Liste de publications

Publications Laura Stefan

Stefan L., Strebel S., Camp K.-H., Christinat S., Fossati D., Städeli C., Levy Häner L.
Multi-trait assessment of wheat variety mixtures performance and stability: Mixtures for the win!
European Journal of Agronomy, 164, 2025, Article 127504.

Stefan L., Sanchez-Martin J., Kurth T., Keller B., Herren G., Krattinger S. G., Strebel S., Ampuero S., Camp K.-H., Levy Häner L.
A genotype–phenotype approach to discriminate central European spelt landraces from modern wheat-spelt intercrosses in the Swiss context.
Euphytica, 220, (143), 2024, 1-16.

Stefan L., Fossati D., Camp K.-H., Pellet D., Foiada F., Levy Häner L.
Asynchrony is more important than genetic distance in driving yield stability in wheat variety mixtures.
Crop Science, 64, (1), 2024, 455-469.

Schöb C., Engbersen N., Lopez-Angulo J., Schmutz A., Stefan L.
Crop Diversity Experiment: Towards a mechanistic understanding of the benefits of species diversity in annual crop systems.
Journal of Plant Ecology, 16, (6), 2023, Article rtad016.

Levy Häner L., Strebel S., Herrera J. M., Burton A., Vuille-dit-Bille N., Stefan L., Pellet D.
Mögliche Auswirkungen der Absenkpfade auf den Ertrag und die Qualität von Schweizer Weizen.
Getreide, Mehl und Brot, 1, 2023, 20-22.

López-Angulo L., Stefan L., Engbersen N., Schöb C.
Ecological and evolutionary effects of crop diversity decrease yield variability.
Journal of Ecology, 111, (6), 2023, 1242-1253.

Levy Häner L., Strebel S., Stefan L., Burton A., Herrera J. M., Vuille-dit-Bille N., Schaad N., Pellet D.
Répercussions possibles de la trajectoire de réduction sur le rendement et la qualité du blé Suisse.
Dans: Journée de la qualité 2022. 22 novembre, Ed. Swiss granum, Bern. 2022.
autres langues: allemand

Stefan L., Engbersen N., Schöb C.
Rapid transgenerational adaptation in response to intercropping reduces competition.
ELife, 13, (11), 2022, 1-53.

Stefan L.
Rapid transgenerational adaptation in response to intercropping benefits yield.
Dans: World Biodiversity Forum. 29. juin, Davos. 2022.

Engbersen N., Stefan L., Brooker R. , Schöb C.
Temporal dynamics of biodiversity effects and light-use-related traits in two intercropping systems.
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 1, (1), 2022, 54-65.

Stefan L., Engbersen N. , Schöb C.
Using spatially-explicit plant competition models to optimise crop productivity in intercropped systems.
Basic and Applied Ecology, 63, 2022, 1-15.