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Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 12, 2025, Articolo 1494103.
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Silacci P., Joye C., Dubois S., Inderbitzin J., Perrey B., Lerch S.
Viande bovine suisse: qualité confirmée par l’enquête 2023.
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Silacci P., Morel I., Dubois S., Siegenthaler R., Joye C., Lerch S.
Qualité sensorielle et nutritionnelle de la viande de taurillons croisés nourris avec des régimes intensifs ou semi-intensifs.
In: Rencontres Recherches Ruminants (27e édition). 4 - 5 décembre, Ed. IDELE / INRAE, Paris (FR). 2024, 236.
Manzocchi E., Rothacher M., Vonlanthen T., Hayoz B., Dubois S., Hiltbrunner J., Dohme-Meier F.
Digestibilité apparente in vivo de l'ensilage de sorgho fourrager.
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The effect of biochar supplementation on feed utilization, milk production and methane emission in lactating dairy cows.
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Mariotte P., Svensk M., Pittarello M., Nota G., Terranova M., Schneider M., Manzocchi E., Dubois S., Probo M.
Restoring Alnus viridis-encroached pastures using Highland cattle while providing good forage quality and reducing methane emissions.
In: International Congress in Ecology and Evolution. 24 October, Ed. SFE2, Lyon (FR). 2024.
Frick R., Dereuder E., Coudry C., Raymond B., Dubois S., Mariotte P., Probo M., Wyss U.
Qualité fourragère et productivité de dérobées pour conditions sèches.
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Silacci P., Morel I., Joye C., Dubois S., Lerch S.
Beef-on-dairy crossbreeds' evaluation for high-quality meat production in Switzerland's mountains.
In: 3rd Mountain Livestock Farming Systems Meeting. 5-7 June, Ed. EAAP / VetAgro Sup / INRAE, Clermont-Ferrand (FR). 2024.
Xavier C., Morel I., Siegenthaler R., Dohme-Meier F., Dubois S., Luginbühl T., Le Cozler Y., Lerch S.
Three-dimensional imaging to estimate in vivo body and carcass chemical composition of growing beef-on-dairy crossbred bulls.
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Probo M., Svensk M., Pittarello M., Nota G., Terranova M., Schneider M. K., Manzocchi E., Dubois S., Mariotte P.
Nutritive value of Alnus viridis leaves and nitrogen translocation by Highland cattle in Alnus viridis encroached pastures.
In: European Agroforestry Conference (EURAF2024). 29 May, Brno. 2024, 1-22.
Tretola M., Mazzoleni S., Silacci P., Dubois S., Proserpio C., Pagliarini E., Bernardi E.M., Pinotti L., Bee G.
Sustainable pig diets: Partial grain replacement with former food products and its impact on meat quality.
Journal of Animal Science, 102, 2024, 1-15.
Svensk M., Mariotte P., Terranova M., Pittarello M., Nota G., Frund D., Dubois S., Manzocchi E., Napoleone F., Meese S., Lombardi G., Allan E., Probo M.
Alnus viridis: An encroaching species with valuable nutritional value reducing livestock greenhouse gas emissions.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 364, 2024, 1-12.
Marques de Sousa A. R., Portmann R., Dubois S., Recio I., Egger C.
Digestibility of meat analogues and the influence of processing: In vitro digestibility.
In: Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health. 14 October, Utrecht. 2023, 1.
Silacci P., Morel I., Dubois S., Joye C., Lerch S.
Beef-on-dairy vs. rearing conditions: Evaluation of meat quality.
In: International conference of meat science and technology. 20-25 August, Padova. 2023, 368-369.
Lerch S., Silacci P., Cantalapiedra-Hijar G., Siegenthaler R., Dubois S., Delavaud A., Bonnet M., Morel I.
Blood metabolite, hormone and 𝛿13C turnover kinetic during compensatory growth of crossbred heifers.
In: 74th EAAP Annual Meeting. 28. August, Ed. EAAP, Lyon (FR). 2023, 685.
Lerch S., Silacci P., Cantalapiedra-Hijar G., Siegenthaler R., Dubois S., Delavaud A., Bonnet M., Morel I.
Blood metabolite, hormone and 𝛿13C turnover kinetic during compensatory growth of crossbred heifers.
In: Book of abstracts of the 74th Annual meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 26 August - 1 September, Ed. EAAP, Lyon (FR). 2023, 685.
Marques de Sousa A. R., Portmann R., Recio I., Dubois S., Egger C.
Comparison of in vitro digestibility and DIAAR between vegan and meat burgers before and after grilling.
Food Research International, 166, 2023, 1-7.
Mariotte P., Grossiord C., Kay S., Manzocchi E., Aeby P., Ampuero S., Dubois S., Silacci P., Leifeld J., Jan P., Gazzarin C., Probo M.
Installazione di siepi foraggere come risorsa foraggera supplementare durante le siccità estive.
In: Assemblea generale dell'Associazione per lo sviluppo delle colture foraggere. 10 maggio, Sorens. 2023.
altre lingue:
Svensk M., Pittarello M., Mariotte P., Nota G., Schneider M. K., Frund D., Dubois S., Allan E., Probo M.
Nitrogen translocation by Highland cattle grazing in Alnus viridis‑encroached pastures.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 126, 2023, 127-141.