Yan Z., Xu Y., Chu J., Guillaume T., Bragazza L., Li H., Shen Y., Yang Y., Zeng Z., Zang H.
Long-term diversified cropping promotes wheat yield and sustainability across contrasting climates: Evidence from China and Switzerland.
Field Crops Research, 322, 2025, Artikel 109764.
Johannes A., Fontana M., Bragazza L.
ROCSUB – Restoration of a compacted subsoil «Wiederherstellung eines schadverdichteten Unterbodens – Vorabklärungen und Erhebungen 2021-2027» 2024 Activity Report.
Bragazza L., Guillaume T., Elfouki S., Grosjean Y., Fontana M.
Integrating annual crops and short rotation coppice for on-farm production of ramial wood chips – A new agroforestry trial at Agroscope.
In: 7th European Agroforestry Conference. 27. May, Hrsg. EURAF | 2024, Brno (CZ). 2024, 1.
Frioud E.
Holzreste recyceln und Boden verbessern.
Die Grüne, 3, 2024, 11.
Fontana M., Borgatti D., Elfouki S., Grosjean Y., Brancaleoni L., Bragazza L.
Effets d’un biostimulant foliaire à base de zéolite sur le maïs et le blé d’automne.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 15, 2024, 176-184.
weitere Sprachen:
Buttler A., Bragazza L., Laggoun-Défarge F., Gogo S., Toussaint M.L., Lamentowicz M., Chojnicki B.H., Słowiński M., Słowińska S., Zielińska M., Reczuga M., Barabach J., Marcisz K., Lamentowicz L., Harenda K. und weitere
Ericoid shrub encroachment shifts aboveground–belowground linkages in three peatlands across Europe and Western Siberia.
Global Change Biology, 29, 2023, 6772-6793.
Buttler A., Teuscher R., Deschamps N., Gavazov K., Bragazza L., Mariotte P., Schlaepfer R., Jassey V.E.J., Freund L., Cuartero J., Quezada J.C., Frey B.
Impacts of snow-farming on alpine soil and vegetation: A case study from the Swiss Alps.
Science of the Total Environment, 903, 2023, 1-69.
ten Damme L., Bragazza L., Feiziene D., Goberna M., Hallin S., Ros M., Pulido-Moncada M., Sánchez-Moreno S., Philippot L., Munkholm L.J.
Effects of different tillage regimes on soil structural characteristics along a pedoclimatic gradient.
In: EJP Soil - Annual Science Days 2023. 12 June, Riga. 2023, 1.
Fontana M., Sinaj S., Elfouki S., Guillaume T., Bragazza L.
Cover Crop Identity Differently Affects Biomass Productivity as well as Nitrogen and Phosphorus Uptake of Maize (Zea mays L.) in Relation to Soil Type.
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23, 2023, 2392-2403.
Guillaume T., Makowski D., Elfouki S., Bragazza L., Libohova Z., Sinaj S.
Increasing topsoil and subsoil organic carbon storage with improved rotation in cropland-grassland agroecosystems.
In: EGU General Assembly 2022. 23 May, Hrsg. European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna (AT). 2022.
Roohi M., Arif M.S., Guillaume T., Yasmeen T., Riaz M., Shakoor A., Farooq T.H., Shahzad S.M., Bragazza L.
Role of fertilization regime on soil carbon sequestration and crop yield in a maize-cowpea intercropping system on low fertility soils.
Geoderma, 428, 2022, Artikel 116152.
Guillaume T., Makowski D., Elfouki S., Bragazza L., Libohova Z., Sinaj S.
Carbon Storage Potential in the Topsoil and Subsoil of Temperate Cropland-Grassland Agroecosystems.
In: 8th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter. 29. juin, Seoul - Korea. 2022.
Guillaume T., Elfouki S., Bragazza L., Sinaj S., Carlen C.
Increasing soil organic carbon by including temporary grasslands in the rotation.
In: ESA 2022 - Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. 29. août, Postdam - Germany. 2022.
Guillaume T., Makowski D., Libohova Z., Elfouki S., Fontana M., Leifeld J., Bragazza L., Sinaj S.
Carbon storage in agricultural topsoils and subsoils is promoted by including temporary grasslands into the crop rotation.
Geoderma, 422, 2022, 1-9.
Johannes A., Fontana M., Köstel J. K., Keller T., Weisskopf P., Bragazza L.
Recovery of compacted subsoil : introducing the ROCSUB project.
In: EGU22. 26. April, Vienna. 2022.
Verbeke B. A., Lamit L. J., Lilleskov E. A., Hodgkins S. B., Basiliko N., Kane E. S., Andersen R., Artz R. R. E., Benavides J. C., Benscoter B. W., Borken W., Bragazza L., Brandt S. M., Bräuer S. L., Carson M. A. und weitere
Latitude, elevation, and mean annual temperature predict peat organic matter chemistry at a global scale.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36, (2), 2022, 1-17.
Quezada J.C., Guillaume T., Poeplau C., Ghazoul J., Buttler A.
Deforestation-free land-use change and organic matter-centered management improve the C footprint of oil palm expansion.
Global Change Biology, 28, 2022, 2476-2490.