Publication List

Publications Thomas Guillaume

Widmer A., Bulas T. M., Metzger K., Guillaume T., Fabian Y., Wüst C., Keller T., Hohl S., Looser F., Füglisthaler D.
Paddy rice production in Switzerland in 2022 and 2023.
Agroscope and Bern University of Applied Sciences. January, 2025, 50 pp.
other Languages: german | french

Yan Z., Xu Y., Chu J., Guillaume T., Bragazza L., Li H., Shen Y., Yang Y., Zeng Z., Zang H.
Long-term diversified cropping promotes wheat yield and sustainability across contrasting climates: Evidence from China and Switzerland.
Field Crops Research, 322, 2025, Article 109764.

Luo B., Zhou J., Yao W., Wang Y., Guillaume T., Yuan M., Han D., Bilyera N., Wang L., Zhao L., Yang Y., Zeng Z., Zang H.
Maize and soybean rotation benefits soil quality and organic carbon stock.
Journal of Environmental Management, 372, 2024, Article 123352.

Heller O., ten Damme L., D'Hose T., Arrázola-Vásquez E. M., Böning K., Bragazza L., Bürge D. A., Ding F., Euteneuer P., Goberna M., Guillaume T., Fér M., Ghiasi S., Jarvis N., Jørgensen P. and others
Dataset of physical, biological and chemical soil properties from 10 European long-term experiments.
SoilX. 1, 2024.

Zhou J., Bilyera N., Guillaume T., Yang H., Li F.-M., Shi L.
Microbial necromass and glycoproteins for determining soil carbon formation under arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis.
Science of the Total Environment, 955, 2024, Article 176732.

Zhou J., Liu Y., Liu C., Zamanian K., Feng W., Steiner S., Shi L., Guillaume T., Kumar A.
Necromass responses to warming: A faster microbial turnover in favor of soil carbon stabilisation.
Science of the Total Environment, 954, 2024, Article 176651.

Keel S., Ammann C., Bretscher D., Gross T., Guillaume T., Huguenin-Elie O., Moll J., Nemecek T., Roesch A., Volk M., Wüst C., Leifeld J.
Dauergrünlandböden der Schweiz: Quelle oder Senke von Kohlendioxid?
Agroscope Science, 189, 2024.

Bragazza L., Guillaume T., Elfouki S., Grosjean Y., Fontana M.
Integrating annual crops and short rotation coppice for on-farm production of ramial wood chips – A new agroforestry trial at Agroscope.
In: 7th European Agroforestry Conference. 27. May, Publ. EURAF | 2024, Brno (CZ). 2024, 1.

Metzger K., Liebisch F., Herrera J. M., Guillaume T., Bragazza L.
Prediction accuracy of soil chemical parameters by field- and laboratory-obtained vis-NIR spectra after external parameter orthogonalization.
Sensors, 24, (11), 2024, 1-17.

Johannes A., Guillaume T.
Wie interpretiert man den Humusgehalt in landwirtschaftlichen Böden?
In: Jahrestagung der BGS, SGP, SGPW 2024. 21. Mai, Zollikofen, HAFL (CH). 2024.

Batamack Nkoué B., Essono D. M., Guillaume T., Njila Nana E. N., Angoni H., Fobane J. L., Mala A. W.
Potentiel floristique du sous-bois des agrosystèmes à Elaeis guineensis Jacq. en zone équatoriale (Ngwei, Cameroun).
VertigO, 21 mars, 2024, 1-30.

Heller O., Schittli D., Bragazza L., Ghiasi S., Guillaume T., van der Heijden M., Köstel J. K., Mayer J., Wittwer R., Keller T.
Can we manage soil structure for improved resistance against droughts and extreme rainfall events?: Preliminary results from the SoilX Project.
In: BGS Tagung 2024. 21 March, Zollikofen. 2024, 1.

Metzger K., Liebisch F., Herrera J. M., Guillaume T., Walder F., Bragazza L.
The use of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for in-situ characterization of agricultural soil fertility: A proposition of best practice by comparing scanning positions and spectrometers.
Soil Use and Management, 40, (1), 2024, 1-13.

Neuweiler R., Huguenin-Elie O., Schöneberg T., Guillaume T., Liebisch F.
Nmin-Methode für die Düngebedarfsermittlung.
Agroscope. Merkblatt Nr. 194, 2023, 4 pp.
other Languages: french | italian

Guillaume T., Carlen C., Gilgen A., Liebisch F.
Düngebedarfsermittlung nach korrigierten Normen.
Agroscope. Merkblatt Nr. 201, 2023, 4 pp.
other Languages: french | italian

Guillaume T., Steiner S., Grand S., Banfield C., Perego A., Oberson A., Leifeld J., Bragazza L., Keiluweit M.
Gérer la stabilisation de la matière organique du sol par la fertilisation raisonnée : Le projet MaCaN.
In: 16ème Rencontres de la fertilisation raisonnée et de l'analyse. 21 novembre, Tours. 2023.

Fontana M., Elfouki S., Bragazza L., Guillaume T., Carlen C., Sinaj S.
Piste pour recycler le phosphite de calcium en engrais phosphaté.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 14, 2023, 141-149.

Fontana M., Johannes A., Zaccone C., Weisskopf P., Guillaume T., Bragazza L., Elfouki S., Charles R., Sinaj S.
Improving crop nutrition, soil carbon storage and soil physical fertility using ramial wood chips.
Environmental Technology & Innovation, 31, 2023, 1-14.

Rodríguez-Chueca J., Giannakis S., Senyuz T., Decker J., Oulego P., Bensimon M., Guillaume T., Pulgarín C.
Sunshine and a pinch of tropical soils: A natural, low-cost photo-Fenton variation for safer water, assisted by H2O2 or percabonate.
Separation and Purification Technology, 321, 2023.

Essono D. M., Nkoué B. B., Voundi E., Kono L., Verrecchia E., Gahzoul J., Mala A. W., Buttler A., Guillaume T.
Nutrient availability challenges the sustainability of low-input oil palm farming systems.
Farming Systems, 1, (1), 2023, 1-8.

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