Engel P., Kwong W. K., McFrederick Q., Anderson K. E., Barribeau S. M., Chandler J. A., Cornman R. S., Dainat J., de Miranda J. R., Doublet V., Emery O., Evans J. D., Farinelli L., Flenniken M. L., Granberg F., Grasis J. A., Gauthier L., Hayer J., Koch H., Kocher S., Martinson V. G., Moran N., Munoz-Torres M., Newton I., Paxton R. J., Powell E., Sadd B. M., Schmid-Hempel P., Schmid-Hempel R., Song S. J., Schwarz R. S., vanEngelsdorp D., Dainat B.

The bee microbiome: Impact on bee health and model for evolution and ecology of host-microbe interactions.

mBio, 7, (2), 2016, e02164-15.

Lien: American Society for Microbiology

ISSN Print 2150-7511
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.1128/mBio.02164-15
ID publication (Code web): 35513 Envoyer par e-mail

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