Liste de publications

Publications Andreas Lüscher

Huguenin-Elie O., Lüscher A., Nyfeler D., Frossard E.
Gras-Klee-Mischungen zeigen wenig Risiko für Nitratauswaschung.
Die Grüne, 10, 2024, 11.

Pauler C., Homburger H., Lüscher A., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Schneider M. K.
Ecosystem services in mountain pastures: A complex network of site conditions, climate and management.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 377, 2024, 1-14.

Lüscher A., Suter D.
Wird die Ausnahme jetzt zur Regel?
BauernZeitung, 12. Juli, 2024, 30.

Nyfeler D., Huguenin-Elie O., Frossard E., Lüscher A.
High yields, low fertiliser requirements and low nitrate leaching: Win it all with grass-legume mixtures.
Grassland Science in Europe, 29, 2024, 255-257.

Klaus V., Lüscher A., Richter F., Huguenin-Elie O.
What information is needed for upscaling grassland ecosystem services to landscape scale?
Grassland Science in Europe, 29, 2024, 546-549.

Roinel E., Frund D., Probo M., Frick R., Suter D., Lüscher A., Allan E., Mariotte P.
Rendement et valeur nutritive des mélanges fourragers durant la première saison de croissance suivant le semis.
Dans: Journée Herbagère Agridea-ADCF. 18 juin, Bruson. 2024, 1.

Roinel E., Frund D., Probo M., Frick R., Suter D., Lüscher A., Allan E., Mariotte P.
Mélanges fourragers résistants à la sécheresse en zone de montagne.
Dans: Journée Herbagère Agridea-ADCF. 18 juin, Bruson. 2024, 1.

Pauler C., Lüscher A., Homburger H., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Schneider M. K.
Trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services in mountain pastures.
Dans: 30th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation. 9 June, Leeuwarden (NL). 2024, 1.

Pauler C., Lüscher A., Homburger H., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Schneider M. K.
Trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services in mountain pastures.
Grassland Science in Europe, 29, 2024, 320-322.

Klötzli J., Suter M., Beaumont D., Kolmanič A., Leskovšek R., Schaffner U., Storkey J., Lüscher A.
Finding a needle in a haystack: Case-control studies can identify measures to prevent weeds in grassland.
Grassland Science in Europe, 29, 2024, 434-436.

Richter F., Suter M., Lüscher A., Buchmann N., El Benni N., Feola Conz R., Hartmann M., Jan P., Klaus V.
Effects of management practices on the ecosystem-service multifunctionality of temperate grasslands.
Nature Communications, 15, 2024, 1-15.

Klaus V., Schaub S., Séchaud R., Fabian Y., Jeanneret P., Lüscher A., Huguenin-Elie O.
Upscaling of ecosystem service and biodiversity indicators from field to farm to inform agri-environmental decision- and policy-making.
Ecological Indicators, 163, 2024, 1-9.

Klötzli J., Suter M., Beaumont D., Kolmanič A., Leskovšek R., Schaffner U., Storkey J., Lüscher A.
Key management practices to reduce the risk of the occurrence of Rumex obtusifolius in productive grasslands.
Weed Research, 64, (1), 2024, 76-88.

Nyfeler D., Huguenin-Elie O., Frossard E., Lüscher A.
Effects of legumes and fertiliser on nitrogen balance and nitrate leaching from intact leys and after tilling for subsequent crop.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 360, 2024, 1-11.

Kahmen A., Schärer M.-L., Lüscher A.
Why temperate grasslands grow better after a drought?: Disentangling the role of plant physiological drought legacies from Birch effects in the soil for productivity in grasslands recovering from drought.
Dans: AGU23. 13 December, Ed. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco (US). 2023.

Schärer M.-L., Lüscher A., Kahmen A.
Post-drought compensatory growth in perennial grasslands is determined by legacy effects of the soil and not by plants.
New Phytologist, 240, (6), 2023, 2265-2275.

Roinel E., Frund D., Frick R., Suter D., Lüscher A., Allan E., Probo M., Mariotte P.
Assessing forage yield of drought-resistant grassland mixtures for Swiss mountain areas in the year of sowing.
Dans: Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society. 14. December, Belfast (GB). 2023.

Suter D., Hirschi H. U., Lüscher A.
Hybrid ryegrass can improve the botanical quality of multi species mixtures for leys.
Grassland Science in Europe, 28, 2023, 106-108.

Klötzli J., Suter M., Schaffner U., Müller‑Schärer H., Lüscher A.
Synergistic effects of grass competition and insect herbivory on the weed Rumex obtusifolius in an inundative biocontrol approach.
Scientific Reports, 13, (18508), 2023, 1-14.

Huguenin-Elie O., Hofer D., Husse S., Suter M., Lüscher A.
Zichorie: Ein Plus für unsere Mischungen ?
Dans: AGFF-Tagung. 25. August, Waldhof. 2023, 1.

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