Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Andrea Patocchi

Soufflet-Freslon V, Gianfranceschi L, Patocchi A, Durel CE
Inheritance studies of apple scab resistance and identification of Rvi14, a new major gene that acts together with other broad-spectrum QTL.
Genome, 51, 2008, 657-667.

Broggini GAL, Galli P, Parravicini G, Gianfranceschi L, Gessler C, Patocchi A
HcrVf paralogs are present on linkage group 1 and 6 of Malus.

Patocchi A, Fernández-Fernández F, Evans K, Gobbin D, Rezzonico F, Boudichevskaia A, Dunemann F, Stankiewicz-Kosyl M, Mathis-Jeanneteau F, Durel CE, Gianfranceschi L, Costa F, Toller C, Cova V, Mott D
Development and test of 21 multiplex PCRs composed of SSRs spanning most of the apple genome.
Tree Genetics and Genomes: online first, 05.01.2009, 2008, 211-223.

Szankowski I, Waidmann S, Degenhardt J, Patocchi A, Paris R, Silfverberg-Dilworth E, Broggini GAL, Gessler C
Highly scab resistant transgenic apple lines achieved by introgression of HcrVf2 controlled by different native promoter lengths.

Stoeckli S, Mody K, Gessler C, Patocchi A., Jermini M, Dorn S.
QTL analysis for aphid resistance and growth 1 traits in apple.
Tree Genetics & Genomes, 4, 2008, 833-847.

Musa T., Gaillard G., Hayer F., Kägi T, Klaus I, Mack G, Hernandez-Rivera J, Patocchi A, Koller T, Samietz J, Bigler F
ENDURE - ein Europäisches Netzwerk für den Pflanzenschutz.
Agrarforschung, 15, 2008, 264-269.

Kellerhals M., S. von Burg, P. A. Knobel, Patocchi A, B. Duffy, Christen D, J. Frey
Sélection de nouvelles variétés de pommes à Agroscope ACW.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 39, (5), 2007, 287-292.

Khan MA, Durel C-E, Duffy B, Drouet D, Kellerhals M., Gessler C, Patocchi A
Development of molecular markers linked to the `Fiesta' linkage group 7 major QTL for fire blight resistance and their application for marker-assisted selection.
Genome, 50, (6), 2007, 568-577.

Zhu J, Zhou A, Granozio S, Andruccioli E, Belfanti E, Barbieri M, Vinatzer BA, Patocchi A, Tartarini S, Sansavini S
Genetic transformation of apple with BiBAC vectors to increase scab resistance in transgenic lines.

Bus VGM, Basset HCM, Bowatte D, Calenge F, Celton J-M, Durel C-E, Malone MT, Patocchi A, Ranatunga AC, Rikkerink EHA, Tustin DS, Zhou J, Gardiner S
Genome mapping of three major resistance genes to woolly apple aphid ( Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm.).

Antofie A, Lateur M, Oger R, Patocchi A, Durel C-E, van de Weg WE
A new versatile database created for geneticists and breeders to link molecular and phenotypic data in perennial crops: the AppleBreed DataBase.
Bioinformatics, 23, (7), 2007, 882-891.

Patocchi A, Gessler C
Recombinant DNA technology in apple.

Iannaccone M, Palumbo D, Ventimiglia I, Patocchi A, Spigno P, Capparelli R
Use of molecular markers and flow cytometry to preserve ancient Annurca apple germplasm.
Biotechnology letters, 29, (2), 2007, 279-284.

Khan MA, Duffy B, Gessler C, Patocchi A
QTL mapping of fire blight resistance in apple.
Mol Breeding, 17, (4), 2006, 299-306.

Silfverberg-Dilworth E, Matasci CL, Van de Weg WE, Van Kaauwen MPW, Walser M, Kodde LP, Soglio V, Gianfranceschi L, Durel C-E, Costa F, Yamamoto T, Koller B, Gessler C, Patocchi A
Microsatellite markers spanning the apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) genome.
Tree Genetics and Genomes, 2, (4), 2006, 202-224.

Gessler C, Patocchi A, Sansavini S, Tartarini S, Gianfranceschi L
Venturia inaequalis Resistance in Apple.
Cri. Rev. Plant Sci, 25, (6), 2006, 473-503.

Terakami S, Shoda M, Adachi Y, Gonai T, Kasumi M, Sawamura Y, Iketani H, Kotobuki K, Patocchi A, Gessler C, Hayashi T and Yamamoto T
Genetic mapping of the pear scab resistance gene Vnk of Japanese pear cultivar Kinchaku.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 103, (4), 2006, 743-752.

Broggini GAL, Le Cam B, Parisi L, Gessler C, Patocchi A
Construction of a contig of BAC clones spanning the region of the apple scab avirulence gene avrVg.
Fungal Genetics and Biology, 44, 2006, 44-51.

Erdin N, Tartarini S, Broggini GAL, Gennari F, Sansavini S Gessler C, Patocchi A
Mapping of the apple scab-resistance gene Vb.
Genome, 49, 2006, 1238-1245.

Silfverberg-Dilworth E, Besse S, Paris R, Belfanti E, Tartarini S, Sansavini S., Patocchi A, Gessler C
Identification of functional apple scab resistance gene promoters.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 110, 2005, 1119-1126.

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