Lüscher A., Grieder C., Huguenin-Elie O., Klaus V.H., Reidy B., Schneider M. K., Schubiger F., Suter D., Suter M., Kölliker R.
Grassland systems in Switzerland with a main focus on sown grasslands.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 3-16.
Suter M., Huguenin-Elie O., Lüscher A.
Species diversity enhances multifunctionality in sown grass-legume mixtures.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 96.
Huguenin-Elie O., Stutz C. J., Gago R., Lüscher A.
Grassland management options to extend the lifespan of sown grasslands.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 219.
Suter D., Kessler W., Thomet E., Frick R., Lüscher A.
Grass-clover mixtures in practice: Key-factors of success.
Grassland Science in Europe, 24, 2019, 521-523.
Huguenin-Elie O., Mosimann E., Schlegel P., Lüscher A., Kessler W., Jeangros B.
9/Fertilisation des herbages : Principes de fertilisation des cultures agricoles en Suisse (PRIF).
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 8, (6), 2017, Publication spéciale, 1-22.
autres langues:
Mueller-Harvey I., Bee G., Dohme-Meier F., Hoste H., Karonen M., Kölliker R., Lüscher A., Niderkorn V., Pellikaan W.F., Salminen J.-P., Skøt L., Smith L.M.J., Thamsborg S.M., Totterdell P., Wilkinson I. et autres
Benefits of condensed tannins in forage legumes fed to ruminants: Importance of structure, concentration, and diet composition.
Crop Science, 59, (3), 2019, 861-885.
Haughey E., Suter M., Hofer D., Hoekstra N.J., McElwain J.C., Lüscher A., Finn J.A.
Higher species richness enhances yield stability in intensively managed grasslands with experimental disturbance.
Scientific Reports, 8, (15047), 2018, 1-10.
Cong W.F., Suter M., Lüscher A., Eriksen J.
Species interactions between forbs and grass-clover contribute to yield gains and weed suppression in forage grassland mixtures.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 268, 2018, 154-161.
Suter M., Meisser M., Lüscher A.
Sommertrockenheit: Wiesen erholen sich gut.
Landfreund, 08, 2018, 20-21.
Helgadóttir A., Suter M., Gylfadóttir T., Kristjánsdóttir T., Lüscher A.
Grass–legume mixtures sustain strong yield advantage over monocultures under cool maritime growing conditions over a period of 5 years.
Annals of Botany, 122, 2018, 337-348.
Hammelehle A., Oberson A., Lüscher A., Mäder P., Mayer J.
Above- and belowground nitrogen distribution of a red clover-perennial ryegrass sward along a soil nutrient availability gradient established by organic and conventional cropping systems.
Brophy C., Finn J. A., Lüscher A., Suter M., Kirwan L., Sebastià M.-T., Helgadóttir Á., Baadshaug O. H., Bélanger G., Black A., Collins R. P., Čop J., Dalmannsdóttir S., Delgado I., Elgersma A. et autres
Identifying the drivers of changes in the relative abundances of species in agroecosystems.
Dans: Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands. Volume 23, Ed. European Grassland Federation, Wageingen Academic Publishers. 2018, 586-588.
Fox A., Suter M., Widmer F., Lüscher A.
Yield stimulating legacy effect of sown legume abundance in a ley on the performance of a Lolium multiflorum following crop.
Dans: Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands. Volume 23, Ed. European Grassland Federation, Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2018, 60-62.
Connolly J., Sebastià M.-T., Kirwan L., Finn J. A., Llurba R., Suter M., Collins R. P., Porqueddu C., Helgadóttir A., Baadshaug O.H., Bélanger G., Black A., Brophy C., Čop J., Dalmannsdóttir S. et autres
Plant diversity greatly enhances weed suppression in intensively managed grasslands.
Dans: Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands. June, Ed. European Grassland Federation, Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2018, 142-145.
Suter M., Hofer D., Lüscher A.
Higher yields in formerly drought-stressed Lolium perenne and Cichorium intybus due to increased carbohydrate reserves, higher root biomass, and increased mineral soil N.
Dans: Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands, Volume 23. June, Ed. European Grassland Federation, Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2018, 357-359.
Connolly, J., Sebastià, M.-T., Kirwan, L., Finn, J.A., Llurba, R., Suter M., Collins, R.P, Porqueddu, C., Helgadottir, A., Baadshaug, O.H., Bélanger G., Black A., Brophy C., Čop J., Dalmannsdóttir S. et autres
Weed suppression greatly increased by plant diversity in intensively managed grasslands: A continental-scale experiment.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 55, 2018, 852-862.
Finn J.A., Suter M., Haughey E., Hofer D., Lüscher A.
Greater gains in annual yields from increased plant diversity than losses from experimental drought in two temperate grasslands.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 258, 2018, 149-153.
Schneider M. K., Huguenin-Elie O., Meisser M., Lüscher A.
Optimierung von Ökosystemleistungen auf dem Graslandbetrieb durch abgestufte Bewirtschaftung.
Dans: Swifcob. 09.02., Ed. Forum Biodiversität, Bern. 2018, 1.
Husse S., Lüscher A., Buchmann N., Hoekstra N.J., Huguenin-Elie O.
Effects of mixing forage species contrasting in vertical and temporal nutrient capture on nutrient yields and fertilizer recovery in productive grasslands.
Plant and Soil, 420, (1-2), 2017, 505-521.
Brophy C., Finn J. A., Lüscher A., Suter M., Kirwan L., Sebastià M.-T., Helgadóttir Á., Baadshaug O. H., Bélanger G., Black A., Collins R. P., Čop J., Dalmannsdottir S., Delgado I., Elgersma A. et autres
Major shifts in species’ relative abundance in grassland mixtures alongside positive effects of species diversity in yield: a continental-scale experiment.
Journal of Ecology, 105, (5), 2017, 1210-1222.