Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Giuseppe Bee

Bérard J., Bee G.
Effects of dietary l-arginine supplementation to gilts during early gestation on foetal survival, growth and myofiber formation.
Animal, 4, 2010, 1680-1687.

Bérard J., Kreuzer M., Bee G.
In large litters birth weight and gender is decisive for growth performance but less for carcass and pork quality traits.
Meat Science, 86, 2010, 845-851.

Lopez J.M.R., Pardo C. E., Bee G.
Hyperplastic muscle growth occurs from birth to weaning in pigs.
Journal of Animal Science, 88, (Suppl. 2), 2010, 364-364.

Pardo-Marino C., Kreuzer M., Bee G.
Relationship between average litter weight and intralitter weight variability on myogenesis in newborn piglets.
Journal of Dairy Science, 93, 2010, 364-364.

Pauly C., Spring-Staehli P., O'Doherty J.V., Kragten S.A., Dubois S., Messadene-Chelali J., Bee G.
The effects of method of castration, rearing condition and diet on sensory quality of pork assessed by a trained panel.
Meat Science, 86, 2010, 498-504.

Bérard J., Pardo C. E., Bethaz S., Kreuzer M., Bee G.
Intrauterine crowding decreases average birth weight and affects muscle fiber hyperplasia in piglets.
Journal of Animal Science, 88, 2010, 3242-3250.

Bee G.
Beeinflussung der Fleisch- und Fettqualität durch die Fütterung.
Schweinehaltung 2010, Sursee, 29./30. Juni, 2010, 1-11.

Rodriguez-Lopez J.M., Pardo C., Bee G.
Number of myofibres increases from birth to weaning in pigs.
Book of Abstracts, 61st Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Heraklion, 23 - 27 August, 2010, 286-386.

Pauly C., Ampuero S., Bee G.
Expected effects on carcass and pork quality when surgical castration is omitted: results of a meta-analysis study.
Book of Abstracts, 61st Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Heraklion, 23 - 27 August, 2010, 135-135.

Bérard J., Pardo C.E., Kreuzer M., Bee G.
Intrauterine crowding affects organ weight development and myogenesis in pigs.
Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 19, 2010, 76-76.

Pardo C.E., Kreuzer M., Bee G.
Relationship between average litter birth weight and intra-litter weight variability on organ weight development and myogensis in pigs.
Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 19, 2010, 79-79.

Pauly C., Spring P., O'Doherty J.V., Ampuero Kragten S., Bee G.
Growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of group-penned surgically castrated, immunocastrated (Improvac (R) ) and entire male pigs and individually penned entire male pigs.
Animal, 3, (7), 2009, 1057-1066.

Pauly C., Spring P., Bee G.
The fatty acid composition of the adipose and lean tissues of immunocastrated male pigs can be modulated by specific feeding strategies.
Schriftenreihe aus dem Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften der ETH Zürich, 32, 2009, 226-229.

Gutzwiller A., Bee G., Zimmermann W., Oevermann A., Wyss-Fluehmann G., Räber M., Geyer H., Braunschweig M.H.
Neurological signs in pigs supplemented orally with pharmacological amounts of B vitamins from one to 10 months.
The Veterinary Record, 165, (20), 2009, 598-599.

Pauly C., Spring P., Bee G.
The effect of dietary fatty acid level on the fatty acid composition of the adipose and lean tissues of immunocastrated male pigs [Abstract].
Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Barcelona, Spain, August 24th - 27th, 2009, 2009, 35-35.

Pauly C., Spring P., Ampuero S., Bee G.
The effect of castration method and dietary raw potato starch supply on sensory quality of pork.
Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Barcelona, Spain, August 24th - 27th, 2009, 2009, 35-35.

Bérard, J., Kreuzer, M., Bee, G.
Effect of dietary arginine supplementation to sows on litter size, fetal weight and myogenesis at d 75 gestation [Abstract].
Journal of Animal Science, 87, (S1), 2009, 30-30.

Bérard, J., Kreuzer, M., Bee, G.
Effect of birth weight and gender on growth performance and carcass characteristics of pigs originating from large litters [Poster].
ETH-Frühjahrstagung, 5. Mai 2009, 2009, 1-1.

Bérard, J., Kreuzer, M., Bee, G.
Effect of birth weight and gender on growth performance and carcass characteristics of pigs originating from large litters.
Schriftenreihe aus dem Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften der ETH Zürich, 31, 2009, 83-86.

Dohme, F., Bee, G.
Transfer von Linolensäure (18:3n-3) aus dem Futter in die Milch und Faserverdaulichkeit untersucht in mit extrudierten und unbehandelten Leinsamen gefütterten Milchkühen.
Schriftenreihe aus dem Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften der ETH Zürich, 31, 2009, 94-96.

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