Ollagnier C., Mellino M.R., Pradervand N., Tretola M., Dubois S., Durosoy S., Desrues O., Bellon J.
Feed supplementation with potentiated zinc and/or tannin-rich extracts reduces ETEC infection severity and antimicrobial resistance genes in pig.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 12, 2025, Article 1494103.
Bonnefont C., Kasper-Völkl C., Brun A., Brossard L., Donko T., Oster M., Font-i-Furnols M., Schlegel P.
Performance de croissance et composition corporelle du porc suite à un apport limitant en protéines et en phosphore.
In: 57èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. 3 février, Saint Malo (FR). 2025.
Bonnefont C. M. D., Kasper-Völkl C., Brun A., Brossard L., Donko T., Oster M., Font-i-Furnols M., Schlegel P.
Performance de croissance et composition corporelle du porc suite à un apport limitant en protéines et en phosphore.
In: 57èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. 4 - 5 février, Publ. IFIP / INRAE, Saint-Malo (FR). 2025, 463-464.
Coquil N., Heurtault J., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P., Schlegel P.
Cinétique de minéralisation osseuse de truies primipares et multipares et de leur portées en fonction de l'apport phosphocalcique.
In: 57èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. 4 - 5 février, Publ. IFIP / INRAE, Saint-Malo (FR). 2025, 161-166.
Schlegel P., Girard M., Lautrou M.
Optimierung von Mischfutterrezepturen auf Nährstoffeintrag oder -Ausscheidung für Monogastrier.
Agroscope. Merkblatt Nr. 214, 2024, 5 pp.
other Languages:
Manoni M., Tretola M., Luciano A., Ferrari L., Ottoboni M., Pinotti L.
Ex‐foods diets affect the fatty acid profile of the abdominal adipose rissue without significantly affecting the plasma metabolome of postweaning piglets.
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, In Press, 2024.
Palumbo F., Trevisi P., Correa F., Bee G., Girard M.
Increasing the level of hemicelluloses in the lactation diet affects the faecal microbiota of sows and their piglets without affecting their performances.
Animal Microbiome, 6, 2024, Article 68.
Lautrou M., Pomar C., Schmidely P., Létourneau-Montminy M. P.
Effects of phosphorus and calcium depletion on growth performances and bone mineralisation in growing pigs.
Animal, 18, (12), 2024, Article 101355.
Girard M., Palumbo F., Fleuti C., Silacci P., Bee G.
The water solubility of dietary fibers affects sow farrowing duration, colostrum production and offspring growth.
In: Spring Conference Animal Nutrition 2024. 23rd May, Publ. ETH, Lindau (CH). 2024, 11-12.
Girard M., Le Floc'H N., Font-I-Furnols M., Moscovice L. R., Ács V., Westin R.
Improving research quality and collaboration by developing standard operating procedures.
In: 75th EAAP Annual Meeting. 4 September, Publ. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024, 994.
Vasa S., Girard M., Gardiner G. E., O’driscoll K., Bee G., Lawlor P. G.
Feeding a gestation diet to sows in early lactation and liquid creep feeding of suckling pigs.
In: 75th EAAP Annual Meeting. 3 September, Publ. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024, 610.
Girard M., Lin P., Hiltebrand C.
Piglet suckling behaviour in relation to fibre type in the maternal diet.
In: 75th EAAP Annual Meeting. 3 September, Publ. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024.
Noorman L., van der Hee B., Gerrits W. J. J., Lammers-Jannink K. C. M., Kies A.K., van der Wielen N., Tretola M., Hooiveld G. J. E. J., de Vries S.
Potential new methods to analyze basal and total endogenous protein losses of host and bacterial origin in pigs.
The Journal of Nutrition, 154, (12), 2024, 3832-3846.
Manoni M., Altomare A., Nonnis S., Ferrario G., Mazzoleni S., Tretola M., Bee G., Tedeschi G., Aldini G., Pinotti L.
Preliminary investigation on the impact of salty and sugary former foods on pig liver and plasma profiles using OMICS approaches.
Scientific Reports, 14, 2024, Article 19386.
Heurtault J., Maikoff G., Létourneau-Montminy M. P., Schlegel P.
Method: Body composition assessment of sows using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.
Animal Open Space, 3, 2024, Article 100079.
Lautrou M., Manzocchi E., Schlegel P.
