Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax are quarantine plant-parasitic nematodes that pose a significant threat to Swiss agriculture, because of their wide range of host plants, their presence in Switzerland and their acclimation to temperate climates. Several steps were taken in this work to help reduce the weight these pathogens bear on Switzerland, including race identification experiments to further characterize the Swiss population of M. chitwoodi, phylogenetic analyses comparing the newly sequenced Swiss populations to other already known populations, and resistance tests to identify plant cultivars to potentially recommend farmers that have these dangerous pests in their field.
Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax in Switzerland: Distribution, population differences and resistant plants.
Dans: Annual PhD meeting "Life After a PhD", 27-28 June, Natural History Museum of Neuchâtel. 27 June, Ed. Neuchâtel University, Neuchâtel (CH). 2024.
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