Lukas Jeker


Ecotoxicologist - Scientific Associate

Research Group

  • Honey Bees


Lukas Jeker

Schwarzenburgstrasse 161
3003 Bern

Phone +41 58 46 35185

Location Liebefeld

Lukas Jeker


Evaluation and approval of plant protection product and agrochemical dossiers regarding bee safety. Developing of new regulatory test methods (international ring-test) with honey bees, bumble bees and solitary bees. Representing Switzerland at international meetings (EFSA, OECD, ICPPR and SETAC)    


Further Information

My name is Lukas Jeker, I am married and have two children a daughter (10) and a son (7).

I am Swiss and live in a small village called Duggingen close to Basel.


I was working for 12 years as research technician, 10 years as study director and team leader (in the field of terrestrial ecotoxicology) in R&D agrochemical companies (i.e. Ciba Geigy, Novartis and Syngenta) and different CRO`s (i.e. RCC, Harlan and IES Ltd.). My proficiency was conducting efficacy, effect and residue studies, lower and higher tier regulatory studies with NTA`s, NTP`s and bees under GLP.

As an educated beekeeper I became specialized in the field of regulatory studies with bees.

I am a member and expert of international panels and working groups (i.e. OECD, ICPPR and AG Bienenschutz). I am actively participating on international ring tests (i.e. method development of honeybee larvae, bumble bee and solitary bee laboratory tests).

The last two years I was working at Dr. Knoell Consult Switzerland where I was conducting risk assessments of PPP on bees and non-target arthropods, registration of agrochemicals according to the European, national and global regulatory framework. Review and evaluation of toxicological studies and publications, data gap analysis. Last but not least, familiarising with the new EFSA bee guidance document.


Mountain biking, hiking, skiing and snowboarding