A., Temple C., Kraberger S., Fontenele R., Harkins GW., Ma X., Marais A., Candresse T., Ben Chehida S., Lefeuvre P., Lett JM., Varsani A., Ogliastro M., Martin DM., Filloux D., Roumagnac P.

Once upon a time, the VANA story based on the review "virion-associated nucleic acid-based metagenomics: A decade of advances in molecular characterization of plant viruses".

In: 19e Rencontres de virologie végétale (RVV2023). 15 January, Aussois (FR). 2023.

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