Klein T., Calanca P., Holzkämper A., Lehmann N., Roesch A., Fuhrer J.
Using farm accountancy data to calibrate a crop model for climate impact studies.
Agricultural Systems, 111, 2012, 23-33.
Hirschi M., Stöckli S., Rotach M.W., Dubrowsky M., Calanca P., Spirig C., Fischer A.M., Duffy B., Samietz J.
Downscaling climate change scenarios for apple pest and disease modeling in Switzerland.
Earth System Dynamics, 3, 2012, 33-47.
Hirschi M., Stöckli S., Rotach M.W., Dubrowsky M., Calanca P., Spirig C., Fischer A.M., Duffy B., Samietz J.
Supplementary Material: Downscaling climate change scenarios for apple pest and disease modeling in Switzerland.
Earth System Dynamics, 2012.
Stöckli S., Hirschi M., Spirig C., Calanca P., Rotach M.W., Samietz J.
Impact of Climate Change on Voltinism and prospective Diapause Induction of a Global Pest Insect – Cydia pomonella (L.).
PLOS ONE, 7, (4), 2012, 0-9.
Huggel C., Rohrer M., Calanca P., Salzmann N., Vergara W. , Ceballos J. L.
Early warning systems: The "Last mile" of adaptation.
Eos, 93, (22), 2012, 209-210.
Kapphan I., Calanca P., Holzkämper A.
Climate change, weather insurance design and hedging effectiveness.
The Geneva Papers, 37, (2), 2012, 286-317.
Fuhrer J., Calanca P.
Le changement climatique influence le bien-être des vaches laitières. .
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 3, (3), 2012, 132-139.
autres langues:
Holzkämper A., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
Statistical crop models: predicting the effects of temperature and precipitation changes.
Climate Research, 51, (1), 2012, 11-21.
Finger R., Calanca P.
Risk management strategies to cope with climate change in grassland production: an illustrative case study for the Swiss plateau.
Regional Environmental Change, 11, (4), 2011, 935-949.
Holzkämper A., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
Analyzing climate effects on agriculture in time and space.
Procedia Environmental Sciences, 3, 2011, 58-62.
Calanca P., Smith P., Holzkämper A., Ammann C.
L'évapotranspiration de référence et son application en agrométéorologie.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 2, (4), 2011, 176-183.
autres langues:
Calanca P., Bolius, D., Weigel, A. P., Liniger, M. A.
Application of long-range weather forecasts to agricultural decision problems in Europe.
The Journal of Agricultural Science, 149, (01), 2011, 15-22.
Smith P., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
Modelling irrigation demand from two grasslands in Switzerland under contrasting climatic conditions and soil properties.
Dans: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Society. July 5 - 8 2010, Ed. iEMSs, Ottawa, Canada. 2010, 1-8.
Calanca P., Holzkämper A.
Conditions agrométéorologiques du Plateau suisse de 1864 à 2050.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 1, (9), 2010, 320-325.
autres langues:
Finger, R., Lazzarotto, P., Calanca P.
Bio-economic assessment of climate change impacts on managed grassland production.
Agricultural Systems, 103, (9), 2010, 666-674.
Peltonen-Sainio, P., Jauhiainen, L., Trnka, M., Olesen, J. E., Calanca P., Eckersten, H., Eitzinger, J., Gobin, A., Kersebaum, K. C., Kozyra, J., Kumar, S., Marta, A. D., Micale, F., Schaap, B., Seguin, B. et autres
Coincidence of variation in yield and climate in Europe.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 139, (4), 2010, 483-489.
Holzkämper A., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
Evaluating climate suitability for agriculture in Switzerland.
Dans: Modelling for Environment's Sake, International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Fifth Biennal Meeting International Environmental Modelling. July 5 - 8 2010, Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 2010.
Holzkämper A., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
Identifying optimum strategies for agricultural management considering multiple ecosystem services and climate change.
Dans: Modelling for Environment's Sake, International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Fifth Biennal Meeting. July 5 - 8 2010, International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) Ottawa, Ontario, Canada . 2010.
Lazzarotto P., Calanca P., Semenov, M., Fuhrer J.
Transient responses to increasing CO2 and climate change in an unfertilized grass-clover sward.
Climate Research, 41, 2010, 221-232.
Holzkämper A., Calanca P., Finger, R., Freiermuth Knuchel R., Gaillard G., Hellweg, S., Lehmann, B., Fuhrer J.
Climate change adaptions in Swiss agricultural land and water management.