Liste de publications

Publications Tomas Nemecek

Deytieux V., Nemecek T., Freiermuth Knuchel R., Gaillard G., Munier-Jolain N. M.
Is Integrated Weed Management efficient for reducing environmental impacts of cropping systems? A case study based on life cycle assessment.
European Journal of Agronomy, 36, (1), 2012, 55-65.

Nemecek T., Weiler, K., Plassmann, K. , Schnetzer J.
Geographical extrapolation of environmental impact of crops by the MEXALCA method: Unilever-ART project no. CH-2009-0362 “Carbon and Water Data for Bio-based Ingredients”: final report of phase 2: Application of the Method and Results.

Sutter, M., Nemecek T.
Vergleich Ökobilanzen von stall- und weidebasierter Produktion: Systemvergleich.
BauernZeitung, 2. September, 2011, 26.

de Boer, I. J. M., Cederberg, C., Eady, S., Gollnow, S., Kristensen, T., Macleod, M., Meul, M., Nemecek T., Phong, L. T., Thoma, G., van der Werf, H. M. G., Williams, A. G., Zonderland-Thomassen, M. A.
Greenhouse gas mitigation in animal production: towards an integrated life cycle sustainability assessment.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3, (5), 2011, 423-431.

Pelletier, N., Audsley, E., Brodt, S., Garnett, T., Henriksson, P., Kendall, A., Kramer, K. J., Murphy, D., Nemecek T., Troell, M.
Energy intensity of agriculture and food systems.
Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 36, (1), 2011, 223-246.

Canals, L. M. i., Azapagic, A., Doka, G., Jefferies, D., King, H., Mutel, C., Nemecek T., Roches, A., Sim, S., Stichnothe, H., Thoma, G. , Williams, A.
Approaches for addressing life cycle assessment data gaps for bio-based products.
Journal of Industrial Ecology, 15, (5), 2011, 707-725.

Hersener J.-L., Baumgartner D., Dux D., Aeschbacher U., Alig M., Blaser S., Gaillard G., Glodé M., Jan P., Jenni M., Mieleitner J., Müller G., Nemecek T., Rötheli E., Schmid D.
Zentrale Auswertung von Ökobilanzen landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe (ZA-ÖB): Schlussbericht.

Zimmermann A., Baumgartner D., Nemecek T., Gaillard G.
Are public payments for organic farming cost-effective? Combining a decision-support model with LCA.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 16, (6), 2011, 548-560.

Bartl, K., Gómez, C. A. , Nemecek T.
Life cycle assessment of milk produced in two smallholder dairy systems in the highlands and the coast of Peru.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 19, (13), 2011, 1494-1505.

Alig M., Baumgartner D., Mieleitner J., Nemecek T.
Swiss milk production in the mountain region.
Dans: Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Region, 29.08.-31.08.2011. Vol. 16, Ed. European Grassland Federation, Grassland Science in Europe, Raumberg-Gumpenstein. 2011, 305-307.

Nemecek T., Schmid, A., Alig M., Schnebli, K., Vaihinger, M.
Variability of the global warming potential and energy demand of Swiss cheese: Proceedings.
Dans: SETAC Europe 17th Case Study Symposium "Sustainable Lifestyles". 28 February - 1 March , Ed. SETAC, Budapest. 2011, 57-58.

Nemecek T., Dubois D., Huguenin-Elie O., Gaillard G.
Life cycle assessment of Swiss farming systems: I. Integrated and organic farming.
Agricultural Systems, 104, 2011, 217-232.

Nemecek T., Huguenin-Elie O., Dubois D., Gaillard G., Schaller, B. , Chervet, A.
Life cycle assessment of Swiss farming systems: II. Extensive and intensive production.
Agricultural Systems, 104, 2011, 233-245.

Schneider, A., Flénet, F., Dumans, P., Bonnin, E., De Chezelles, E., Jeuffroy, M.-H., Hayer F., Nemecek T., Carrouée, B.
Diversifier les rotations céréalières notamment avec du pois et du colza – Données récentes d'expérimentations et d'études.
Oléagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides, 17, (5, Septembre-Octobre), 2010, 301-311.

Hayer F., Bockstaller, C., Gaillard G., Mamy, L., Nemecek T., Strassemeyer, J.
Multi-criteria comparison of eco-toxicity models focused on pesticides.
Dans: 7th International conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the agri-food sector. 22-24 September 2010, Ed. The University of Bari , Bari, Italy. 2010, 305-310.

Gaillard G., Baumgartner D., Nemecek T.
Life cycle assessment for animal production: Benefits and challenges.
Dans: World Nutrition Forum. 15th October 2010, Salzburg. 2010.

Nemecek T., Gaillard G.
Challenges in assessing the environmental impacts of crop production and horticulture: Chapter 6.
Dans: Environmental assessment and management in the food industry - Life cycle assessment and related approaches. 28. September 2010, Ed. Ulf Sonesson, Johanna Berlin, Friederike Ziegler, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Oxford a.o.. 2010, 98-116.

Nemecek T., Freiermuth Knuchel R., Alig M., Gaillard G.
The advantages of generic LCA tools for agriculture: examples SALCAcrop and SALCAfarm.
Dans: 7th International conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the agri-food sector. 22-24 September 2010, Ed. The University of Bari , Bari, Italy. 2010, 433-738.

Weiler K., Plassmann, K., Nemecek T., Gaillard G., Garcia-Suarez, T., Milà i Canals, L.
Modular extrapolation of crop LCA (MEXALCA): Sensitivity to varying crop yields.
Dans: LCA FOOD 2010 - VII International Conference on Food LCA. Università di Bari, Italy, Università di Bari, Italy. 2010.

Zihlmann U., Jossi W., Scherrer C., Krebs H., Oberholzer H., Albisser Vögeli G., Nemecek T., Richner W., Brack E., Gunst L., Hiltbrunner J., van der Heijden M., Weisskopf P., Dubois D., Oehl F. et autres
Integrierter und biologischer Anbau im Vergleich. Resultate aus dem Anbausystemversuch Burgrain 1991 bis 2008: ART-Bericht 722.
Schweizer Landtechnik, 9, 2010, 47-62.

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