Edlinger A., Garland G., Banerjee S., Degrune F., Garcia-Palacios P., Herzog C., Pescador D.S., Romdhane S., Ryo M., Saghaï A., Hallin S., Maestre F. T., Philippot L., Rillig M., van der Heijden M.

The impact of agricultural management on soil aggregation and carbon storage is regulated by climatic thresholds across a 3000 km European gradient.

Global Change Biology, 29, (11), 2023, 3177-3192.

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ISSN Print: 1354-1013
ISSN Online: 1365-2486
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16677
ID pubblicazione (Codice web): 53032 Inviare via e-mail

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