Swiss Feed Database: mineral and trace element composition of feedstuffs.
In: Spring conference Animal Nutrition. 23 May, Publ. Agridea / ETH Zurich, Lindau. 2024.
Lautrou M., Bee G.
Estimation de l’efficacité d’utilisation des acides aminés à partir de données de composition chimique de porcs en croissance.
In: Journée de la production animale. 26 septembre, Publ. Agroscope / AGRIDEA, Grangeneuve. 2024.
Lautrou M., Bee G.
Estimating the efficiency of amino acid use using chemical composition data from growing pigs.
In: 75th EAAP Annual Meeting. 4 September, Publ. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024.
Lautrou M., Lerch S., Mehaba Fedila N.
The 11th ModNut workshop amidst the majestic Swiss Alps.
In: 75th EAAP Annual Meeting. 1 September, Publ. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024.
Hu D., Ollagnier C., Hofer A., Girard M., Gutzwiller A., Bee G., Neuenschwander S.
The genetic resistance of sows to Escherichia coli F4 adhesion reduces their response to a vaccine containing F4 fimbriae but does not affect the preweaning performance of their susceptible piglets.
Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 166, (9), 2024, 451-458.
Gourlez E., Dourmad J. Y., Beline F., Rigo Monteiro A., Boudon A., Narcy A., Schlegel P., de Quenel F.
Effects of reducing copper and zinc supplementation on the performance and mineral status of fattening pigs.
Animal, 18, (10), 2024, 1-10.
Floradin P., Pomar C., Létourneau-Montminy M. P., Schlegel P.
Development of the mineralisation of individual bones and bone regions in replacement gilts according to dietary calcium and phosphorus.
Animal, 18, (8), 2024, 1-9.
Tretola M., Mazzoleni S., Bee G., Silacci P., Pinotti L.
Replacing cereal with ultra-processed foods in pig diets does not adverse gut microbiota, L-glutamate uptake, or serum insulin.
The Journal of Nutrition, 154, (9), 2024, 2717-2731.
Schlegel P.
Phosphorernährung des Schweins nach Empfehlung, mit minimalem Einsatz von Phosphaten.
Agroscope. Merkblatt Nr. 213, 2024, 5 pp.
other Languages:
Girard M., Lautrou M., Schlegel P.
Proteinernährung des Schweins basierend auf verdaulichen Aminosäuren mit begrenztem Stickstoffeintrag.
Agroscope. Merkblatt Nr. 212, 2024, 5 pp.
other Languages:
Heurtault J., Maïkoff G., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Montminy M.P.
Le phosphore et l'os : Une alliance pour une gestion durable du minéral en élevage porcin.
Porc Québec, juin, 2024, 2-3.
Heurtault J., Létourneau-Montminy M. P., Schlegel P.
Dynamics of bone mineralization in sows as a function of dietary phosphorus and calcium during lactation.
In: Spring Conference Animal Nutrition. 23 May, Lindau. 2024.
Lin P., Fearn T., Mazzoleni S., Ottoboni M., Luciano A., Moradei A., Tretola M., Pinotti L.
Size and shape attributes of packaging remnants commonly detected in former food products.
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 23, (1), 2024, 1-10.
Heurtault J., Létourneau-Montminy M. P., Schlegel P.
Dynamics of bone mineralization in sows as a function of dietary phosphorus and calcium during lactation.
In: Role of animal nutrition in sustainability goals for Switzerland and beyond. 23 May, Publ. ETH Zürich, Lindau. 2024, 12-13.
Heurtault J., Maïkoff G., Létourneau-Montminy M-P., Schlegel P.
Le phosphore et l'os : Une alliance pour une gestion durable du minéral en élevage porcin.
Suisseporcs Information, 4, 2024, 13-14.
Tretola M., Bee G., Silacci P.
Electrogenic transport of amino acids and glucose differs between jejunum and ileum of female and castrated male finishing pigs.
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 23, (1), 2024, 618-628.
Heurtault J., Hiscocks S., Létourneau-Montminy M. P., Schlegel P.
Dynamics of bone mineralization in primiparous sows as a function of dietary phosphorus and calcium during lactation.
Animal, 18, (4), 2024, 1-11.
Heurtault J., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P.
Prédiction de l'absorption de phosphore et de calcium alimentaire chez la truie en lactation.
