Hofstetter V., Buyck B., Croll D., Viret O., Couloux A., Dubuis P.-H., Gindro K.
Rolle der Pilze in die Esca Krankheit der Weinrebe.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 44, (6), 2012, 386-392.
other Languages:
Droz E., Ulliel S., Julmi Moreillon C., Dorsaz S., Joffrey JP., Thomas D., Lê CL., Gindro K.
Des variétés de plantes fichées par leur profil génétique.
Recherche agronomique en Suisse, 3, (11-12), 2012, 552-555.
Gindro K., Zufferey V.
La physiologie végétale revient au coeur du débat.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 44, (4), 2012, 41-43.
Bréan L. , Marti G. , Zufferey V., Gindro K., Viret O., Wolfender JL.
A comprehensive metabolic study of wine from the Vaud Switzerland vineyard.
In: Congrès GA New York. 27.07.2012, Publ. ACW, Changins. 2012, 1-1.
Spring J.-L., Verdenal T., Zufferey V., Gindro K., Viret O.
Influence du porte-greffe sur le comportement du cépage Cornalin du Valais central.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 44, (5), 2012, 298-307.
Schumpp O., Berger V., Remolif E., Messerli B., Frei P., Monod M. , Wolfender J.-L. , Gindro K.
Nouvelles propriétés antifongiques de plantes exposées aux UV.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 10, (3), 2012, 464-469.
Gindro K., Alonso-Villaverde V. , Voinesco F., Spring J.-L., Viret O.
Sensibilité des grappes au mildiou: nouvelles données microscopiques et biochimiques.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 44, (4), 2012, 226-231.
Gindro K., Zufferey V.
Editorial: La physiologie végétale revient au cœur du débat.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 44, (4), 2012, 213.
Azzollini A., Bertrand S. , Schumpp O., Bohni N., Monod M., Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
MS-Based metabolomics strategy for the screening of new induced metabolites in miniaturized fungal co-cultures.
In: Fall meeting Société Suisse de Chimie. 15.09.2012, Publ. Fall meeting Société Suisse de Chimie, Lausanne. 2012, 1-1.
Gindro K., Berger V., Godard S., Schnee S., Viret O., Alonso-Villaverde V.
Protease inhibitors decrease the resistance of Vitaceae to plasmopara viticola.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 60, 2012, 74-80.
Steimtetz E., Trouvelot S. , Gindro K., Bordier A., Poinssot B., Adrian M. , Daire X.
Influence of leaf age on induced resistance in grapevine against Plamopara viticola.
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 70, 2012, 89-96.
Gindro K.
Fusarium in human and plant pathology: alexins as new antifungal compounds.
In: Internation Congress SSM. 21.06.2012, Publ. Société suisse de microbiologie, St-Gall. 2012, 1-1.
Hofstetter V., Buyck B. , Croll D., Couloux, A, Gindro K.
What if esca disease of grapevine were not a fungal disease ?
Fungal Diversity, 2012.
Schumpp O., Bruderhofer N., Monod M., Wolfender J.-L., Gindro K.
Ultraviolet induction of antifungal activity in plants.
Mycoses, 2012.
Gindro K., Alonso-Villaverde V., Voinesco F., Spring J.-L., Viret O., Dubuis P.-H.
Susceptibility to downy mildew in grape cluster: new microscopical and biochemical insights.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, (52), 2012, 140-146.
Gindro K.
Traubenanfälligkeit auf Falschen Mehltau.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 148, (21), 2011, 15.
Gindro K., Alonso-Villaverde V., Viret O., Spring J.-L., Marti G., Wolfender J.-L., Pezet R.
Stilbenes: biomarkers of grapevine resistance to disease of high.
In: Plant Defence : Biological Control. 2011, Publ. Ramawat et Mérillon, Springer Verlag. 2011, 25-54.
Schumpp O., Bruderhofer N., Gindro K., Wolfender J-L.
Non-host interactions to detect anti-Fusarium substances.
In: . 2011, 1447.
Stefanou O., Bertrand A., Boccard J., Lemonakis N., Marti G., Rudaz S., Kostidis S., Gikas V., Skaltsounis A.-L., Gindro K., Halabalaki M., Wolfender J.-L.
NMR- and UHPLC-MS based metabolomics for the discrimination of different resistant V. vinifera cultivar woods.
In: . 2011, 1391-1392.
Bertrand S., Schumpp O., Bohni N., Monad M., Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
Fungal co-culture as a new source of antifungal metabolites.
Planta, 77, 2011, 812-1234.