Holzkaemper A., Calanca P., Honti M., Fuhrer J.
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Fuhrer J., Calanca P.
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Calanca P., Spirig C., Stöckli S., Samietz J., Holzkaemper A., Hirschi H. U.
Implications of changes in seasonal mean temperature for agricultural production systems: three case studies: Chapter 9.
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Finger R., Calanca P., Briner S.
Implications of risk attitude and climate change for optimal grassland management: a case study for Switzerland.
Crop and Pasture Science, 65, (6), 2014, 576-582.
Bacon S. J., Aebi A., Calanca P., Bacher S.
Quarantine arthropod invasions in Europe: the role of climate, hosts and propagule pressure.
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Pavlova V. N., Varcheva S. E., Bokusheva R., Calanca P.
Modelling the effects of climate variability on spring wheat productivity in the steppe zone of Russia and Kazakhstan.
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Klein T., Holzkaemper A., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
Adaptation options under climate change for multifunctional agriculture: a simulation study for western Switzerland.
Regional Environmental Change, 14, 2014, 167-184.
Klein T., Holzkaemper A., Calanca P., Seppelt R., Fuhrer J.
Adapting agricultural land management to climate change: a regional multi-objective optimization approach.
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Quarantine arthropod invasions in Europe: the role of climate, hosts and propagule pressure.
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Validation of ELPIS 1980-2010 baseline scenarios using the observed European Climate Assessment data set.
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Lehmann N., Finger R., Klein T., Calanca P., Walter A.
Adapting crop management practices to climate change: Modeling optimal solutions at the field scale.
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Lehmann N., Finger R., Klein T., Calanca P.
Sample size requirements for assessing statistical moments of simulated crop yield distributions.
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Holzkämper A., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
Identifying climatic limitations to grain maize yield potentials using a suitability evaluation approach.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 168, 2013, 149-159.
Klein T., Holzkämper A., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
Identifying optimum strategies for land management adaptation to climate change - A multiobjective approach.
In: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty, Sixth Biennial Meeting. July 1-5, Ed. R. Seppelt, A. A. Voinov, S. Lange, & D. Bankamp, Leipzig, Germany. 2012, 621-630.
Smith P., Calanca P., Fuhrer J.
A simple scheme for modeling irrigation water requirements at the regional scale applied to an alpine river catchment.
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Hirschi M, Spirig C., Weigel A. P., Calanca P., Samietz J., Rotach M. W.
Monthly weather forecasts in a pest forecasting context: Downscaling, recalibration, and skill improvement.
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 51, (9), 2012, 1633-1638.
Stöckli S., Samietz J., Hirschi M., Spirig C., Rotach M., Calanca P.
Einfluss der Klimaänderung auf den Apfelwickler.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 148, (19), 2012, 7-10.
altre lingue:
De Bruijn A. M. G., Calanca P., Ammann C., Fuhrer J.
Differential long-term effects of climate change and management on stocks and distribution of soil organic carbon in productive grasslands.
Biogeosciences, 9, (6), 2012, 1997-2012.