In: 56èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. 6 - 7 février, Publ. IFIP / INRAE, Saint-Malo (F). 2024.
Heurtault J., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P.
Prédiction de l'absorption de phosphore et de calcium alimentaire chez la truie en lactation.
In: 56èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. 6 - 7 février, Publ. IFIP / INRAE, Saint-Malo (F). 2024, 223-224.
Lemée T., Heurtault J., Gaillot J., Schlegel P., Cloutier L., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P.
Effets d'une alimentation de précision en phosphore et en calcium sur le statut phosphocalcique de la truie durant deux cycles de gestation.
In: 56èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. 6 - 7 février, Publ. IFIP / INRAE, Saint-Malo (F). 2024, 145-150.
Heurtault J., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P.
Modèle mécaniste de l'utilisation du phosphore et du calcium alimentaire et de la dynamique de rétention des cendres corporelles chez la truie en lactation.
In: 56èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. 6 - 7 février, Publ. IFIP / INRAE, Saint-Malo (F). 2024, 151-156.
Gourlez E., Dourmad J-Y., Beline F., Monteiro A., Boudon A., Narcy A., Schlegel P., De Quenel F.
Effet de la réduction des niveaux de supplémentation en cuivre et zinc des aliments sur les performances et le statut minéral des porcs à l'engraissement.
In: 56èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. 6 - 7 février, Publ. IFIP / INRAE, Saint-Malo (F). 2024, 207-208.
Tretola M., Mazzoleni S., Silacci P., Dubois S., Proserpio C., Pagliarini E., Bernardi E.M., Pinotti L., Bee G.
Sustainable pig diets: Partial grain replacement with former food products and its impact on meat quality.
Journal of Animal Science, 102, 2024, 1-15.
Mazzoleni S., Tretola M., Luciano A., Lin P., Pinotti L., Bee G.
Sugary and salty former food products in pig diets affect energy and nutrient digestibility, feeding behaviour but not the growth performance and carcass composition.
Animal, 17, (12), 2024, 1-10.
Girard M.
Schweine: Fütterung.
In: Wirz Handbuch: Pflanzen und Tiere 2024. Publ. AGRIDEA Lindau, Basel. 2023, 1014-1023.
Lautrou M., Manzocchi E., Schlegel P.
Swiss Feed Database: mineral and trace element composition of feedstuffs.
In: 74th EAAP Annual Meeting. 31 August, Publ. EAAP, Lyon (FR). 2023.
Heurtault J., Lemée T., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P., Schlegel P.
Body calcium and phosphorus mobilization of sows during lactation.
In: ASAS Midwest Section Meeting. 13 March, Publ. ASAS, Madison, Wisconsin (USA). 2023, 295.
Heurtault J., Létourneau-Montminiy M.-P., Schlegel P.
Dynamics of bone mineralization in primiparous sows as a function of dietary phosphorus and calcium during lactation.
In: ASAS Midwest Section Meeting. 15 March, Publ. ASAS, Madison, Wisconsin (USA). 2023, 159-160.
Gourlez E., Dourmad J.Y., Beline F., Monteiro A., Boudon A., Narcy A., Schlegel P., De Quenel F.
Reduction of trace mineral supplementation on performance and mineral status of fattening pigs.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Publ. EAAP. 2023, 711.
Heurtault J., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Monminy M.P.
Mechanistic model of the dynamics of body retention and utilization of phosphorus and calcium in sow.
In: 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 26 August - 1 September, Publ. EAAP, Lyon (FR). 2023, 324.
Manoni M., Terranova M., Amelchanka S., Pinotti L., Silacci P., Tretola M.
Effect of ellagic and gallic acid on the mitigation of methane production and ammonia formation in an in vitro model of short-term rumen fermentation.
Animal Feed Science and Technology, online, 2023, 1-9.
Wallenbeck A., Girard M., Johansen M., Düpjan S., Aluwe M., De Cuyper C., Labussière E., Font-I-Furnols M., Heetkamp M., Westin R.
Development of protocols for standard management and recording in pig research facilities.
In: 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). 29 August, Lyon. 2023, 473.
Girard M., Correa F., Palumbo F., Silacci P., Bee G.
The dietary fibre solubility in the maternal diet does not affect the muscle development of piglets.
In: 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). 29 August, Lyon. 2023, 465.
