Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Felix Herzog

Allen-Perkins A., Magrach A., Dainese M., Albrecht M., Sutter L., Herzog F., Jeanneret P., Nates Parra G., Magalhaes Pigozo C., Bartomeus I.
CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination.
Ecology, 103, (3), 2022, 1-8.

Bättig D., Ramseier H., Luka H., Herzog F., Jacot-Ammann K.
Blühstreifen für Bestäuber: Umfrage zeigt weitgehende Zufriedenheit in der Praxis.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 13, 2022, 26-33.

Ammann L., Bosem-Baillod A., Eckerter P.W., Entling M.H., Albrecht M., Herzog F.
Comparing floral resource maps and land cover maps to predict predators and aphid suppression on field bean.
Landscape Ecology, 37, 2021, 431-441.

Jeanneret P., Lüscher G., Schneider M. K., Pointerau P., Herzog F., Arndorfer M., Bailey D., Balàzs K., Bàldi A., Choisis J-P., et al.
An increase in food production in Europe could dramatically affect farmland biodiversity.
Communications Earth & Environment, 2, (183), 2021, 1-8.

Nishizawa T., Kay S., Klein N., Schuler J., Zander P., Herzog F.
Integrated model-based investigation of farm management options and measures to improve biodiversity in agricultural landscapes in north-western Switzerland.
In: LANDSCAPE 2021 – Diversity for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture, Book of Abstracts. 20–22 September, Ed. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Online Conference. 2021, 173.

Hepner S., Kreuzer A., Helfenstein J., Herzog F.
Polarization of agricultural landscape across Europe?: An analysis of changing land use intensity in 14 case study sites.
In: Landscape 2021 - Diversity for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture. 20 September, Ed. Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Berlin (online). 2021, 1.

Kreuzer A., Hepner S., Herzog F., Helfenstein J.
What is the effect of increasing field size on landscape structure elements?
In: Landscape 2021 - Diversity for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture. 21.09., Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Deutschland. 2021.

Jeanneret P., Aviron S., Alignier A., Lavigne C., Helfenstein J., Herzog F., Kay S., Petit S.
Agroecology landscapes.
Landscape Ecology, (36), 2021, 2235-2257.

Sutter L., Ganser D., Herzog F., Albrecht M.
Bestäubung von Kulturpflanzen durch Wild- und Honigbienen in der Schweiz: Bedeutung, Potential für Ertragssteigerungen und Fördermassnahmen.
Agroscope Science, 127, 2021.

Rolo V., Roces-Diaz J., Torralba M., Kay S., Fagerholm N., Aviron S., Burgess P., Crous-Duran J., Ferreiro-Dominguez N., Graves A., Hartel T., Mantzanas K., Mosquera-Losada M. R., Palma J. H., Sidiropoulou A. e altri
Mixtures of forest and agroforestry alleviate trade-offs between ecosystem services in European rural landscapes.
Ecosystem Services, 50, 2021, 101318.

Herzog F., Nair P.
Can temperate agroforestry systems contribute to Sustainable Intensification of agriculture?
In: 5th European Agroforestry Conference - Book of Abstracts - Agroforestry for the transition towards sustainability and bioeconomy. 17-19 May, Ed. EURAF - European Agroforestry Federation, Italy. 2021, 150-151.

Reutimann A., Kay S., Herzog F., Naef A.
Agroforestry and climate change – can almonds be grown in northern Switzerland?
In: 5th European Agroforestry Conference - Book of Abstracts. 17-19 May, Ed. EURAF - European Agroforestry Federation, Online - Italy. 2021, 74-75.

Kay S., Herzog F.
Looking into the future – what is suitable to be grown and what is authorised to be grown in Switzerland?
In: 5th European Agroforestry Conference - Book of Abstracts. 17-19 May, Ed. EURAF - European Agroforestry Federation, Online - Italy. 2021, 54-55.

Herzog F., Fabian Y., Jacot-Ammann K., Kay S.
Mandelbäume und Nassreis als neue Nischenkulturen.
Hotspot, 43, 2021, 16-17.
altre lingue: francese

Meier E., Lüscher G., Buholzer S., Herzog F., Indermaur A., Riedel S., Winizki J., Hofer G., Knop E.
Zustand der Biodiversität in der Schweizer Agrarlandschaft: Zustandsbericht ALL-EMA 2015−2019.
Agroscope Science, 111, 2021.

Kay S., Naef A., Herzog F.
Neue Ideen für etablierte Systeme - Agroforstsysteme mit Mandeln in der Schweiz?
In: Landwirtschaft im Kontext des Klimawandels - Risiken und Handlungsoptionen; SGA Tagung 2021. 19.03., Ed. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie (SGA), Online. 2021.

Eckerter P.W., Albus L., Nataranjan S., Albrecht M., Ammann L., Gobet E., Herzog F., Tinner W., Entling M.H.
Using temporally resolved floral resource maps to explain bumblebee colony performance in agricultural landscapes.
Agronomy, 10, (12), 2020, 1-16.

Kay S., Herzog F.
Jahrestagung IG Agroforst Schweiz.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 16, 2020, 19.

Kay S., Jäger M., Schoop J., Tschopp D., Herzog F.
«Le poirier suisse» – producteur de fruits et/ou de bois d’oeuvre? : Conférence annuelle IG Agroforst Suisse.
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 52, (6), 2020, 374-375.

Ammann L., Moorhouse-Gann R., Cuff J., Bertrand C., Mestre C., Hildago N.P., Ellison A., Herzog F., Entling M.H., Albrecht M., Symondson W.O.C.
Insights into aphid prey consumption by ladybirds: Optimising field sampling methods and primer design for high throughput sequencing.
PLOS ONE, 15, (7), 2020, 1-20.

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