Voglmeier K., Jocher M., Häni C., Ammann C.
Ammonia emission measurements of an intensively grazed pasture.
Biogeosciences, 15, 2018, 4593-4608.
Huguenin-Elie O., Nyfeler D., Ammann C., Latsch A. J., Richner W.
Einfluss der Gülleapplikationstechnik auf Ertrag und Stickstoffflüsse im Grasland.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 9, (7-8), 2018, 236-247.
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Bretscher D., Ammann C.
Treibhausgasemissionen aus der schweizerischen Nutztierhaltung; wie stark belasten unsere Kühe das Klima?
ETH Schriftenreihe zur Tierernährung, 40, 2017, 1-12.
Felber R., Bretscher D., Münger A., Neftel A., Ammann C.
Determination of the carbon budget of a pasture: effect of system boundaries and flux uncertainties.
Biogeosciences, 13, (10), 2016, 2959-2969.
Felber R., Neftel A., Ammann C.
Discerning the cows from the pasture: Quantifying and partitioning the NEE of a grazed pasture using animal position data.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 216, 2016, 37-47.
Wohlfahrt G., Amelynck C., Ammann C., Arneth A., Bamberger I., Goldstein A. H., Gu L., Guenther A., Hansel A., Heinesch B., Holst T., Hörtnagl L., Karl T., Laffineur Q., Neftel A. and others
An ecosystem-scale perspective of the net land methanol flux: synthesis of micrometeorological flux measurements.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, (13), 2015, 7413-7427.
Xia J., Niu S., Ciais P., Janssens I. A., Chen J., Ammann C., Arain A., Blanken P. D., Cescatti A., Bonal D., Buchmann N., Curtis P. S., Chen S., Dong J., Flanagan L. B. and others
Joint control of terrestrial gross primary productivity by plant phenology and physiology.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, (9), 2015, 2788-2793.
Theobald M., Loubet B., Ammann C., Branislava L., Chojnicki B., Ganzeveld L., Grosz B., Kaasik M., Noe S., Olejnik J., Rinne J., Shapkalijevski M., Simpson D., Tchepel O., Tuovinen J.-P. and others
In-canopy turbulence—State of the art and potential improvements.
In: Review and Integration of Biosphere-Atmosphere Modelling of Reactive Trace Gases and Volatile Aerosols. Publ. R. S. Massad, & B. Loubet, Éditions Quæ, Versailles FRA. 2015, 215-223.
Ganzeveld L., Ammann C., Loubet B.
Modelling atmosphere-biosphere exchange of ozone and nitrogen oxides.
In: Review and Integration of Biosphere-Atmosphere Modelling of Reactive Trace Gases and Volatile Aerosols. Publ. R. S. Massad, & B. Loubet, Éditions Quæ, Versailles FRA. 2015, 85-105.
Langford B., Acton W., Ammann C., Valach A., Nemitz E.
Eddy-covariance data with low signal-to-noise ratio: time-lag determination, uncertainties and limit of detection.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8, (10), 2015, 4197-4213.
Damm A., Guanter L., Paul-Limoges E., van der Tol C., Hueni A., Buchmann N., Eugster W., Ammann C., Schaepman M. E.
Far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence shows ecosystem-specific relationships to gross primary production: An assessment based on observational and modeling approaches.
Remote Sensing of Environment, 166, 2015, 91-105.
Wild M., Folini D., Hakuba M. Z., Schär C., Seneviratne S. I., Kato S., Rutan D., Ammann C., Wood E. F., König-Langlo G.
The energy balance over land and oceans: an assessment based on direct observations and CMIP5 climate models.
Climate Dynamics, 44, (11), 2015, 3393-3429.
Plake D., Stella P., Moravek A., Mayer J. C., Ammann C., Held A., Trebs I.
Comparison of ozone deposition measured with the dynamic chamber and the eddy covariance method.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 206, 2015, 97-112.
Felber R., Münger A., Neftel A., Ammann C.
Eddy covariance methane flux measurements over a grazed pasture: effect of cows as moving point sources.
Biogeosciences, 12, (12), 2015, 3925-3940.
Tang X., Li H., Desai A. R., Nagy Z., Luo J., Kolb T. E., Olioso A., Xu X., Yao L., Kutsch W., Pilegaard K., Köstner B., Ammann C.
How is water-use efficiency of terrestrial ecosystems distributed and changing on Earth?
Scientific Reports, 4, 2014, Article number 7483.
Volk M., Wolff V., Bassin S., Ammann C., Fuhrer J.
High tolerance of subalpine grassland to long-term ozone exposure is independent of N input and climatic drivers.
Environmental Pollution, 189, 2014, 161-168.
Brümmer C., Marx O., Kutsch W., Ammann C., Wolff V., Flechard C. R., Freibauer A.
Fluxes of total reactive atmospheric nitrogen (ΣN r ) using eddy covariance above arable land.
Tellus. Serie B, Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 65, 2013, 1-19.
Wolf S., Eugster W., Ammann C., Häni M., Zielis S., Hiller R., Stieger J., Imer D., Merbold L., Buchmann N.
Contrasting response of grassland versus forest carbon and water fluxes to spring drought in Switzerland.
Environmental Research Letters, 8, (3), 2013, 1-12.
Felber R., Ammann C.
Position monitoring of grazing cows for greenhouse gas emission measurements on pastures by micrometeorological methods: Proceedings of 5th Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture Conference.
Advances in Animal Biosciences, 4, (2), 2013, 468.
Ammann C., Leifeld J., Jocher M., Neftel A., Fuhrer J.
Effect of grassland renovation on the greenhouse gas budget of an intensive forage production system: Proceedings of 5th Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture.
Advances in Animal Biosciences, 4, (2), 2013, 284.