Herzog C., Meier E., Knop E.
Scheda – Rilevamento / Osservazione a lungo termine: Programma di monitoraggio «Specie e habitat nell’agricoltura» (ALL-EMA).
Agroscope. 2025, 2 pp.
altre lingue:
Sperandii M. G., Bazzichetto M., Götzenberger L., Moretti M., Achury R., Blüthgen N., Fischer M., Hölzel N., Klaus V. H., Kleinebecker T., Neff F., Prati D., Bolliger R., Seibold S., Simons N. K. e altri
Functional traits mediate the effect of land use on drivers of community stability within and across trophic levels.
Science Advances, 11, (4), 2025, Articolo eadp6445.
Stöckli S., Chevillat V., Rutz T., Saussure S., Pfiffner L.
Was leisten Landwirtschaftsbetriebe in der Schweiz für die Erhaltung der Biodiversität?
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 15, 2024, 313-321.
Razanajatovo M., Schurr F.M., Muhthassim N., Troesch S., Knop E.
Pollen load, pollen species diversity and conspecific pollen carried by pollinators across 24-hour cycles.
Basic and Applied Ecology, 78, 2024, 23-27.
Knop E., Dominoni D.
Sensory pollution by artificial light: Implications for ecology and evolution.
Basic and Applied Ecology, 78, 2024, 39-40.
Meier E., Lüscher G., Herzog F., Birrer S., Plattner M., Knop E.
Mehr Biodiversität dank Biodiversitätsförderflächen in Vernetzungsprojekten.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 15, 2024, 168-175.
Herzog C., Meier E., Schneuwly J., Birrer S., Roth T., Knop E.
Effekte ausgewählter Faktoren auf die Biodiversität in Schweizer Agrarlandschaften.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 15, 2024, 128-137.
Martinez-Nuñez C., Gossner M., Maurer C., Neff F., Obrist M., Moretti M., Bollmann K., Herzog F., Knop E., Luka H., Cahenzli F., Albrecht M.
Land‐use change in the past 40 years explains shifts in arthropod community traits.
Journal of Animal Ecology, 93, (5), 2024, 540-553.
Meier E., Lüscher G., Herzog F., Knop E.
Collaborative approaches at the landscape scale increase the benefits of agri-environmental measures for farmland biodiversity.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 367, 2024, 1-9.
Knop E., Grimm M. L., Korner-Nievergelt F., Schmid B., Liechti F.
Patterns of high-flying insect abundance are shaped by landscape type and abiotic conditions.
Scientific Reports, 13, 2023, 1-8.
Blösch S., Albrecht M., Jenny M., Streit B., Knop E.
Rows make the field: Winter wheat fields with manipulated crop architecture show potential for ecological intensification based on higher natural pest and week seed control.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 348, 2023, 1-11.
Blösch S., Zellweger J., Batary P., Knop E.
A systematic review on the effectiveness of crop architecture-related in-field measures for promoting ground-breeding farmland birds.
Journal for Nature Conservation, 76, 2023, 1-7.
Ecker K. T., Meier E., Tillé Y.
Integrating spatial and ecological information into comprehensive biodiversity monitoring on agricultural land.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195, (10), 2023, 1-20.
Herzog C., Meier E., Lüscher G., Knop E.
Integration externer Datensätze führt zu neuen Erkenntnissen: Arten und Lebensräume Landwirtschaft (ALL-EMA).
Hotspot, 47, 2023, 29-30.
altre lingue:
Neff F., Prati D., Achury R., Ambarlı D., Bolliger R., Brändle M., Freitag M., Hölzel N., Kleinebecker T., Knecht A., Schäfer D., Schall P., Seibold S., Staab M., Weisser W. W. e altri
Reduction of invertebrate herbivory by land use is only partly explained by changes in plant and insect characteristics.
Ecological Monographs, 93, (2), 2023, 1-26.
Casanelles-Abella J., Fontana S., Meier E., Moretti M. , Fournier B.
Spatial mismatch between wild bee diversity hotspots and protected areas.
Conservation Biology, 37, (4), 2023, 1-16.
Le Provost G., Schenk N., Penone C., Thiele J., Westphal C., Allan E., Ayasse M., Blüthgen N., Boeddinghaus R., Boesing A., Bolliger R., Busch V., Fischer M., Gossner M., Hölzel N. e altri
The supply of multiple ecosystem services requires biodiversity across spatial scales.
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 7, 2023, 236-249.
Herzog C., Meier E., Indermaur A., Winizki J., Lüscher G., Knop E.
Specie e habitat in agricoltura – Censimento della diversità nel paesaggio agricolo.
Agroscope, Zürich. Aprile, 2022, 8 pp.
altre lingue:
Hölker F., Bolliger J., Davies T.W., Giavi S., Jechow A., Kalinkat G., Longcore T., Spoelstra K., Tidau S., Visser M.E., Knop E.
11 pressing research questions on how light pollution affects biodiversity.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 2022, 1-13.
Liu Y., Speisser B., Knop E., van Kleunen M.
The Matthew effect: Common species become more common and rare ones become more rare in response to artificial light at night.
Global Change Biology, 28, (11), 2022, 3674-3682.
Lüscher G., Meier E., Plattner, M., Roth, T.
Die Pflanzen- und Tagfaltervielfalt profitiert von Biodiversitätsförderflächen im Grünland - Ist das genug?
N+L Inside, 4, 2022, 30-34.
Neff F., Korner-Nievergelt F., Rey E., Albrecht M., Bollmann K., Cahenzli F., Chittaro Y., Gossner M. M., Martinez Nunez C., Meier E., Monnerat C., Moretti M., Roth T., Herzog F., Knop E.
Different roles of concurring climate and regional land-use changes in past 40 years’ insect trends.
Nature Communications, 13, 2022, 1-12.
Knop E., Meier E.
Synergien mit ALL-EMA.
Hotspot, Sonderheft, 2022, 41-41.
Neff F., Hagge J., Achury R., Ambarlı D., Ammer C., Schall P., Seibold S., Staab M., Weisser W., Gossner M.
Hierarchical trait filtering at different spatial scales determines beetle assemblages in deadwood.
Functional Ecology, 36, (12), 2022, 2929-2942.
Huber N., Ginzler Ch., Pazur R., Descombes P., Baltensweiler A., Ecker K., Meier E., Price B.
Countrywide classification of permanent grassland habitats at high spatial resolution.
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 9, (1), 2022, 133-151.
Meier E., Lüscher G., Knop E.
Disentangling direct and indirect drivers of farmland biodiversity at landscape scale.
Ecology Letters, 25, (11), 2022, 2422-2434.
Neff F., Lehmann M., Moretti M., Pellissier L., Gossner M.
Tracking sucking herbivory with nitrogen isotope labelling: Lessons from an individual trait-based approach.
Basic and Applied Ecology, 63, 2022, 104-114.
Maeder M., Guo X., Neff F., Schneider Mathis D., Gossner M. M.
Temporal and spatial dynamics in soil acoustics and their relation to soil animal diversity.
PLOS ONE, 17, (3), 2022, e0263618.