Girard M., Pradervand N., Silacci P., Dubois S., Bee G.
Chestnut extract seems to modify intestinal bacterial population in the jejunum of piglets: preliminary results.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Publ. EAAP, Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2018, 565.
Girard M., Thanner S., Pradervand N., Hu D., Ollagnier C., Bee G.
Hydrolysable chestnut tannins for reduction of postweaning diarrhea: Efficacy on an experimental ETEC F4 model.
PLOS ONE, 13, (5), 2018, 1-15.
Girard M., Grosse Brinkhaus A., Bee G., Battacone G., Nudda A., Dohme-Meier F.
Increasing sainfoin proportion in dairy cows diets modifies fatty acid profile in milk.
In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology. Volume 27, 2018, Publ. Society of Nutrition Physiology, DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 2018, 185-185.
Girard M., Dohme-Meier F., Ampuero S., Grosse Brinkhaus A., Arrigo Y., Wyss U., Bee G.
Modification of the proportion of extractable and bound condensed tannins in birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and sainfoin (Onobrychis viicifolia) during wilting, ensiling and pelleting processes.
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 34, (1), 2018, 1-19.
Girard M., Pradervand N., Silacci P., Bee G.
Supplementation of chestnut extract reduces severity of post-weaning diarrhoea in artificially infected piglets.
In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology: 72nd Conference. 13th- 15th March, Publ. Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie, DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 2018, 111.
Grosse Brinkhaus A., Bee G., Schwarm A., Kreuzer M., Dohme-Meier F., Zeitz J.O.
Rumen microbial protein synthesis and nitrogen efficiency as affected by tanniferous and non-tanniferous forage legumes incubated individually or together in Rumen Simulation Technique.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98, 2018, 1712-1718.
Madsen J.G, Müller S., Kreuzer M., Bigler, M. B., Silacci P., Bee G.
Milk replacers supplemented with either L-arginine or L-carnitine potentially improve muscle maturation of early reared low birth weight piglets from hyperprolific sows.
Animal, 12, (1), 2018, 43-53.
Madsen J.G., Seoni E., Kreuzer M., Silacci P., Bee G.
Influence of L‐carnitine and L‐arginine on protein synthesis and maturation of the semitendinosus muscle of lightweight piglets.
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 102, (2), 2018, 440-451.
Bee G., Ollagnier C.
Absetzdurchfall: besser verstehen, um besser zu behandeln.
In: Schweinfachtagung. 17.01.2018, institut agriscole de grangeneuve. 2018.
Bee G., Girard M.
Tannine als Alternativen zu Antibiotika gegen E. coli - bedingten Durchfälle bei Absetzferkeln.
In: Schweinefachtagung. 17.01.2018, Grangeneuve. 2018, 1-16.
other Languages:
Ruiz-Ascacibar I., Stoll P., Kreuzer M., Boillat V., Spring P., Bee G.
Impact of amino acid and CP restriction from 20 to 140 kg BW on performance and dynamics in empty body protein and lipid deposition of entire male, castrated and female pigs: Protein restriction and empty body composition.
Animal, 11, (3), 2017, 394-404.
Heller O., Stephan R., Thanner S., Hässig M., Bee G., Gutzwiller A., Sidler X.
Effect of antimicrobials administered via liquid feed on the occurrence of sulphonamide and trimethoprim resistant Enterobacteriaceae: case-control study.
Porcine Health Management, 3, (1), 2017, 1-8.
Madsen J. G., Müller S., Kreuzer M., Bigler M. B., Silacci P., Bee G.
Milk replacers supplemented with either L-arginine or L-carnitine potentially improve muscle maturation of early reared low birth weight piglets from hyperprolific sows.
Animal, online, (June 23), 2017, 1-11.
Madsen J. G., Pardo C., Kreuzer M., Bee G.
Impact of dietary L-arginine supply during early gestation on myofiber development in newborn pigs exposed to intra-uterine crowding.
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, online, (1 July), 2017, 1-12.
Madsen J. G., Seoni E., Kreuzer M., Silacci P., Bee G.
Influence of L-carnitine and L-arginine on protein synthesis and maturation of the semitendinosus muscle of lightweight piglets.
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, online, (3 August), 2017, 1-12.
Grosse Brinkhaus A., Bee G., Silacci P., Kreuzer M., Dohme-Meier F.
Feeding of sainfoin affects nitrogen turn over and alters milk fatty acid profile of dairy cows.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 29, 2017, 14.
Seoni E., Rothacher M., Dubois S., Battacone G., Dohme-Meier F., Bee G.
Effect of Birdsfoot trefoil and dietary protein level on growth performance and fatty acid composition of the intramuscular fat of lamb loins.
In: 71st Conference. 14th -16th March, Publ. Society of Nutritional Physiology, Göttingen. 2017, 103.
Grosse Brinkhaus A., Wyss U., Arrigo Y., Girard M., Bee G., Zeitz J.O., Kreuzer M., Dohme-Meier F.
In vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics and utilisable CP supply of sainfoin and birdsfoot trefoil silages and their mixtures with other legumes.
Animal, 11, (4), 2017, 580-590.
Grosse Brinkhaus A., Bee G., Dohme-Meier F., Kreuzer M., Zeitz J.O.
Impact of silages with bioactive compounds on ruminal fermentation and microbial protein synthesis.
In: Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition. EAAP Scientific Series, Volume 137. Publ. Jacek Skomiał and Hélène Lapierre, Krakow, Poland. 2016, 311-312.
Madsen J. G., Kreuzer M., Bee G.
Does early artificial rearing and milk replacer supplementation with L-carnitine and L-arginine affect post-weaning growth of pigs?
ETH Schriftenreihe zur Tierernährung, 39, 2016, 119-121.