Lin P., Bee G., Neuenschwander S., Girard M.
Performances, milk quality, and piglet growth in lactating sows fed former food products.
In: 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). 28 August, Lyon. 2023, 341.
Pinotti L., Ferrari L., Fumagalli F., Luciano A., Manoni M., Mazzoleni S., Govoni C., Rulli M.C., Lin P., Bee G., Tretola M.
Review: Pig-based bioconversion: The use of former food products to keep nutrients in the food chain.
Animal, 17, (2), 2023, 1-7.
Girard M., Schlegel P.
Schweine: Fütterung.
In: Pflanzen und Tiere 2023: Wirz Handbuch. 1. Januar, Publ. Agridea Lindau, Basel. 2023, 1003-1010.
Tretola M., Bee G., Dohme-Meier F., Silacci P.
Review: Harmonized in vitro digestion and the Ussing chamber for investigating the effects of polyphenols on intestinal physiology in monogastrics and ruminants.
Animal, 17, (5), 2023, 1-46.
Girard M., Palumbo F., Correa F., Bee G.
Effet de la solubilité des fibres alimentaires chez la truie sur le déroulement de la mise bas, la qualité du colostrum et la croissance des porcelets.
In: 55èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine. 31 janvier, Publ. IFIP, INRAE, Saint Malo. 2023, 243-244.
Heurtault J., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P., Schlegel P.
Cinétique de la minéralisation osseuse de truies primipares en fonction de l'apport en phosphore et en calcium alimentaire durant la lactation.
In: Journées de la recherche porcine. 1 février, Publ. INRAE, Saint-Malo. 2023, 177-182.
Heurtault J., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Montminy M,-P.
Prédiction de la composition minérale corporelle des cochettes entre la saillie et la mise-bas: évaluation de différents modèles.
In: Journées de la recherche porcine. 01 février, St Malo. 2023, 239-240.
Heurtault J., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P., Schlegel P.
Cinétique de la minéralisation osseuse de truies primipares en fonction de l'apport en phosphore et en calcium alimentaire durant la lactation.
In: 55èmes Journées de la recherche porcine. 1 février, Publ. INRAE, Saint-Malo. 2023, 177-182.
Bellon J., Girard M., Ollagnier C.
Ferkel mit intrauteriner Wachstumsretardierung: Ihre Gesundheit und postnatales Wachstum.
other Languages:
Palumbo F., Bee G., Trevisi P., Girard M.
Decreasing the level of hemicelluloses in sow’s lactation diet affects the milk composition and post-weaning performance of low birthweight piglets.
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 22, (1), 2023, 250-262.
Mazzoleni S., Magni S., Tretola M., Luciano A., Ferrari L., Bernardi C.E.M., Lin P., Ottoboni M., Binelli A., Pinotti L.
Packaging contaminants in former food products: using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy to identify the remnants and the associated risks.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 488, 2023, 1-11.
Palumbo F., Girard M., Correa F., Bee G., Trevisi P.
A workflow to study the microbiota profile of piglet’s umbilical cord blood: from sampling to data analysis.
Animal Open Space, 2, 2023, 1-5.
Girard M., Palumbo F., Correa F., Trevisi P., Bee G.
The water solubility of dietary fibers affects farrowing duration of sows and offspring development.
In: International Scientific Meeting on Colostrum. 16.-18. November, Publ. University of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. 2022, 28.
Bellon J., Ollagnier C.
Schweine mit intrauteriner Wachstumsretardierung (IUGR): Welche Auswirkungen hat dies auf ihre Physiologie?
Grangeneuve: Infoblatt, 161, 2022, 3-4.
other Languages:
Heurtault J., Floradin P., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P.
Evolution des dépôts corporels en lipide, protéine, phosphore et calcium des cochettes de 50 kg à la première mise bas.
In: Colloque scientifique en production porcine et avicole 2022. 20. octobre, Publ. Centre de Référence en Agriculture et Agroalimentaire du Québec, Québec (Canada). 2022.
Heurtault J., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P.
Predictions of body mineral content in gilts from mating to first parturition: Evaluation of different requirement models.
Animal - Science Proceedings, 13, (4), 2022, 514-515.
Floradin P., Lautrou M., Pomar C., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Montminy M.P.
Capacité des modèles d’estimation des besoins chez le porc à l’engraissement pour prédire l’utilisation du phosphore alimentaire chez la cochette.
