Schneider M. K., Pauler C., Alföldi T., WIllems H., Werder C., Mettler D.
Communicating knowledge on grassland management using videos and the internet.
Grassland Science in Europe, 27, 2022, 844-846.
Pauler C., Schneider M. K.
Robust cattle valorise ecosystem services of marginal grassland.
Grassland Science in Europe, 27, 2022, 244-246.
Pauler C., Zehnder T., Staudinger M., Lüscher A., Kreuzer M., Bérard J., Schneider M. K.
Thinning the thickets: Foraging of hardy cattle, sheep and goats in green alder shrubs.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 59, (5), 2022, 1394-1405.
Schneider M. K., Pauler C., Bérard J.
Animal-carried sensors in mountain livestock science: opportunities and challenges.
Dans: 1st Joint Meeting of EAAP Mountain Livestock Farming & FAO-CIHEAM Mountain Pastures. 7-9 June, Ed. EAAP, virtual. 2021, 38.
Pauler C., Bernués A., Cozzi G., Gauly M., Holand Ø., Zanon T., Schneider M. K.
Opinion: A new research approach is needed to secure viable mountain livestock (eco-)systems.
Dans: 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 30 August - 3 September, Ed. EAAP, Davos. 2021, 236.
Pauler C., Schneider M. K.
A vache rustique, pâturage divers: la race bovine influence la diversité floristique.
Magazine «agroscope», Mars, 2021, 20-21.
autres langues:
Pauler C., Schneider M. K.
Grazing with robust cattle breeds: An opportunity to sustainably use mountain grassland.
Dans: 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 30 August - 3 September, Ed. EAAP, Davos. 2021, 234.
Pauler C., Isselstein J., Bérard J., Braunbeck T., Schneider M. K.
Choosy grazers and plant communities – Interactions between cattle breeds and vegetation in semi-natural pastures.
Dans: International Grassland Congress Proceedings. 25 October, Ed. Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, Nairobi. 2021, 1-4.
Schneider M. K., Zehnder T., Bérard J., Pauler C., Staudinger M., Kreuzer M., Lüscher A.
Counteracting green alder shrub expansion by low-input grazing.
Dans: International Grassland Congress Proceedings. 25.9., Ed. Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, Nairobi. 2021, 1-4.
Pauler C., Schneider M. K.
Lifting the secrets of pastures: Overview of animal-borne sensors to uncover processes unobserved by classical grassland research.
Dans: 21st Symposium of the European Grassland Federation. 17-19 May, Ed. EGF. 2021, 153-155.
Pauler C., Schneider M. K.
Lifting the secrets of pastures: Animal-borne sensors uncover processes unobserved by classical grassland research.
Dans: 21st Symposium of the European Grassland Federation EGF. 18.05.2021, online, Universität Kassel. 2021.
Pauler C., Schneider M. K.
Le choix de la race influence la flore des pâturages.
La vache mère, 1, 2021, 76-79.
autres langues:
Pauler C.
Anatomical and behavioural differences among cattle breeds and their impact on pasture vegetation: Dissertation.
C. M. Pauler, Reckenholz. 24 July, 2020, 120 pp.
Pauler C., Isselstein J., Bérard J., Schneider M. K.
Cattle breed – an underestimated driver of mountain pasture management.
Dans: 1st Joint meeting EAAP Mountain Livestock Farming & FAO-CIHEAM Mountain Pasture. 28-30 September, Ed. University of Ljubljana, Bled. 2020, 1.
Pauler C., Isselstein J., Bérard J., Braunbeck T., Schneider M. K.
Græsningsallometri: Anatomi, bevægelse og ædeadfærd for tre kvægracer med forskellig produktivitet.
Highland Nyt, 3, 2020, 18-25.
Pauler C., Schneider M. K.
Nicht alle Rinder fressen gleich: Einfluss der Rasse auf die Weidevegetation.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 11, 2020, 244-251.
Zehnder T., Lüscher A., Ritzmann C., Pauler C., Bérard J., Kreuzer M., Schneider M. K.
Dominant shrub species are a strong predictor of plant species diversity along subalpine pasture-shrub transects.
Alpine Botany, 130, 2020, 141-156.
Pauler C.
Hochlandrinder unter der Lupe: Ein Bericht aus der Forschung. Newsletter Highland Cattle Society Switzerland 2/2020.
Highland Cattle Society Switzerland Newsletter, 1, 2020, 1-2.
Pauler C.
Hochlandrinder unter der Lupe: Ein Bericht aus der Forschung.
Highland Cattle: Journal der Hochlandrinder-Züchter in Deutschland, 2020, 101-103.
Pauler C., Isselstein J., Suter M., Bérard J., Braunbeck T., Schneider M. K.
Selektive græssere.
Highland Nyt, 2, 2020, 13-22.