Alternative production methods often differ in working time requirements (WTR) for fieldwork. However, there are also WTR differences for tasks in farm management (FM), which are often not considered in detail. In the present study we compared the production schemes organic, herbicide-free / -reduced, and conventional as reference for three exemplary crops (winter wheat, potato, sugar beet) using a FM labour model. Similar to the WTR for fieldwork we found that there are marked differences in the WTR between crops for FM works. Organic production generally requires less FM and thus less WTR compared to herbicide-free and conventional which show very similar WTR.
Mielewczik M., Rödiger M., Zorn A., Roesch A., Heitkämper K.
Working time requirements for farm management work in organic and herbicide-reduced production of arable crops.
In: 17. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau. 5-8 March, Giessen. 2024, 427-428.
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