In: Journées de la recherche porcine. 1. février, Paris. 2022, 199-200.
Luciano A., Mazzoleni S., Ottoboni M., Tretola M., Calvini R., Ulrici A., Manoni M., Bernardi C.E.M., Pinotti L.
Former Foodstuff Products (FFPs) as circular feed: Types of packaging remnants and methods for their detection.
Sustainability, 14, (21), 2022, 1-14.
Heurtault J., Floradin P., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P.
Evolution des dépôts corporels en lipide, protéine, phosphore et calcium des cochettes de 50 kg à la première mise bas.
In: Colloque scientifique en production porcine et avicole 2022. 20 octobre, Publ. Centre de Référence en Agriculture et Agroalimentaire du Québec, Québec. 2022.
Levy M., Yvernault P., Ollagnier C., Summerfield A.
Weniger Antibiotika dank Stärkung des angeborenen Immunsystems.
Suisseporcs Information, 11, 2022, 19-21.
Girard M.
Schweinefütterung 2022.
In: Pflanzen und Tiere 2022 - Wirz Handbuch. Publ. AGRIDEA Lindau, Basel. 2022, 990-1010.
Heinzl G. C., Tretola M., De Benedetti, S., Silacci P., Scarafoni A.
Lupinus albus γ-Conglutin: New findings about its action at the intestinal barrier and a critical analysis of the state of the art on its postprandial glycaemic regulating activity.
Nutrients, 14, (17), 2022, 1-17.
Ollagnier C., Mellino M. R., Pradervand N., Dubois S., Romeo A., Desrues O., Bee G.
Interaction between a potentiated formulation of ZnO and a mixture of tannins to reduce post-weaning-diarrhea in an ETEC infection model Dietary fumonisins potentially modulate sone health indicators in weaned piglets.
Animal - Science Proceedings, 13, (2), 2022, 208.
Palumbo F., Bee G., Trevisi P., Correa F., Dubois S., Girard M.
Effect of maternal diet on slow and fast growing piglet faecal microbiota and volatile fatty acids.
In: 73nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, No 28. 5-9 September, Publ. EAAP, Porto. 2022, 199.
Girard M., Stoll P., Maïkoff G., Bee G.
Increasing feed allowance of lactating sows: what effects on sow and litter performances?
In: 73nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 5-9 September, Publ. EAAP, Porto. 2022.
Tretola M., Luciano A., Manoni M., Ottoboni M., Pinotti L.
Food industry leftovers slightly affect gut microbiota and blood metabolites in pigs.
In: 7th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (ISEP 2022). 12. septembre, Granada, Spain. 2022, 405-406.
Luciano A., Tretola M., Mazzoleni S., Manoni M., Fumagalli F., Ceravoli G., Ottoboni M., Rulli M.C., Govoni C., Pinotti L.
Former food products in post-weaning piglets: Effects on subcutaneous adipose tissue and on selected metabolites.
In: 7th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (ISEP 2022). 12. septembre, Granada, Spain. 2022, 392-393.
Ottoboni M., Luciano A., Tretola M., Mazzoleni S., Rovere N., Fumagalli F., Abbate R., Ferrari L., Pinotti L.
Sweet vs Salty Former Food Products in Piglets slightly affect subcutaneous adipose tissue quality.
In: 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP 2022). 05. septembre, Porto, Portugal. 2022, 430.
Pinotti L., Luciano A., Ottoboni M., Manoni M., Mazzoleni S., Ceravolo G., Tretola M., Rulli M.
Pig-based bioconversion: Keeping nutrients in the food chain.
In: 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP 2022). 05. septembre, Porto, Portugal. 2022, 364.
Tretola M., Luciano A., Manoni M., Ottoboni M., Abbate R., Ceravolo G., Pinotti L.
Food industry leftovers slightly affect gut microbiota and blood metabolites in growing pigs.
In: 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP 2022). 5. septembre, Porto, Portugal. 2022, 441.
Tretola M., Silacci P., Ewaoluwagbemiga E., Bee G., Kasper-Völkl C.
Jejunal and ileal nutrient uptake and epithelium integrity in pigs differing in protein efficiency.
In: 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP 2022). 05. septembre, Publ. OASES, Porto, Portugal. 2022, 201-201.
