Elenco di pubblicazione

Pubblicazioni Olivier Schumpp

Oggier A., Conedera M., Debonneville C., Schumpp O., Rizzoli A.
Gone-wild grapevines in forests host phytoplasma genotypes linked to grapevine's flavescence dorée epidemics in cultivated vineyards and competent vectors.
Journal of Plant Pathology, In Press, 2024, 1-12.

Camps C., Schumpp O., Bünter M., Storelli A.
Desinfektion von Gewächshäusern für die Hors-sol-Produktion bei einem ToBRFV-Befall.
Agroscope. Merkblatt Nr. 208, 2024, 10 pp.
altre lingue: francese

Debonneville C., Schumpp O.
La génomique est le nouveau fer de lance de la protection des plantes.
Journal Agri, 31 mai, 2024, 21.

Debonneville C., Oggier A., Rizzoli A., Conedera M., Schumpp O.
First identification of a 'Candidatus Phytoplasma fragariae'-related strain infecting Corylus avellana in southern Switzerland.
New Disease Reports, 50, (1), 2024, 1-2.

Oggier A., Jermini M., Conedera M., Debonneville C., Schumpp O., Rizzoli A.
Habitat management as an integrative tool for the control of grapevine’s Flavescence dorée.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 171, 2024, 81-84.

Linder C., Oggier A., Debonneville C., Kehrli P., Schumpp O., Conedera M., Rizzoli A.
From landscape to cultivated compartments: A proactive approach for the early detection of Flavescence dorée.
In: 6th European Bois Noir Workshop : Towards the Prophylactic and Agro-Ecological Control of flavescence dorée and other Grapevine Yellows (Pro-AECOGY). 14-16 May, Ed. inrae, Bordeaux. 2024, 1-2.

Bünter M., Altenbach D., Camps C., Debonneville C., Schumpp O., Massana Codina J., Dahlin P.
Misure igieniche per il prelievo di campioni sospetti e i lavori di risanamento in presenza di organismi nocivi per le piante trasmessi dall’uomo.
Agroscope. Scheda tecnica N. 205, 2024, 3 pp.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Oggier A., Debonneville C., Conedera M., Schumpp O., Rizzoli A.
First detection of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma ulmi’ in Switzerland and in Orientus ishidae Matsumura, 1902.
Alpine Entomology, 8, 2024, 29-34.

Oggier A., Debonneville C., Conedera M., Schumpp O., Rizzoli A.
Scaphoideus titanus and Orientus ishidae on gone-wild grapevines share phytoplasma genotypes linked to the “flavescence dorée” epidemics in cultivated vineyards.
In: European workshop on "Flavescence dorée" Recent acquisitions and management strategies. 26 January, Ed. IPWG, CREA, Università di Verona, Verona. 2024.

Cadena Canals J., Debonneville C., Jeanrenaud M., Viret O., Schumpp O.
Flavescence dorée phytoplasma in northern Swiss vineyards is anthropogenic.
In: Proceedings of the 20th congress of the International Council for the Study of Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of the Grapevine (ICVG). 25-29 September, Ed. ICVG, Thessaloniki. 2023, 96-97.

Debonneville C., Cadena Canals J., Linder C., Schumpp O.
Das Auftreten von Flavescence dorée Phytoplasmen in den Schweizer Rebbergen nördlich der Alpen ist anthropogen bedingt.
In: Regionale Rebbautagung. 8. Dezember, Ed. Agroscope, Wädenswil. 2023.

Oggier A., Jermini M., Conedera M., Debonneville C., Schumpp O., Rizzoli A.
Habitat management as an integrative tool for the control of grapevine’s Flavescence dorée.
In: Meeting of the IOBC-WPRS WG “Integrated Protection in Viticulture”. 4. October, Ed. International Organisation for Biological and Integrated Control, Logroño, Spain. 2023.

Oggier A., Jermini M., Conedera M., Debonneville C., Schumpp O., Rizzoli A.
Habitat management as an integrative tool for the control of grapevine’s Flavescence dorée.
In: Meeting of the IOBC-WPRS WG “Integrated Protection in Viticulture”. 4 October, Ed. International Organisation for Biological and Integrated Control, Logroño. 2023.

Blouin A., Dubuis N., Brodard J., Apothéloz L., Altenbach D., Schumpp O.
Symptomatic, widespread, and inconspicuous: new detection of tomato fruit blotch virus.
Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 62, (3), 2023, 349-354.

Jaccard A., Dubuis N., Kellenberger I., Brodard J., Schnée S., Gindro K., Schumpp O.
New viruses of Cladosporium sp. expand considerably the taxonomic structure of Gammapartitivirus genus.
Journal of General Virology, 104, (8), 2023, 1-12.

Rollin J., Bester R., Brostaux Y., Caglayan K., De Jonghe K., Eichmeier A., Foucart Y., Haegeman A., Koloniuk I., Kominek P., Maree H., Onder S., Posada Céspedes S., Roumi V., Šafářová D. e altri
Detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms in virus genomes assembled from high-throughput sequencing data: Large-scale performance testing of sequence analysis strategies.
PeerJ, 11, 2023, 1-25.

Oggier A., Conedera M., Jermini M., Debonneville C., Schumpp O., Rizzoli A.
Gone-wild grapevines in forests may act as a potential habitat for ‘Flavescence dorée’ phytoplasma vectors and inoculum.
Journal of Applied Entomology, 147, (9), 2023, 777-789.

Schumpp O.
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus : Biologie, diagnostic et perspectives pour les producteurs.
In: Journée d’information Cultures maraîchères sous Serre. 29 juin, Ed. Agroscope, Conthey. 2023, 1-15.

Haegeman A., Foucart Y., De Jonghe K., Goedefroit T., Al Rwahnih M., Boonham N., Candresse T., Gaafar Y. Z. A., Hurtado-Gonzales O. P., Zwitter Z. K., Kutnjak D., Lamovšek J., Lefebvre M., Malapi M., Mavrič Pleško I. e altri
Looking beyond virus detection in RNA sequencing data: Lessons learned from a community-based effort to detect cellular plant pathogens and pests.
Plants, 12, (11), 2023, 1-20.

Debonneville C., Linder C., Viret O., Jeanrenaud M., Schumpp O.
Detailed assessment of control measures against “flavescence dorée” allows reduction of pesticide use.
Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, 13, (1), 2023, 61-62.

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