Keel S., Budai A., Elsgaard L., Hardy B., Levavasseur F., Zhi L., Mondini C., Plaza C., Leifeld J.
Efficiency of plant biomass processing pathways for long-term soil carbon storage.
European Journal of Soil Science, 76, (2), 2025, Artikel e70074.
Leifeld J., Paul S. M., Gross-Schmölders M., Wang Y., Wüst-Galley C.
Crediting peatland rewetting for carbon farming: Some considerations amidst optimism.
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 30, 2025, Artikel 13, 1-19.
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Decadal increases in carbon uptake offset by respiratory losses across northern permafrost ecosystems.
Nature Climate Change, 14, 2024, 853-862.
Leifeld J.
Ensuring carbon farming delivers sustainability benefits. Recommendations for carbon farming certification methodologies.
CREDIBLE project consortium. 2024, 11 S.
Rainford S.-K., Leifeld J., Siegl S., Hagenbucher S., Riedel J., Gross T., Niggli U., Keel S.
No relationship between outputs of simple humus balance calculators (VDLUFA and STAND) and soil organic carbon trends.
European Journal of Soil Science, 75, (6), 2024, Artikel e70007.
Rousset C., Segura C., Gilgen A., Alfaro M., Mendes L. A., Dodd M., Dashpurev B., Bastidas M., Rivera J., Merbold L., Vázquez E.
What evidence exists relating the impact of different grassland management practices to soil carbon in livestock systems?: A systematic map protocol.
Environmental Evidence, 13, 2024, Artikel 22.
Rousset C., Bréfort H., Fonseca R. F., Guyerdet G., Bizouard F., Arkoun M., Hénault C.
Surprising minimisation of CO2 emissions from a sandy loam soil over a rye growing period achieved by liming (CaCO3).
Science of the Total Environment, 953, 2024, Artikel 175973.
Lang K., van de Craats D., Honkanen H., Elsgaard L., Hessel R., Kekkonen H., Larmola T., Leifeld J., Laerke P. E., Rodriguez A., Saarnio S., Zhao J.
Rewetting of drained peatlands provides permanent and fast GHG mitigation.
EJP Soil. 2024, 4 S.
Keel S., Ammann C., Bretscher D., Gross T., Guillaume T., Huguenin-Elie O., Moll J., Nemecek T., Roesch A., Volk M., Wüst C., Leifeld J.
Dauergrünlandböden der Schweiz: Quelle oder Senke von Kohlendioxid?
Agroscope Science, 189, 2024.
Paul S. M., Ammann C., Wang y., Alewell C., Leifeld J.
Can mineral soil coverage be a suitable option to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from agriculturally managed peatlands?
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 375, 2024, 1-11.
Sriskandarajah N., Wüst C., Heller S., Leifeld J., Määttä T., Ouyang Z., Runkle B. R. K., Schiedung M., Schmidt M. W. I., Tumber-Dávila S. J., Malhotra M.
Belowground plant allocation regulates rice methane emissions from degraded peat soils.
Scientific Reports, 14, 2024, 1-12.
Liang Z., Hermansen C., Weber P.L., Pesch C., Greve M.H., De Jonge L.W., Mäenpää M., Leifeld J., Elsgaard L.
Underestimation of carbon dioxide emissions from organic-rich agricultural soils.
Communications Earth & Environment, 5, (286), 2024, 1-7.
Don A., Seidel F., Leifeld J., Kätterer T., Martin M., Pellerin S., Emde D., Seitz D., Chenu C.
Reply letter to Munoz et al. ‘on the importance of time in carbon sequestration in soils and climate change mitigation’— Keep carbon sequestration terminologies consistent and functional.
Global Change Biology, 30, (3), 2024, 1-2.
Wang Y., Calanca P., Leifeld J.
Sources of nitrous oxide emissions from agriculturally managed peatlands.
Global Change Biology, 30, (1), 2024, 1-13.
Hobbie E. A., Keel S., Klein T., Rog I., Saurer M., Siegwolf R., Routhier M. R., Körner C.
Tracing the spatial extent and lag time of carbon transfer from Picea abies to ectomycorrhizal fungi differing in host type, taxonomy, or hyphal development.
Fungal Ecology, 68, 2024, 1-8.
Don A., Seidel F., Leifeld J., Kätterer T., Martin M., Pellerin S., Emde D., Seitz D., Chenu C.
Carbon sequestration in soils and climate change mitigation: Definitions and pitfalls.
Global Change Biology, 30, (1), 2024, Artikel e16983.
Hobbie E. A., Siegwolf R., Körner C., Steinmann K., Wilhelm M., Saurer M., Keel S.
Weather modifes the spatial extent of carbohydrate transfers from CO2‑supplied broad‑leaved trees to ectomycorrhizal fungi.
Plant and Soil, 494, 2024, 717-730.
Leifeld J., Lupascu C.
Climate impact of peatland agriculture.
In: Peatlands and climate change: Scientific facts and figures for decision-makers. Hrsg. International Peatland Society, Jyväskylä (FI). 2023, 151-191.
