Publication List

Publications Sylvain Lerch

Cornelissen G., Briels N., Bucheli T., Estoppey N., Gredelj A., Hagemann N., Lerch S., Lotz S., Rasse D., Schmidt H.-P., Sormo E., Arp H. P. H.
A virtuous cycle of phytoremediation, pyrolysis, and biochar applications toward safe PFAS levels in soil, feed, and food.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 73, (6), 2025, 3283-3285.

Silacci P., Joye C., Dubois S., Inderbitzin J., Perrey B., Lerch S.
Viande bovine suisse: qualité confirmée par l’enquête 2023.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 16, 2025, 1-7.

Silacci P., Morel I., Dubois S., Siegenthaler R., Joye C., Lerch S.
Qualité sensorielle et nutritionnelle de la viande de taurillons croisés nourris avec des régimes intensifs ou semi-intensifs.
In: Rencontres Recherches Ruminants (27e édition). 4 - 5 décembre, Publ. IDELE / INRAE, Paris (FR). 2024, 236.

Tiercin A., Oltramare C., Sallembien Z., Dohme-Meier F., Berthet A., Zennegg M., Vernez D., Lerch S.
Transfert des dioxines depuis le sol vers le lait et la viande de ruminants et évaluation du risque pour la santé humaine.
In: Rencontres Recherches Ruminants (27e édition). 4 - 5 décembre, Publ. IDELE / INRAE, Paris (FR). 2024, 476.

Lindtke D., Lerch S., Morel I., Neuditschko M.
Assessment of genome complementarity in three beef-on-dairy crossbreds reveals sire-specific effects on production traits with comparable rates of genomic inbreeding reduction.
BMC Genomics, 25, 2024, Article 1118.

Le Cozler Y., Xavier C., Meunier B., De La Torre A., Pires J., Bonnet M., Lerch S.
L’imagerie, des mesures de morphologies aux estimations de la composition corporelle des ruminants.
In: 7ème Journées d’Animation Scientifique 2024 du département physiologie animale et systèmes d’élevage de l’INRAE. 5-6 novembre, Publ. INRAE, Poitiers (FR). 2024.

Le Cozler Y., Xavier C., Meunier B., De la Torre A., Pires J., Bonnet M., Lerch S.
L’imagerie : des mesures de morphologies aux estimations de la composition corporelle des ruminants.
In: 7ème Journées d’Animation Scientifique & 20 ans du Département Phase. 5-7 novembre, Publ. INRAE, Poitiers (FR). 2024, 88-89.

Bérard J., Schori F., Reiche A.-M., Lerch S., Tretola M., Mariotte P., Wahl F., Lüscher A., Kay S.
Models of research and implementation for sustainability in animal nutrition.
In: Regional Forum on Innovations to Support Sustainable Livestock Transformation in the Asia and Pacific Region. 13 November, Publ. FAO, Khon Kaen (TH). 2024.

Lautrou M., Lerch S., Mehaba Fedila N.
The 11th ModNut workshop amidst the majestic Swiss Alps.
In: 75th EAAP Annual Meeting. 1 September, Publ. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024.

Oltramare C., Zennegg M., Graille M., Lerch S., Berthet A., Vernez D.
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran contamination of free-range eggs: Estimation of the laying hen's soil ingestion based on a toxicokinetic model, and human consumption recommendations.
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 41, (10), 2024, 1302-1314.

Morel I., Dohme-Meier F., Siegenthaler R., Hayoz B., Xavier C., Lerch S.
Protein self-sufficiency and nitrogen use efficiency in beef-on-dairy crossbred bulls.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 1 September, Publ. EAAP, Firenze. 2024, 821-821.

Michelot-Antalik A., Kergunteuil A., Genty L., Montagne P., Robin C., Tehranchi M., Lerch S.
Ecological restoration combining mowing and competition limits the development of invasive Reynoutria japonica.
Journal of Environmental Management, 366, 2024, 1-12.

Pires J. A. A., Monziols M., Lamberton P., Huau C., De La Torre A., Lerch S.
The use of computed tomography for in vivo estimation of reticulo-rumen and omasum contents in Alpine goats.
JDS Communications, 5, (4), 2024, 283-286.

Lerch S., Siegenthaler R., Numata J., Moenning J.-L., Dohme-Meier F., Zennegg M.
Accumulation rate, depuration kinetics, and tissue distribution of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in suckler ewes (Ovis aries).
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 72, (26), 2024, 14941-14955.

Silacci P., Morel I., Joye C., Dubois S., Lerch S.
Beef-on-dairy crossbreeds' evaluation for high-quality meat production in Switzerland's mountains.
In: 3rd Mountain Livestock Farming Systems Meeting. 5-7 June, Publ. EAAP / VetAgro Sup / INRAE, Clermont-Ferrand (FR). 2024.

Siegenthaler R., Gobet T., Lerch S.
Schätzung des Körperfettgehaltes beim lebenden Mutterschaf.
Forum Kleinwiederkäuer = Petits ruminants, 5, 2024, 13-19.
other Languages: french

Xavier C., Morel I., Siegenthaler R., Dohme-Meier F., Dubois S., Luginbühl T., Le Cozler Y., Lerch S.
Three-dimensional imaging to estimate in vivo body and carcass chemical composition of growing beef-on-dairy crossbred bulls.
Animal, 18, (6), 2024, 1-13.

Tiercin A., Sallembien Z., Vaille A., Lerch S.
Transfer of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in beef meat from Swiss mountainous area: A model-based risk assessment.
In: 3rd Mountain Livestock Farming Systems Meeting. 5-7 June, Publ. EAAP / VetAgro Sup / INRAE, Clermont-Ferrand (FR). 2024, 41.

Xavier C., Morel I., Dohme-Meier F., Siegenthaler R., Le Cozler Y., Lerch S.
Estimation of carcass chemical composition in beef-ondairy cattle using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans of cold half-carcass or 11th rib cut.
Journal of Animal Science, 101, 2023, 1-12.

Vaille A., Lerch S.
Combining quantification of suckling cow exposure and PBTK modelling for risk assessment of beef meat contamination with dioxin-like PCBs.
In: Book of abstracts of Dioxin 2023 - 43rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). 11. September, Publ. Liége University / Antwerp University, Maastricht (NL). 2023, 62.

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