Herlin A. H., Dasen S., Gomez I., Jara A.J., Cuevas Martinez I., Penaranda A., Bugueiro A., Ollagnier C., Liechti P., Jeanningros L., Moufawad El Achkar C., Verjus C.
Experiences of developing an innovative application of sensors to monitor the health and activity of the peri-partum sow.
In: Practical Precision Livestock Farming. Publ. T. Banhazi, V. Halas and F. Maroto-Molina, Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2022, 119-136.
Garcia Vinado I., Tretola M., Bee G., Ollagnier C.
Capsule for sampling: A less invasive tool to sample small-intestinal content in pigs.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 06. septembre, Publ. Scientific Committee, Porto. 2022.
Ruggeri R., Trevisi P., Bee G., Ollagnier C.
Intra-uterine growth restriction affects growth performances but not the body composition at weaning.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 06. septembre, Publ. Scientific Committee, Porto. 2022, 294.
Tretola M., Ferrari L., Luciano A., Mazzoleni S., Rovere N., Fumagalli F., Ottoboni M., Pinotti L.
Sugary vs salty food industry leftovers in postweaning piglets: effects on gut microbiota and intestinal volatile fatty acid production.
Animal, 16, (7), 2022, 1-10.
Girard M., Tretola M., Palumbo F., Correa F., Silacci P., Bee G.
Effect of the maternal diet and growth rate in the suckling period on nutrient uptake in the jejunum of piglets.
In: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs. 17. Mai, Publ. Elsevier, Rotterdam. 2022, 208-209.
Ruggeri R., Bee G., Ollagnier C.
Identification of IUGR piglets thanks to a new method.
In: MonoGutHealth Training school. Rostock, Germany. 20. Mai, Publ. MonoGutHealth, Rostock, Germany. 2022.
Garcia Vinado I., Bee G., Ollagnier C.
Small intestine microbiota sampling: Validation of a minimally invasive tool on live piglets.
In: MonoGutHealth Training school. 20. Mai, Publ. MONOGUTHEALTH, Rostock, Germany. 2022.
Garcia Vinado I., Bee G., Ollagnier C.
Dynamic picture of the small intestine microbiome in pigs using a novel sampling capsule.
In: Mid term check MONOGUT`HEALTH 2022. 28. Februar, online - MGH. 2022.
Ruggeri R., Bee G., Ollagnier C.
What are IUGR pigs? – phenotypic and metabolic differentiation.
In: Mid term check MONOGUT`HEALTH 2022. 21. Juni, online. 2022.
Palumbo F., Bee G., Trevisi P., Correa F., Ducrest C., Girard M.
The level of hemicellulose in lactating sow diet affects the faecal volatile fatty acid profile and microbiota.
In: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs. 17. Mai, Publ. Elsevier, Rotterdam. 2022, 211-211.
Bellon J., Girard M., Bee G., Ollagnier C.
Classification des porcelets en retard de croissance et relation avec la santé et la croissance.
In: 54èmes Journées Recherche Porcine. 1. Februar, Publ. IFIP INRAe, Paris. 2022, 393-394.
Bellon J., Mellino M.R., Pradervand N., Dubois S., Romeo A., Desrues O., Bee G., Ollagnier C.
Alternative aux antibiotiques pour réduire les diarrhées de post-sevrage : interaction entre une nouvelle formulation de ZnO et un mélange de tannins.
In: 54èmes Journées Recherche Porcine. 1 février, Publ. IFIP et INRAE, Paris. 2022, 401-402.
Bellon J., Girard M., Bee G., Ollagnier C.
Classification des porcelets en retard de croissance et relation avec la santé et la croissance.
In: Journée recherche porcine. 01. février, Publ. IFIP et INRAE, Paris. 2022, 393-394.
Bellon J., Girard M., Bee G., Ollagnier C.
Classification des porcelets en retard de croissance et relation avec la santé et la croissance.
In: Journée recherche porcine 2022. 1 février, Publ. IFIP, INRAe, Paris. 2022, 393-394.
Bellon J, Girard M., Bee G., Ollagnier C.
Classification des porcelets en retard de croissance et relation avec la santé et la croissance.
In: Journée recherche porcine 2022. 1 février, Publ. IFIP Institut du porc, Paris. 2022, 1.
Floradin P., Pomar C., Schlegel P., Lautrou M., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P.
