Keller T., Hüppi R., Leifeld J.
Relationship between greenhouse gas emissions and changes in soil gas diffusivity in a field experiment with biochar and lime.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 182, (4), 2019, 667-675.
Colombi T., Hermann A.M., Vallenback P., Keller T.
Cortical cell diameter is key to energy costs of root growth in wheat.
Plant Physiology, 180, (4), 2019, 2049-2060.
Paradelo R., Eden M., Martinez I., Keller T., Huout S.
Soil physical properties of a Luvisol developed on loess after 15 years of amendment with compost.
Soil and Tillage Research, 191, 2019, 207-215.
Colombi T., Keller T.
Developing strategies to recover crop productivity after soil compaction – A plant eco-physiological perspective.
Soil and Tillage Research, 191, 2019, 156-161.
Colombi T., Walder F., Büchi L., Sommer M., Liu K., Six J., van der Heijden M., Charles R., Keller T.
On-farm study reveals positive relationship between gas transport capacity and organic carbon content in arable soil.
Soil, 5, 2019, 91-105.
Banerjee S., Walder F., Büchi L., Meyer M., Held A., Gattinger A., Keller T., Charles R., van der Heijden M.
Agricultural intensification reduces microbial network complexity and the abundance of keystone taxa in roots.
The ISME Journal, 13, 2019, 1722-1736.
Obour P.B., Keller T., Lamandé M., Munkholm L.J.
Pore structure characteristics and soil workability along a clay gradient.
Geoderma, 337, 2019, 1186-1195.
Lima R.P., Keller T.
Impact of sample dimensions, soil-cylinder wall friction and elastic properties of soil on stress field and bulk density under uniaxial compression test.
Soil and Tillage Research, 189, 2019, 15-24.
Mossadeghi-Björklund M., Jarvis N., Larsbo M., Forkman J., Keller T.
Effects of compaction on soil hydraulic properties, penetration resistance and water flow patterns at the soil profile scale.
Soil Use and Management, 35, 2019, 367-377.
Prasuhn V., Weisskopf P., Bucheli T., Keller T., Spiess E., van der Heijden M., Mangold S., Mayer J., Schwab P., Wettstein F., Widmer F., Wittwer R.
Bodenforschung an der landwirtschaftlichen Forschungsanstalt Agroscope.
Dans: Exkursionsführer Bern 2019. Ed. DBG Mitteilungen Band 119. 2019, 84-99.
Vennik K., Kukk P., Krebstein K., Reintam E., Keller T.
Measurements and simulations of rut depth due to single and multiple passes of a military vehicle on different soil types.
Soil and Tillage Research, 186, 2019, 120-127.
Bennett J. McL., Roberton S.D., Marchuk S., Woodhouse N.P., Antille D.L., Jensen T.A., Keller T.
The soil structural cost of traffic from heavy machinery in Vertisols.
Soil and Tillage Research, 185, 2019, 85-93.
Romero-Ruiz A., Linde N., Keller T., Or D.
A review of geophysical methods for soil structure characterization.
Reviews of Geophysics, 56, (4), 2018, 672-697.
Müller L., Sychev V.G., Romanenkov V., Sheudzen A.K., Lukin S., Saparov A., Lück E., Pütz T., Griffiths B., Zhang J., Keller T., Tóth T., Kulikov I.M., Sorokopudov V., Trofimov I.A. et autres
Innovations and knowledge transfer for achieving landscape sustainability.
Dans: Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. 2018, Ed. Mueller L. & Sychev V. (eds.), Russian Academy of Sciences / Moscow. 2018, 25-41.
Getahun G.T., Kätterer T., Munkholm L.J., Parvage M.M., Keller T., Rychel K., Kirchmann H.
Short-term effects of loosening and incorporation of straw slurry into the upper subsoil on soil physical properties and crop yield.
Soil & Tillage Research, 184, 2018, 62-67.
Bölenius E., Wetterlind J., Keller T.
Can within-in field yield variation be explained using horizontal penetrometer resistance and electrical conductivity measurements?: Results from three Swedish fields.
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science, 68, (8), 2018, 690-700.
Colombi T., Chargas Torres L., Walter A., Keller T.
Feedbacks between soil penetration resistance, root architecture and water uptake limit water accessibility and crop growth: A vicious circle.
Science of the Total Environment, 626, 2018, 1026-1035.
Keller T., Berger-Landolt U.
Mutter Erde vergisst nur langsam.
BauernZeitung, Online, (2. April), 2018.
Fell V., Matter A., Keller T., Boivin P.
Patterns and factors of soil structure recovery as revealed from a tillage and cover-crop experiment in a compacted orchard.
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 6, 2018, 1-10.
Keller T., Lamandé M., Naderi-Boldaji M., Paiva de Lima R.
Approaches towards understanding soil compaction processes.
Dans: Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. Ed. Mueller L. & Sychev V. (eds.), Russian Academy of Sciences FSBSI / Moscow. 2018, 274-279.