Publication List

Publications Sylvain Lerch

Xavier C., Morel I., Le Cozler Y., Siegenthaler R., Dohme-Meier F., Lerch S.
In vivo 3D imaging to estimate the dynamic of body chemical composition along the growth of crossbred bulls.
In: 7th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (ISEP 2022). 12 September, Grenada, Spain. 2022, 478-479.

Lerch S., Albechaalany J., Driesen C., Ortigues-Marty I., Zennegg M., Sauvant D., Loncke C.
A mechanistic physiologically-based toxicokinetic model of persistent organic pollutants transfer in growing cattle.
In: 7th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (ISEP 2022). 12 September, Grenada, Spain. 2022, 505-506.

Xavier C., Morel I., Le Cozler Y., Siegenthaler R., Dohme-Meier F., Lerch S.
In vivo 3D imaging to estimate the dynamic of body chemical composition along the growth of crossbred bulls.
In: Animal - science proceedings. 12 - 15 September, Publ. 7th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (ISEP 2022), Grenada, Spain. 2022, 478-479.

Louis L., Angeli N., Pires J., Zahariev A., Chery I., Hossann C., Delavaud A., De La Torre A., Lerch S.
Deuterium oxide elimination kinetics for estimation of body water mass and flux: Developments for a thrifty, rapid and non-invasive method in dairy goats.
In: Animal - science proceedings. 12 - 15 September, Publ. 7th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (ISEP 2022), Grenada, Spain. 2022, 473-474.

Lerch S., Albechaalany J., Driesen C., Schmidely P., Ortigues-Marty I., Zennegg M., Sauvant D., Loncke C.
A mechanistic physiologically-based toxicokinetic model of persistent organic pollutants transfer in growing cattle.
In: Animal - science proceedings. 12-15 September, Publ. 7th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (ISEP 2022), Grenada, Spain. 2022, 505-506.

Le Cozler Y., Allain C., Fischer A., Caillot A., Depuille L., Xavier C., Delouard J.M., Delattre L., Luginbuhl T., Lerch S., Lebreton A., Faverdin P.
The use of 3D imaging technology in animal management, with a special emphasis on ruminant production.
In: Practical Precision Livestock Farming - Hands-on experiences with PLF technologies in commercial and R&D settings. Publ. T. Banhazi, V. Halas and F. Maroto-Molina, Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2022, 319-350.

Lerch S., Sirguey C., Michelot-Antalik A., Jurjanz S.
Accumulation of metallic trace elements in Reynoutria japonica: a risk assessment for plant biomass valorization.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 2022.

Louis L., Angeli N., Pires J., Zahariev A., Chery I., Hossann C., Delavaud A., De La Torre A., Lerch S.
Deuterium oxide elimination kinetics for estimation of body water mass and flux: Developments for a thrifty, rapid and non-invasive method in dairy goats.
In: 7th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (ISEP 2022). 12. septembre, Grenada, Spain. 2022.

Driesen C., Zennegg M., Rothacher M., Dubois S., Wyss U., Nowack B., Lerch S.
Transgenerational mass balance and tissue distribution of PCBs and PCDD/ Fs from grass silage and soil into cow-calf continuum.
Chemosphere, 307, 2022, 1-11.

Siegenthaler R., Morel I., Xavier C., Dohme-Meier F., Lerch S.
In vivo Bestimmung der Körperzusammensetzung von gekreuzten Mastrindern mittels Ultraschallmessung.
In: Forum Viande bovine. 15. März, Publ. Agroscope Posieux, Posieux. 2022.

Xavier C., Driesen C., Siegenthaler R., Dohme-Meier F., Le Cozler Y., Lerch S.
Estimation of empty body and carcass chemical composition of lactating and growing cattle: Comparison of imaging, adipose cellularity, and rib dissection methods.
Translational Animal Science, 6, (2), 2022, 1-14.

Pires J., De La Torre A., Huau C., Monziols M., Xavier C., Louis L., Le Cozler Y., Faverdin P., Lamberton P., Constant I., Tourret M., Chery I., Heimo D., Loncke C., Schmidely P. and others
Phénotypage fin de la composition corporelle chez le ruminant : mise au point et calibration de huit méthodes innovantes.
In: Résumés des crédits incitatifs - JAS 2022. 18 mai, Publ. INRAE Département Phase, Poitiers. 2022, 124.

Chaize M., Le Cozler Y., Lerch S., Morel I., Xavier C.
Morphologische Messungen und lineare Beschreibung via 3D-Bildgebung bei Mastrindern – was sind die Perspektiven?
Die Mutterkuh, 22, (1), 2022, 53-59.
other Languages: french

Driesen C., Zennegg M., Siegenthaler R., Rothacher M., Nowack B., Lerch S.
AgroPOP – Transgenerationalen Transfer von PCBS bei Rindern aus Mutterkuhhaltung besser verstehen und eindämmen.
In: Netzwerk Nutztiere 2021. 11 novembre, Publ. IAG, Grangeneuve. 2022, 1.

Morel I., Lerch S., Cantalapiedra-Hijar G., Siegenthaler R., Silacci P., Xavier C., Faivre-Picon R., Dohme-Meier F.
Efficience alimentaire chez les taurillons et résultats préliminaires du projet Regio-Beef.
In: Journée engraissement bovin 2022. 26 janvier, Publ. Proconseil - Swiss Beef, Yverdon. 2022.

Vaille A., Lerch S.
Bewertung des PCB-Kontaminationsrisikos von Mutterkühen.
Die Mutterkuh, 21, (4), 2022, 56-60.
other Languages: french

Driesen C., Lerch S., Siegenthaler R., Silacci P., Hess H.D., Nowack B., Zennegg M.
Accumulation and decontamination kinetics of PCBs and PCDD/Fs from grass silage and soil in a transgenerational cow-calf setting.
Chemosphere, 296, (June), 2022, 1-11.

Xavier C., Morel I., Siegenthaler R., Dougoud B., Mermoud P., Le Cozler Y., Lerch S.
Estimation de la composition de la carcasse du bovin à l’engraissement par absorptiométrie biphotonique à rayons X (DXA) de la demi-carcasse ou de la 11ème côte.
In: Netzwerk Nutztiere 2021. 11. novembre, Publ. IAG, Grangeneuve - IAG. 2022.

Driesen C., Zennegg M., Siegenthaler R., Rothacher M., Nowack B., Lerch S.
AgroPOP – Transgenerationalen transfer von pcbs bei rindern aus mutterkuhhaltung besser verstehen und eindämmen.
In: Netzwerk Nutztiere 2021. 11. novembre, Publ. IAG, Grangeneuve - IAG. 2022, 1-14.

Driesen C., Zennegg M., Lerch S.
AgroPOP – Transfert intergénérationnel de polluants de sources diffuses chez les bovins.
In: RMT Al'Chimie Réunion GT4. 10. novembre, Publ. ACTA, En ligne. 2021, 1-25.

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