Studer B., Asp T., Frei U., Hentrup S., Meally H., Guillard A., Barth S., Muylle H., Roldan-Ruiz I., Barre P., Koning-Boucoiran C., Uenk-Stunnenberg G., Dolstra O., Skot L., Skot K. et autres
Expressed sequence tag-derived microsatellite markers of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.).
Molecular Breeding, 21, (4), 2008, 533-548.
Beat Boller, Franz Xaver Schubiger, Peter Tanner, Roland Kölliker
Selection for high molecular marker diversity to improve agronomic performance of Lolium perenne synthetics. Proceedings.
Jürg Enkerli, Alexandra Gisler, Roland Kölliker, Franco Widmer
Development of 16 microsatellite markers ofr the European cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha. Permanent genetic resources.
Molecular Ecology Resources, 8, 2008, 158-160.
Doris Herrmann, Beat Boller, Bruno Studer, Franco Widmer, Roland Kölliker
Improving persistence in red clover. Insights from QTL analysis and comparative phenotypic evaluation.
Crop Science, 48, 2008, 269-277.
Roland Kölliker, Seraina Bassin, David Schneider, Franco Widmer, Jürg Fuhrer
Elevated ozone affects the genetic composition of Plantago lanceolata L. populations.
Environmental Pollution, 152, 2008, 380-386.
Roland Kölliker, Alain Gaume, Andreas Hund, Michael Winzeler, Arthur Einsele
Eine Vision für den Schweizer Pflanzenbau im Jahr 2050.
Agrarforschung, 15, (7), 2008, 332-337.
Roland Kölliker, Bruno Studer, Rolf Krähenbühl, Philipp Streckeisen, Franz Xaver Schubiger, Beat Boller, Franco Widmer
Mit Molekulargenetik gegen Bakterienwelke bei Raigräsern.
Agrarforschung, 15, (2), 2008, 92-97.
Madlaina K. I. Peter-Schmid, Beat Boller, Roland Kölliker
Habitat and management affect genetic structure of Festuca pratensis but not Lolium multiflorum ecotype populations.
Plant Breeding, 127, 2008, 510-517.
Madlaina K. I. Peter-Schmid, Roland Kölliker, Beat Boller
Value of permanent grassland habitats as reservoirs of Festuca pratensis Huds. and Lolium multiflorum Lam. populations for breeding and conservation.
Euphytica, 164, 2008, 239-253.
Roland Kölliker, Doris Hermann, Beat Boller, Franco Widmer
Phenotypic and genetic characterisation of persistence in red clover.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 21, 2007, 30-0.
Madlaina Peter-Schmid, Roland Kölliker, Beat Boller
The effect of management and environment on genetic variability of perennial forage grasses in permanent grassland.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 21, 2007, 30-0.
Bruno Studer, Beat Boller, Eva Bauer, Ulrich K. Posselt, Franco Widmer, Roland Kölliker
Consistent detection of QTLs for crown rust resistance in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) across environments and phenotyping methods.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 115, 2007, 9-17.
Doris Herrmann, Beat Boller, Bruno Studer, Franco Widmer, Roland Kölliker
Genetic characterisation of persistence in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Proceedings.
Martin Hartmann, Roland Kölliker, Jürg Enkerli, David Dubois, Franco Widmer, Andreas Fliessbach
Anbausysteme beeinflussen die Bodenbakterien.
Agrarforschung, 13, (11), 2006, 494-499.
Martin Hartmann, Roland Kölliker, Franco Widmer
Populationsstrukturen von Bodenbakterien in verschiedenen Anbausystemen.
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 20, 2006, 15-0.
Doris Herrmann, Beat Boller, Beat Studer, Franco Widmer, Roland Kölliker
Identification of QTLs for seed yield and its components in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.).
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 20, 2006, 29-0.
Doris Herrmann, Beat Boller, Bruno Studer, Franco Widmer, Roland Kölliker
QTL analysis of seed yield components in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.).
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 112, 2006, 536-545.
Roland Kölliker, Jürg Enkerli, Franco Widmer
Characterization of novel microsatellite loci for red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) from enriched genomic libraries.
Molecular Ecology, 6, 2006, 50-53.
Roland Kölliker, Rolf Kraehenbuehl, Beat Boller, Franco Widmer
Genetic diversity and pathogenicity of the grass pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. graminis.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 29, 2006, 109-119.
M.P. Rechsteiner, Franco Widmer, Roland Kölliker
Expression profiling of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) during infection with the bacterial wilt inducing pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. graminis.
Plant Breeding, 125, 2006, 43-51.