Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Pierre Mariotte

Mariotte P., Grossiord C., Kay S., Dohme-Meier F., Ampuero S., Dubois S., Silacci P., Probo M.
The AgroForageTree project: Agroforestry for forage production in permanent grasslands using fodder tree hedgerows.
In: 6th European Agroforestry Conference. 16 May, Ed. Nuoro, Sardinia. 2022, 1-3.

Svensk M., Nota G., Mariotte P., Pittarello M., Barberis D., Lonati M., Allan E., Perotti E., Probo M.
Use of molasses-based blocks to modify grazing patterns and increase Highland cattle impacts on Alnus viridis-encroached pastures.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, (849809), 2022, 1-11.

Hollunder R., Garbin M.L., Scarano F.R., Mariotte P.
Regional and local determinants of drought resilience in tropical forests.
Ecology and Evolution, 12, (5), 2022, 1-14.

Amaudruz M., Mariotte P.
Enquête sur l’évolution du stade de développement des prairies 2022 : Brefs rappels et réponses aux questions.
In: Journée herbagère ADCF-AGRIDEA 2022 - Club F. 28. avril, Grangeneuve - Campus Grangeneuve. 2022.

Mariotte P.
Maximiser le rendement de la première fauche.
Journal Agri, 18 mars, 2022, 20.

Mariotte P.
Agroforesterie pour la production fourragère en Suisse Romande.
In: Workshop : L’agroforesterie dans le cadre du plan climat du canton de Fribourg. 29 mars, Ed. Agridea, Grangeneuve. 2022, 1-22.

Alberto P.F., D'Adda G., Mariotte P., Amaudruz M.
Qualità dei foraggi – Inchiesta fenologica regionale – Stadio di sviluppo dell’erba a sud delle Alpi, primavera 2021.
APF et Agridea, scheda tecnica Dicembre, 2021, 2 pp.

Amaudruz M., Mariotte P., Probo M.
Valeur des fourrages - Stades de développement des prairies 2021.
Fiche technique Agridea, Novembre, 2021,

Huguenin-Elie O., Mariotte P., Perotti E., Calanca P., Probo M.
Obs’Herbe : résultats généraux des mesures de rendement et valeur nutritive.
In: Journée herbagère ADCF-AGRIDEA. 21.04., Online - ADCF/AGRIDEA. 2021, 1-13.

Huguenin-Elie O., Mariotte P., Perotti E., Calanca P., Probo M.
Projet Obs'herbe: résultats généraux des mesures de rendement et valeur nutritive.
In: Journée herbagère. 21 avril, Ed. ADCF-Agridea, Lausanne. 2021, 1-13.

Mariotte P.
L'agroforesterie, une solution pour produire du fourrage.
Journal Agri, 13 août, 2021, 17.

Luo W., Griffin-Nolan R.J., Ma W., Liu B., Zuo X., Xu C., Yu Q., Luo Y., Mariotte P., Smith M., Collins S.L., Knapp A., Wang Z., Han X.
Plant traits and soil fertility mediate productivity losses under extreme drought in C3 grasslands.
Ecology, online, (April 23), 2021, 1-48.

Mariotte P., Svensk M., Perotti E., Pittarello M., Nota G., Schneider M. K., Probo M.
The ROBUSTAlps project: a silvopastoral system in Alnus viridis-encroached alpines pastures.
In: 5th European Agroforestry Conference / Agroforestry for the transition towards sustainability and bioeconomy. 17-19 May, Ed. EURAF2020, Nuoro, Sardinia. 2021, 1-2.

Mariotte P., Svensk M., Perotti E., Pittarello M., Nota G., Schneider M. K., Probo M.
The ROBUSTALPS project: a silvopastoral system in Alnus viridis-encroached alpines pastures.
In: 5th European Agroforestry Conference. 17-19 May, Ed. EURAF2020, Nuoro, Sardinia. 2021, 1.

Mariotte P., Perotti E., Huguenin-Elie O., Calanca P., Frund D., Probo M.
Relationship between the sum of temperatures and forage yield and quality of the first growth cycle in intensively managed Swiss permanent grasslands.
In: Futtermittel und Mehrwert für Tier und Mensch. 11 mai, Ed. Zurich - ETHZ. 2021.

Li Z, Liang M., Li Z., Mariotte P., Tong X., Zhang J., Dong L., Ma W., Zhao L., Wang L., Wen L., Tuvshintogtokh I., Gornish E. S., Dang Z., Liang C. e altri
Plant functional groups mediate the effects of climate and soil factors on species richness and community biomass in grasslands on the Mongolian Plateau.
Journal of Plant Ecology, 2021, 1-33.

Svensk M., Pittarello M., Nota G., Schneider M. K., Allan E., Mariotte P., Probo M.
Spatial Distribution of Highland Cattle in Alnus viridis Encroached Subalpine Pastures.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, (February), 2021, 1-7.

Hollunder R.K, Mariotte P., Tavares Carrijo T., Holmgren M., Luber J., Stein-Soares B., Guidoni-Martins K.G., Ferreira-Santos K., Scarano F.R., Garbin M.L.
Topography and vegetation structure mediate drought impacts on the understory of the South American Atlantic forest.
Science of the Total Environment, 766, 2021, 1-10.

Freund L., Mariotte P., Santonja M., Buttler A., Jeangros B.
Species identity, rather than species mixtures, drives cover crop effects on nutrient partitioning in unfertilised agricultural soil.
Plant and Soil, online, 2021, 1-14.

Mariotte P., Frick R., Vitra A., Meisser M., Probo M.
Quels sont les effets de la sécheresse sur la production fourragère en Suisse et quelles pratiques les agriculteurs peuvent-ils adopter pour faire face au manque d'eau?
Fourrages, 244, 2020, 19-26.

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