Publication List

Publications Jolanda Reusser

Reusser J., Siegenthaler M., Winkel L. H. E., Wächter D., Kretzschmar R., Meuli R. G.
Geochemical Soil Atlas of Switzerland: Distribution of 20 elements in the topsoil.
Publ. Agroscope, Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Zurich, Berne. 5 December, 2023, 154 pp.
other Languages: german | french | italian

Reusser J., Siegenthaler M., Winkel L., Wächter D., Kretzschmar R., Meuli R. G.
The geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Assessment of the concentration ranges and spatial distributions of 20 elements in topsoils.
In: Swiss Geoscience Meeting. 18 November, Mendrisio. 2023, 1-17.

Reusser J., Siegenthaler M., Winkel L. H. E., Wächter D., Kretzschmar R., Meuli R. G.
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Distribution of toxic elements.
Chimia, 77, (11), 2023, 758-763.

Reusser J., Siegenthaler M., Winkel L., Kretzschmar R., Wächter D., Meuli R. G.
Assessing trace element contents in surface soils across Switzerland.
In: World Congress of Soil Science. 31. July, Glasgow. 2022.

Reusser J., Winkel L., Kretzschmar R., Wächter D., Meuli R. G.
The geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland.
In: Swiss Geoscience Meeting. 20.11., Genf. 2021, 1-4.