The constant, even if low, presence of grapevine “flavescence dorée”(FD) in the vineyards of Ticino, Switzerland,challenged the stakeholders to investigate for other players involved in the FD dynamics. This study was aimed to explorethe impact that the exotic leafhopper Orientus ishidaemay have on FD epidemics in Ticino by monitoring its population density and level of infection with16SrV group phytoplasmas. In 2018, 283 leafhoppers were collected from three FD infected areas, both fromthe vineyardsand the surrounding landscape. Spatial density mapsshowed that the captures occurred mostly in the landscape, with a clear clustered distribution among the traps. Molecular analyses revealed a high infection percentage of O. ishidae samples in the three investigated plots, both inside and outside the vineyards.
Jermini M., Conedera M., Rizzoli A., Belgeri E., Filippin L., Angelini E.
Potential role of Orientus ishidae in the “flavescence dorée” epidemics in Ticino, Switzerland.
Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 9, (1), 2019, 67-68.
ISSN Print: 2249-4669
ISSN Online: 2249-4677
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
Publication-ID (Web Code): 47306
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