Salzmann, N., Huggel, C., Calanca P., Diaz, A., Jonas, T., Jurt, C., Konzelmann, T., Lagos, P., Rohrer, M., Silverio, W., Zappa, M.
Integrated assessment and adaptation to climate change impacts in the Peruvian Andes.
Advances in Geosciences, 22, 2009, 35-39.
Lazzarotto P., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
Dynamics of grass-clover mixtures. An analysis of the response to management with the PROductive GRASsland Simulator (PROGRASS).
Ecological Modelling, 220, (5), 2009, 703-724.
Simone Orlandini, Pavol Nejedlik, Josef Eitzinger, Vesselin Alexandrov, Leonidas Toulios, Pierluigi Calanca, Miroslav Trnka, Jørgen E. Olesenh
Impacts of climate change and variability on European agriculture. Results of inventory analysis in COST 734 countries.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1146, 2009, 338-353.
Daniele Simone Torriani, Pierluigi Calanca, Martin Beniston, Jürg Fuhrer
Hedging with weather derivatives to cope with climate variability and change in grain maize production.
Agricultural Finance Review, 68, (1), 2008, 67-81.
Markus Lips, Robert Finger, Pierluigi Calanca
Potenzielle Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Risiko und Kosten der Weizenernte.
David Bolius, Pierluigi Calanca, Andreas Weigel, Mark A. Liniger
Anwendungen von langfristigen Wetterprognosen in der Landwirtschaft.
Pierluigi Calanca
Auch bei uns ändert sich das Klima, aber wie?
Pierluigi Calanca, Nicolas Vuichard, C. Campbell, Nicolas Viovy, A. Cozic, Jürg Fuhrer, J.- F. Soussana
Simulating the fluxes of CO2 and NO2 in European grasslands with the Pasture Simulation Model (PaSim).
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 121, 2007, 164-174.
Pierluigi Calanca
Climate change and drought occurrence in the Alpine region. How severe are becoming the extremes?
Global and Planetary Chance, 57, 2007, 151-160.
Daniele Simone Torriani, Pierluigi Calanca, Stéphanie Schmid, Martin Beniston, Jürg Fuhrer
Potential effects of changes in mean climate and climate variability on the yield of winter and spring crops in Switzerland.
Climate Research, 34, 2007, 59-69.
Daniele Simone Torriani, Pierluigi Calanca, Markus Lips, Helmut Ammann, Martin Beniston, Jürg Fuhrer
Regional assessment of climate change impacts on maize productivity and associated production risk in Switzerland.
Regional Environmental Change, 7, 2007, 209-221.
Nicolas Vuichard, Jean-François Soussana, Philippe Ciais, Nicolas Viovy, Christof Ammann, Pierluigi Calanca, John Clifton-Brown, Jürg Fuhrer, Mike Jones, Cécil Martin
Estimating the greenhouse gas fluxes of European grasslands with a process-based model. 1. Model evaluation from in situ measurements.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, 2007, 1-14.
Nicolas Vuichard, Philippe Ciais, Nicolas Viovy, Pierluigi Calanca, Jean-François Soussana
Estimating the greenhouse gas fluxes of European grasslands with a process-based model. 2. Simulations at the continental level.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, 2007, 1-13.
Fuhrer, J., Calanca, P., Defila, C., Forrer, H.-R., Lehmann, B., Luder, W., Müller-Ferch, G., Münger, A., Sonnevelt, M., Uebersax, A.
Klimaänderung und die Schweiz 2050, Bern, 2007, 41-53.
Pierluigi Calanca
Klimawandel wird die Landwirtschaft ändern. Dossier Klimawandel.
Schweizer Bauer, 15.07.2006, 2006, 15-0.
Pierluigi Calanca
Klimawandel: gestern, heute und morgen. Dossier Klimawandel.
Schweizer Bauer, 15.07.2006, 2006, 15-0.
Pierluigi Calanca, Andreas Roesch, Karsten Jasper, Martin Wild
Global warming and the summertime evapotranspiration regime of the Alpine region.
Climatic Change, 79, 2006, 65-78.
Sibylle Dueri, Pierluigi Calanca, Jürg Fuhrer
Climate change affects farm nitrogen loss. A Swiss case study with a dynamic farm model.
Agricultural Systems, 93, 2006, 191-214.
Karsten Jasper, Pierluigi Calanca, Jürg Fuhrer
Changes in summertime soil water patterns in complex terrain due to climatic change.
Journal of Hydrology, 327, 2006, 550-563.
Delphine Lawton, Paul Leahy, Ger Kiely, Kenneth A. Byrne, Pierluigi Calanca
Modeling of net ecosystem exchange and its components for a humid grassland ecosystem.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, 2006, 8-0.