Feigenwinter I., Hörtnagl L., Zeeman M., Eugster W., Fuchs K., Merbold L., Buchmann N.
Large inter-annual variation in carbon sink strength of a permanent grassland over 16 years: Impacts of management practices and climate.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 340, 2023, 1-24.
Fouché J., Burgeon V., Meersmans J., Leifeld J., Cornelis J-T.
Accumulation of century-old biochar contributes to carbon storage and stabilization in the subsoil.
Geoderma, 440, 2023, 1-16.
Keel S., Bretscher D., Leifeld J., von Ow A., Wüst C.
Soil carbon sequestration potential bounded by population growth, land availability, food production, and climate change.
Carbon Management, 14, (1), 2023, 1-17.
Rodrigues L., Budai A., Elsgaard L., Hardy B., Keel S., Mondini C., Plaza C., Leifeld J.
The importance of biochar quality and pyrolysis yield for soil carbon sequestration in practice.
European Journal of Soil Science, 74, (4), 2023, 1-11.
Wüst C., Heller S., Ammann C., Paul S. M., Doetterl S., Leifeld J.
Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice grown on organic soils in the temperate zone.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 356, 2023, 1-9.
Keel S., Johannes A., Boivin P., Burgos S., Charles R., Hagedorn F., Kulli B., Leifeld J., Saluz A., Zimmermann S.
Soil carbon sequestration in Switzerland: Analysis of potentials and measures (Postulate Bourgeois 19.3639).
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Hugenschmidt J., Kay S.
Unmasking adaption of tree root structure in agroforestry systems in Switzerland using GPR.
Geoderma Regional, 34, 2023, 1-10.
Wang Y., Paul S. M., Alewell C., Leifeld J.
Reduced nitrogen losses from drained temperate agricultural peatland after mineral soil coverage.
Biology and Fertility of Soils, 59, 2023, 153-165.
Leifeld J.
Carbon farming: Climate change mitigation via non-permanent carbon sinks.
Journal of Environmental Management, 339, 2023, 1-3.
Paul S. M., Leifeld J.
Management of organic soils to reduce soil organic carbon losses.
In: Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration. 07.11.2022, Hrsg. C. Rumpel, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. 2023, 617-680.
Tanneberger F., Larmola T., Sirin A., Arias-Navarro C., Farrell C., Glatzel S., Kozulin A., Laerke P.-E., Leifeld J., Mäkipää R., Minayeva T., Moen A., Oskarsson H., Pakalne M., Sendžikaitė J.
Regional assessment for Europe.
In: Global Peatlands Assessment: The State of the World’s Peatlands. Hrsg. UNEP und Global Peatlands Initiative, Nairobi (Kenya). 2022, 123-153.
Serk H., Nilsson M. B., Figurea J., Krüger J. P., Leifeld J., Alewell C., Schleucher J.
Organochemical characterization of peat reveals decomposition of specific hemicellulose structures as the main cause of organic matter loss in the acrotelm.
Environmental Science & Technology, 56, (23), 2022, 17410-17419.
Leifeld J., Keel S.
Quantifying negative radiative forcing of non-permanent and permanent soil carbon sinks.
Geoderma, 423, 2022, 1-8.
Hardy B., Borchard N., Leifeld J.
Identification of thermal signature and quantification of charcoal in soil using differential scanning calorimetry and benzene polycarboxylic acid (BPCA) markers.
Soil, 8, 2022, 451-466.
Gross-Schmölders M., Klein K., Emsens W.-J., van Diggelen R., Aggenbach C. J. S., Liczner Y., Frouz J., Leifeld J., Alewell C.
Stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) and biomarkers as indicators of the hydrological regime of fens in a European east–west transect.
Science of the Total Environment, 838, (4), 2022, 1-10.
Klein K., Schellekens J., Gross-Schmölders M., von Sengbusch P., Alewell C., Leifeld J.
Characterizing ecosystem-driven chemical composition differences in natural and drained Finnish bogs us-ing Pyrolysis-GC/MS.
Organic Geochemistry, 165, 2022, 1-10.
Volk M., Suter M., Wahl A.-L., Bassin S.
Massive warming-induced carbon loss from subalpine grassland soils in an altitudinal transplantation experiment.
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He C., Wang Y., Yu Y., Kou Y., Yves B., Zhao X., Zhang H.
Comprehensive analysis of resource utilization efficiency under different tillage systems in North China Plain.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 347, 2022, 131289.
Wang Y., Paul S. M., Jocher M., Alewell, C., Leifeld J.
Reduced nitrous oxide emissions from drained temperate agricultural peatland after coverage with mineral soil.
Frontiers Environmental Science, 10, 2022, Artikel 856599.
Rodrigues L., Hardy B., Huyghebaert B., Leifeld J.
Potential agricultural soil carbon sequestration across Europe: A reality check.
In: EGU General Assembly 2021. 19. bis 30. April, online. 2021.