Wetterlind J., Simmler M., Castaldi F., Borůvka L., Gabriel J. L., Gomes L. C., Khosravi V., Kıvrak C., Koparan M. H., Lázaro-López A., Łopatka A., Liebisch F., Rodriguez J. A., Savaş A. Ö., Stenberg B., Tunçay T., Vinci I., Volungevičius J., Žydelis R., Vaudour E.

Influence of soil texture on the estimation of soil organic carbon from Sentinel‐2 Temporal Mosaics at 34 european sites.

European Journal of Soil Science, 76, (1), 2025, Artikel e70054.

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ISSN Print: 1351-0754
ISSN Online: 1365-2389
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.70054
Publikations-ID (Webcode): 58837 Per E-Mail versenden

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