Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Stefan Mann

Roesch A., Douziech M., Mann S., Lansche J., Gaillard G.
Consequences of the use or absence of life cycle assessment in novel environmental assessment methods and food ecolabels.
Cleaner Production Letters, 8, 2025, Articolo 100087.

Rödiger M., Mejia B., Nemecek T., Mann S., El Benni N., Anken T.
Wo stehen wir bei den Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren?
In: 12. Nachhaltigkeitstagung. 23. Januar, Ed. Agroscope, Zürich (CH). 2025.

Loginova D., Mann S.
Is eating meat the new smoking?: Exploring the dynamics between meat consumption and education in Switzerland.
International Journal of Social Economics, 52, (1), 2025, 123-138.

Loginova D., Mann S.
Forecasting food trends using demographic pyramid, generational differentiation and SuperLearner.
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 11, 2024, Articolo 1437.

Franc A., Mann S.
Northern development NGOs as special interest groups: How the smallholder 'Idea' promotes agricultural protectionism.
In: Agricultural Policy: Strategies, Challenges and Global Implications. Ed. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY (USA). 2024, 49-70.

Reguant Closa A., Loginova D., Mann S., Nemecek T.
Do Swiss food trends lead to healthier, more nutritious and environmentally friendly diets?
In: 14th International Conference LCAFood. 9 September, Ed. IRTA, Barcelona (ES). 2024.

Reguant Closa A., Loginova D., Mann S., Nemecek T.
Do Swiss food trends lead to healthier, more nutritious and environmentally friendly diets?
In: 14th International Conference LCAFood. 9 September, Ed. IRTA, Barcelona (ES). 2024, 168-170.

Douziech M., Mann S., Galley S., Lansche J.
A classification scheme for urban agriculture combining technical properties with characteristics related to the economic and social sustainability.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 44, 2024, Articolo 54.

Mehner E., Ehlers M.-H., Herrmann M., Höchli B., Holenweger G., Mann S., Messner C., Nemecek T., Reguant Closa A., Schäfer O., Stämpfli A., Walther B., Douziech M.
Die ernährungsphysiologischen und ökologischen Folgen des Ersatzes von Fleisch und Milchprodukten in der Ernährung: Status quo und Innovationspotenziale.
In: 14. Ökobilanz-Plattform Landwirtschaft. 22. Oktober, Ed. Agroscope, Zürich. 2024.

Mehner E., Ehlers M.-H., Herrmann M., Höchli B., Holenweger G., Mann S., Messner C., Nemecek T., Reguant Closa A., Schäfer O., Stämpfli A., Walther B., Douziech M.
Fleisch- und Milchersatzprodukte - besser für Gesundheit und Umwelt?: Auswirkungen auf Ernährung und Nachhaltigkeit, die Sicht der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten sowie ethische und rechtliche Überlegungen.
TA-SWISS, vdf Hochschulverlag AG. 1. Aufl., 2024, 300 pp.

Lansche J., Mann S., Galley S., Douziech M.
A consistent classification of urban agriculture as prerequisite for a sound sustainability assessment.
In: Vth European Horticulture Congress. 12-16 May, Ed. ISHS, Bucharest (RO). 2024, 14.

Mann S.
Farming without farms? Challenges for organisational behaviour research in an upcoming transformation process.
International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 27, (1), 2024, 1-13.

Mann S.
Evaluating longevity as a farm animal welfare indicator.
Food Ethics, 9, 2024, 1-13.

Beluhova-Uzunova R., Mann S., Prisacariu M., Sadłowski A.
Compensating for the indirect effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: Varied approaches from Bulgaria, Poland and Romania.
EuroChoices, 23, (1), 2024, 11-18.

Mann S.
Planned versus instinctive behaviour: The connection between personality and food waste.
Sustainable Social Development, 2, (2), 2024, 1-12.

Ritzel C., Mann S.
Cooperative forms of food production: The effect of organizational decision-making capacity and social capital on perceived benefits.
In: 187th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). 14 June, Frick. 2024, 1-14.

Mink S., Loginova D., Mann S.
Wolves' contribution to structural change in grazing systems among swiss alpine summer farms: The evidence from causal random forest.
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75, (1), 2024, 201-217.

Mann S.
Angestellte in der Schweizer Landwirtschaft: Lohn und Freundlichkeit gleichermassen entscheidend.
UFA-Revue, 10, 2023, 23-26.

Mann S., Bobeică M., Beciu S., Arghiroiu G. A.
Is there a food waste Kuznet curve?: Some evidence from China, Romania and Switzerland.
Environmental Protection Research, 3, (2), 2023, 230-239.

Mann S.
Fünf Franken für den Liter Milch.
Der Schweizer Bauer, 2023.

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