Edlinger A., Garland G., Hartman K., Banerjee S., Degrune F., Garcia-Palacios P., Hallin S., Valzano-Held A., Herzog C., Jansa J., Kost E., Maestre F. T., Pescador D. S., Philippot L., Rillig M. C., Romdhane S., Saghai A., Spor A., Frossard E., van der Heijden M.

Agricultural management and pesticide use reduce the functioning of beneficial plant symbionts.

Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6, 2022, 1145-1154.

Link: SharedIt link

ISSN Print: 2397-334X
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-022-01799-8
ID pubblicazione (Codice web): 49734 Inviare via e-mail

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