Ability of model that predict growing-finishing pigs requirements to predict dietary phosphorus use in replacement gilts.
Journal of Animal Science, 100, (Suppl. S2), 2022, 23.
Floradin P., Pomar C., Létoruneau-Montminy M.-P., Schlegel P.
Effects of dietary calcium and phosphorus deficiency on growth performance and subsequent recovery of bone mineralization in replacement gilts.
Journal of Animal Science, 100, (Suppl. S2), 2022, 24.
Bee G., Quiniou N.
Quelles stratégies alimentaires pour couvrir les besoins nutritionnels des porcs mâles entiers et/ou immunocastrés et pour réduire les risques d’odeurs de verrat dans la viande ?
In: Journées Recherche Porcine 54. 1. Februar, Publ. IFIP + INRAe, Online. 2022, 117-128.
Bellon J., Mellino M. R., Pradervand N., Dubois S., Romeo A., Desrues O., Bee G., Ollagnier C.
Alternative aux antibiotiques pour réduire les diarrhées de post-sevrage : interaction entre une nouvelle formulation d’oxyde de zinc et un mélange de tannins.
In: 54èmes Journées Recherche Porcine. 1 février, Publ. IFIP et INRAE, Paris. 2022, 1.
Ollagnier C., Mellino M.R., Pradervand N., Dubois S., Romeo A., Desrues O., Bee G.
Interaction between a potentiated formulation of ZnO and a mixture of tannins to reduce post-weaning-diarrhea in an ETEC infection model.
In: Digestive Physiology of Pigs. 17. mai, Rotherdam - DPP. 2022.
Floradin P., Pomar C., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P.
Effects of dietary calcium and phosphorus deficiency on growth performance and subsequent recovery of bone mineralization in replacement gilts.
In: ASAS Midwest Meeting. 14. mars, Omaha, Nebraska, USA. 2022.
Floradin P., Lautrou M., Pomar C., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P.
Ability of model that predict growing-finishing pigs requirements to predict dietary phosphorus use in replacement gilts.
In: ASAS Midwest Meeting. 14. mars, Omaha, Nebraska, USA. 2022.
Floradin P., Pomar C., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P., Schlegel P.
Depletion and repletion dynamics of individual and regional bone-mineral reserves in replacement gilts fed different levels of dietary phosphorus and calcium.
In: ASAS Midwest Meeting. 14. mars, Omaha, Nebraska, USA. 2022.
Floradin P., Pomar C., Létourneau-Montminy M.P., Schlegel P.
Dynamique de déplétion et de réplétion des réserves minérales dans les os individuels et les régions osseuses des cochettes nourries avec différents niveaux de phosphore et calcium.
In: Journées de la recherche porcine. 01. février, Paris. 2022.
Floradin P., Pomar C., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P., Schlegel P.
Depletion and repletion dynamics of individual and regional bone-mineral reserves in replacement gilts fed different levels of dietary phosphorus and calcium.
Journal of Animal Science, 100, (S2), 2022, 195.
Floradin P., Létourneau-Montminy M.-P., Pomar C., Schlegel P.
Development of bone mineralization and body composition of replacement gilts fed a calcium and phosphorus depletion and repletion strategy.
Animal, 16, 2022.
Floradin P., Lautrou M., Pomar C., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Monminy M.P.
Capacité des modèles d’estimation des besoins chez le porc à l’engraissement pour prédire l’utilisation du phosphore alimentaire chez la cochette.
In: Journées de la recherche porcine. 01. février, Paris. 2022.
Bee G., Quiniou N.
Quelles stratégies alimentaires pour couvrir les besoins nutritionnels des porcs mâles entiers et/ou immunocastrés et pour réduire les risques d’odeurs de verrat dans la viande ?
In: Journées Recherche Porcine. 01. Februar, Online. 2022, 1-23.
Floradin P., Lautrou M., Pomar C., Schlegel P., Létourneau-Montminy M.P.
Capacité des modèles d’estimation des besoins chez le porc à l’engraissement pour prédire l’utilisation du phosphore alimentaire chez la cochette.
In: Journées de la recherche porcine. 01. février, Paris. 2022.
Kasper-Völkl C.
Genetic basis of protein efficiency in pigs.
In: Visite étudiant-es AgroCampus Ouest à Agroscope-Agridea. 26.10., Posieux, Schweiz. 2021, 1-21.