Hassouna M., Estelles F., Schrade S.
How to define the quality of measured emission values?
In: 8th International Greenhouse Gas & Animal Agriculture Conference (GGAA). 5. - 9. Juni, Publ. University of Florida, Orlando, USA. 2022.
Lazzari G., Zähner M., Münger A., Dohme-Meier F., Kreuzer M., Schrade S.
Comparing the Green Feed system with the tracer ration method using sainfoin as methane mitigation model.
In: 8th International Greenhouse Gas & Animal Agriculture Conference. 5 - 9 June, Orlando (USA). 2022.
Schrade S., Zeyer K., Mohn J., Zähner M.
NH3 and CH4 emissions from a naturally ventilated dairy housing: comparison of solid and perforated floors.
In: . Publ. Association of Applied Biologists, Edinburgh GB. 2022, 33-34.
Hempel S., Janke D., Losand B., Zeyer K., Zähner M., Mohn J., Amon T., Schrade S.
Comparison of methane emission patterns from dairy housings with solid and slatted floors at two locations.
Agronomy, 12, (2), 2022, 1-23.
Keck M., Keller M., Schrade S.
Odour concentration of various emitting area sources from cattle farms.
In: IWA2021 Conference. 26-27 October, Publ. Olores, Bilbao (ES). 2021, 1-6.
Zähner M., Schrade S., Kupper T., Jenni S.
Massnahmen zur Minderung von Ammoniak aus der Milchviehhaltung.
Thurgauer Bauer, (25), 2021, 14-15.
Zähner M., Schrade S.
Positiv für Tier und Umwelt.
UFA-Revue, 3, 2021, 52-53.
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Zähner M., Schrade S.
Befeuchtung reduziert Schmierschichten.
UFA-Revue, 1, 2021, 54-55.
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Keck M., Schrade S.
Optimierte Fahnenbegehungen zur Ermittlung von Geruch aus der Tierhaltung.
In: Gerüche in der Umwelt 2021. 24.-25. November, Publ. VDI Wissensforum GmbH, Wiesbaden. 2021, 219-224.
Keck M., Schrade S.
Optimierte Fahnenbegehungen zur Ermittlung von Geruch aus der Tierhaltung.
In: 9. VDI-Fachtagung Gerüche in der Umwelt 2021. 24. November, Publ. VDI Wissensforum GmbH, VDI Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. 2021, 1.
Keck M., Keller M., Schrade S.
Odour concentration of various emitting area sources from cattle farms.
In: 9th IWA Odour & VOC/Air Emission Conference. 26 October, Publ. IWA, the international water association; Olores.org, Bilbao (ES). 2021, 1-12.
Zähner M., Zeyer K., Mohn J., Schrade S.
Massnahmen zur Minderung von Ammoniakemissionen aus Laufställen von Milchkühen.
In: Baufachtagung Kanton Thurgau. 10.09., Publ. Kanton Thurgau, Arenenberg, Arenenberg. 2021, 1-31.
Steger D., Schrade S., Zähner M., Hill M., Zeyer K., Reimann S., Dohme-Meier F., Mohn J.
NMVOC, CH4 and NH3 emissions of different silage-based diets for dairy cows at herd level.
In: SCS Fall Meeting. 10.9., Publ. Swiss Chemical Society, online. 2021, 1.
Decker A., Zähner M., Dohme-Meier F., Böttger C., Münger A., Heimo D., Schrade S.
Optimising protein feeding with the help of milk urea content.
Agroscope, Bern. 6. Oktober, 2021, 3 pp.
other Languages:
Decker A., Zähner M., Dohme-Meier F., Böttger C., Münger A., Heimo D., Schrade S.
Milchharnstoffgehalt: Was sagt er über die Stickstoffausscheidungen aus?
Agrarforschung Schweiz, (12), 2021, 137-145.
Lazzari G., Münger A., Eggerschwiler L., Zähner M., Schrade S., Dohme-Meier F.
Silage type and Acacia mearnsii supplementation influence nitrogen metabolism of dairy cows and ammonia released from their excreta.
Lazzari G., Camarinha Silva A., Seifert J., Schrade S., Dohme-Meier F.
Silage type but not Acacia supplementation influences rumen microbiota of dairy cows.
In: EAAP 2021. 02.09., Davos - EAAP. 2021.
Schrade S., Zeyer K., Hildebrandt F., Mohn J., Zähner M.
Towards dairy housings providing animal welfare and reduced ammonia emissions.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 72th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 30 August - 3 September, Publ. European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2021, 500.
Lazzari G., Münger A., Eggerschwiler L., Zähner M., Kreuzer M., Schrade S., Dohme-Meier F.
Silage type and Acacia mearnsii supplementation influence nitrogen metabolism of dairy cows and ammonia released from their excreta.
In: EAAP 2021. 01.09., Davos - EAAP. 2021.
Lazzari G., Münger A., Eggerschwiler L., Zähner M., Kreuzer M., Schrade S., Dohme-Meier F.
Effect of acacia mearnsii supplementation in forage-based diets on dairy cows ruminal methane emissions measured by the greenfeed.
In: Proceedings of EurAgEng 2021 "New Challenges for Agricultural Engineering towards a Digital World". July, Publ. University of Evora, Evora. 2021, 180.