The arrival of the Japanese Beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, in continental Europe has sparked new interest in this well-known invasive species, and initiated international collaboration for its control, not only within Europe but also across the Atlantic. A session dedicated to this invasive pest at the International Congress of Entomology in Helsinki in 2022 enabled exchange between leading Popillia experts from the US and Canada and scientists involved in the containment of the Japanese Beetle in Europe. The most important work presented during this session is compiled in the presented e-book, along with other research updates regarding the biology, ecology and management of P. japonica, which was not included in previous reviews about this pest
Grabenweger G., Torrini G., Hutchison W. D.
Editorial: Focus on Popillia japonica: New research for IPM of the Japanese beetle.
Frontiers in Insect Science, 4, 2025.
Téléchargement anglais (262 kB)
ISSN Print 2673-8600
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
ID publication (Code web): 58784
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