Liste de publications

Publications Christoph Ammann

Ammann C., Wolff V., Marx O., Brümmer C., Neftel A.
Measuring the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of total reactive nitrogen by eddy covariance.
Biogeosciences, 9, 2012, 4247-4261.

Marx O., Brümmer C., Ammann C., Wolff V., Freibauer A.
TRANC – a novel fast-response converter to measure total reactive atmospheric nitrogen.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 2012, 1045-1057.

Niu S., Luo Y., Fei S., Yuan W., Schimel D., Law B. E., Ammann C., Altaf Arain M., Arneth A., Aubinet M., Barr A., Beringer J., Bernhofer C., Andrew Black T., Buchmann N. et autres
Thermal optimality of net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide and underlying mechanisms.
New Phytologist, 194, (3), 2012, 775-783.

De Bruijn A. M. G., Calanca P., Ammann C., Fuhrer J.
Differential long-term effects of climate change and management on stocks and distribution of soil organic carbon in productive grasslands.
Biogeosciences, 9, (6), 2012, 1997-2012.

Sintermann J., Neftel A., Ammann C., Häni C., Hensen A., Loubet B., Flechard C. R.
Are ammonia emissions from field-applied slurry substantially over-estimated in European emission inventories?
Biogeosciences, 9, (5), 2012, 1611-1632.

Wild M., Roesch A., Ammann C.
Global dimming and brightening - evidence and agricultural implications.
CAB Reviews, 7, (003), 2012, 1-7.

Rinne J., Ammann C.
Disjunct eddy covariance method: Chapter 10.
Dans: Eddy covariance: a practical guide to measurement and data analysis. Netherlands, Ed. Aubinet, M. (et al.), Springer. 2012, 291-307.

Ryu Y., Baldocchi D. D., Black T. A., Detto M., Law B. E., Leuning R., Miyata A., Reichstein M., Vargas R., Ammann C., Beringer J., Flanagan L. B., Gu L., Hutley L. B., Kim J. et autres
On the temporal upscaling of evapotranspiration from instantaneous remote sensing measurements to 8-day mean daily-sums.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 152, 2012, 212-222.

Mahecha M. D., Reichstein M., Carvalhais N., Lasslop G., Lange H., Seneviratne S. I., Vargas R., , Ammann C., Arain M. A., Cescatti A., Janssens I. A., Migliavacca M., Montagnani L., Richardson A. D.
Response to comment on "Global convergence in the temperature sensitivity of respiration at ecosystem level".
Science, 331, (6022), 2011, 1265.

Groenendijk M., Dolman A. J., Ammann C., Arneth A., Cescatti A., Dragoni D., Gash J. H. C., Gianelle D., Gioli B., Kiely G., Knohl A., Law B. E., Lund M., Marcolla B., van der Molen M. K. et autres
Seasonal variation of photosynthetic model parameters and leaf area index from global Fluxnet eddy covariance data.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, (G4), 2011, 0-0.

Sintermann J., Ammann C., Kuhn, U., Spirig, C., Hirschberger, R., Gärtner, A. , Neftel A.
Determination of field scale ammonia emissions for common slurry spreading practice with two independent methods.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4, (3), 2011, 1821-1840.

Kuhn, U., Sintermann J., Spirig, C., Jocher M., Ammann C., Neftel, A.
Basic biogenic aerosol precursors: Agricultural source attribution of volatile amines revised.
Geophysical Research Letters, 38, (16), 2011, 0-0.

Leifeld J., Ammann C., Neftel A., Fuhrer J.
A comparison of repeated soil inventory and carbon flux budget to detect soil carbon stock changes after conversion from cropland to grasslands.
Global Change Biology, 17, (11), 2011, 3366-3375.

Calanca P., Smith P., Holzkämper A., Ammann C.
L'évapotranspiration de référence et son application en agrométéorologie.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 2, (4), 2011, 176-183.
autres langues: allemand

Sintermann J., Spirig, C., Jordan, A., Kuhn, U., Ammann C., Neftel A.
Eddy covariance flux measurements of ammonia by high temperature chemical ionisation mass spectrometry.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4, 2011, 599-616.

Ammann C., Marx, O., Wolff, V. , Neftel A.
Measuring the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of total reactive nitrogen by eddy covariance using a novel converter: Prooceeding.
Dans: 29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2-6 August 2010, Ed. American Meteorological Society, Keystone CO. 2010.

Ammann C., Spirig, C., Neftel A.
Validation of a simple footprint tool for trace gas flux measurements above agricultural fields: Prooceeding.
Dans: 29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2-6 August 2010, Ed. American Meteorological Society, Keystone CO. 2010.

Mahecha, M. D., Reichstein, M., Carvalhais, N., Lasslop, G., Lange, H., Seneviratne, S. I., Vargas, R., Ammann C., Arain, M. A., Cescatti, A., Janssens, I. A., Migliavacca, M., Montagnani, L. , Richardson, A. D.
Global convergence in the temperature sensitivity of respiration at ecosystem level.
Science, 329, 2010, 838-840.

Eugster, W., Moffat, A. M., Ceschia, E., Aubinet, M., Ammann C., Osborne, B., Davis, P. A., Smith, P., Jacobs, C., Moors, E., Le Dantec, V., Béziat, P., Saunders, M., Jans, W., Grünwald, T. et autres
Management effects on European cropland respiration.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 139, (3), 2010, 346-362.

Tuzson, B., Hiller, R. V., Zeyer, K., Eugster, W., Neftel A., Ammann C., Emmenegger, L.
Field intercomparison of two optical analyzers for CH4 eddy covariance flux measurements.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 3, (4), 2010, 1519-1531.

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