Bertrand S., Bohni N., Schnee S., Schumpp O., Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
Metabolite induction via microorganism co-culture: A potential way to enhance chemical diversity for drug discovery.
Biotechnology Advances, 2014, 1-25.
Bertrand S., Petit C., Marcourt L., Ho R., Gindro K., Monod M., Wolfender J.-L.
HPLC profiling with At-line microdilution assay for the early identification of anti-fungal compounds in plants from French Polynesia.
Phytochemical Analysis, 25, (2), 2014, 106-112.
Halabalaki M., Bertrand S., Stefanou A., Gindro K., Kostidis S., Mikros E., Skaltsounis L. A., Wolfender J.-L.
Sample preparation issues in NMR-based plant metabolomics: Optimisation for Vitis wood samples.
Phytochemical Analysis, 2014, 1-7.
Dienes-Nagy Á., Belcher S., Lorenzini F., Gindro K.
Botrytis-Nachweis – simpel einfach!
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 150, (2), 2014, 6-9.
other Languages:
Spring J.-L., Gindro K., Voinesco F., Jermini M., Ferretti M., Viret O.
Divico, die erste, gegen die Hauptkrankheiten der Rebe resistente Agroscope Neuzucht.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 45, (5), 2013, 292-303.
other Languages:
Spring J.-L., Gindro K., Viret O.
Divico – erste multiresistente Rebsorte von Agroscope.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 149, (9), 2013, 13-14.
Gindro K., Thomas D., Remolif E., De Joffrey J.-P., Ulliel S., Julmi Moreillon C., Corminboeuf M., Droz E.
Bioencapsulation de la vigne pour la production et la conservation de semences miniaturisées.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 45, (6), 2013, 380-382.
Droz E., Dorsaz S., Julmi Moreillon C., Gindro K.
Identification moléculaire de la vigne.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 45, (6), 2013, 350-354.
Schnee S., Voinesco F., Dubuis P.-H., Viret O., Wolfender J.-L. , Queiroz E. F. , Gindro K.
Weinranken: neue Quelle fungizider Wirkstoffe .
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 45, (5), 2013, 306-312.
other Languages:
Dienes-Nagy Á., Belcher S., Lorenzini F., Gindro K.
Nachweis von Fäulnisbefall der Trauben mit einem Schnelltest.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 45, (5), 2013, 314-320.
other Languages:
Azzollini A. , Bertrand S. , Schumpp O., Bohni N. , Monod M. , Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
UHPLC-MS-based metabolomics reveals induction of new metabolites in fungal co-culture: a way to obtain new antimicrobial compounds? .
In: 13.05., Publ. ETHZ, Zurich. 2013, 1-10.
Bertrand S. , Schumpp O., Bohni N. , Monod M. , Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
Metabolomic study of the metabolites induction dynamics during fungal co-culture .
In: 7 JS RFMF . 12.06., Publ. Comité 7 JS RFMF , Amiens, France. 2013, 1-10.
Bréant L. , Marti G. , Dienes-Nagy Á., Zufferey V., Rösti J., Gindro K., Lorenzini F., Viret O., Wolfender J.-L.
An orthogonal metabolomic approache on the Vaud swiss vineyard to assess the "Terroir effect".
In: In Vino Analytica Scientia Symposium 2013. 05.08., Publ. EuCheMS, Reims. 2013, 1-1.
Bertrand S. , Schumpp O., Bohni N. , Monod M. , Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
De Novo Production of Metabolites by Fungal Co-culture of Trichophyton rubrum and Bionectria ochroleuca.
Journal of Natural Products, 76, (6), 2013, 1157-1165.
Schnee S., Queiroz E. F. , Voinesco F., Marcourt L. , Dubuis P.-H., Gindro K.
Vitis vinifera Canes, a New Source of Antifungal Compounds against Plasmopara viticola, Erysiphe necator, and Botrytis cinerea.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61, (23), 2013, 5459-5467.
Bertrand S. , Schumpp O., Bohni N. , Bujard A. , Azzollini A. , Monod M. , Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
Detection of metabolite induction in fungal co-cultures on solid media by high-throughput differential ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry fingerprinting.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1292, 2013, 219-228.
Gindro K., Spring J.-L., Viret O.
Mécanisme de défense naturelle de la vigne et sélection de cépages résistants.
In: Les cépages résistants aux maladies cryptogamiques. 01.05., Publ. Groupe ICV, L'art & l'expertise du vin. 2013, 41-45.
Spring J.-L., Gindro K., Rösti J.
Die Züchtung neuer Rebsorten bei Agroscope.
In: Rebbautagung 2013. 01.03., Publ. INFORAMA, Koppigen. 2013, 1-21.
Van Leeuwen C., Roby J.-Ph., Alonso-Villaverde V., Gindro K.
Impact of Clonal Variability in Vitis vinifera Cabernet franc on Grape composition, Wine Quality, Leaf Blade Stilbene Content, and Downy Mildew Resistance.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, (61), 2013, 19-24.
Droz E., Gindro K., Thomas D.
La patate en son miroir génétique.
Le Temps, (4495), 2013, 10-10.