Metzger K., Bragazza L.
Kann Bodenspektroskopie Bodenfruchtarkeitsindikatoren im Feld messen?
In: 12. Nachhaltigkeitstagung. 23. Januar, Hrsg. Agroscope, Zürich (CH). 2025.
Luo B., Zhou J., Yao W., Wang Y., Guillaume T., Yuan M., Han D., Bilyera N., Wang L., Zhao L., Yang Y., Zeng Z., Zang H.
Maize and soybean rotation benefits soil quality and organic carbon stock.
Journal of Environmental Management, 372, 2024, Artikel 123352.
Zhou J., Bilyera N., Guillaume T., Yang H., Li F.-M., Shi L.
Microbial necromass and glycoproteins for determining soil carbon formation under arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis.
Science of the Total Environment, 955, 2024, Artikel 176732.
Zhou J., Liu Y., Liu C., Zamanian K., Feng W., Steiner S., Shi L., Guillaume T., Kumar A.
Necromass responses to warming: A faster microbial turnover in favor of soil carbon stabilisation.
Science of the Total Environment, 954, 2024, Artikel 176651.
Metzger K., Liebisch F., Herrera J. M., Guillaume T., Bragazza L.
Prediction accuracy of soil chemical parameters by field- and laboratory-obtained vis-NIR spectra after external parameter orthogonalization.
Sensors, 24, (11), 2024, 1-17.
Metzger K., Bragazza L.
Prediction of nitrogen, active carbon, and organic carbon‐to‐clay ratio in agricultural soils by in‐situ spectroscopy.
European Journal of Soil Science, 75, (3), 2024, 1-9.
Sarkar S., Devi S., Wainkwa R., Mirzaei M., Reijneveld A., Fontana M., Lo K.-J.
Changes on phosphorus fractions and paddy yield using different single super phosphate and rock phosphate rates under acid soil.
Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47, (7), 2024, 1130-1151.
Batamack Nkoué B., Essono D. M., Guillaume T., Njila Nana E. N., Angoni H., Fobane J. L., Mala A. W.
Potentiel floristique du sous-bois des agrosystèmes à Elaeis guineensis Jacq. en zone équatoriale (Ngwei, Cameroun).
VertigO, 21 mars, 2024, 1-30.
Quezada J. C., Bragazza L.
Foliar applications of a zeolite-based biostimulant affect soil enzyme activity and N uptake in maize and wheat under different levels of nitrogen fertilization.
Journal of Plant Nutrition, 47, (3), 2024, 501-513.
Metzger K., Liebisch F., Herrera J. M., Guillaume T., Walder F., Bragazza L.
The use of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for in-situ characterization of agricultural soil fertility: A proposition of best practice by comparing scanning positions and spectrometers.
Soil Use and Management, 40, (1), 2024, 1-13.
Guillaume T., Carlen C., Gilgen A., Liebisch F.
Düngebedarfsermittlung nach korrigierten Normen.
Agroscope. Merkblatt Nr. 201, 2023, 4 S.
weitere Sprachen:
Guillaume T., Steiner S., Grand S., Banfield C., Perego A., Oberson A., Leifeld J., Bragazza L., Keiluweit M.
Gérer la stabilisation de la matière organique du sol par la fertilisation raisonnée : Le projet MaCaN.
In: 16ème Rencontres de la fertilisation raisonnée et de l'analyse. 21 novembre, Tours. 2023.
Fontana M., Elfouki S., Bragazza L., Guillaume T., Carlen C., Sinaj S.
Piste pour recycler le phosphite de calcium en engrais phosphaté.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 14, 2023, 141-149.
Fontana M., Johannes A., Zaccone C., Weisskopf P., Guillaume T., Bragazza L., Elfouki S., Charles R., Sinaj S.
Improving crop nutrition, soil carbon storage and soil physical fertility using ramial wood chips.
Environmental Technology & Innovation, 31, 2023, 1-14.
Rodríguez-Chueca J., Giannakis S., Senyuz T., Decker J., Oulego P., Bensimon M., Guillaume T., Pulgarín C.
Sunshine and a pinch of tropical soils: A natural, low-cost photo-Fenton variation for safer water, assisted by H2O2 or percabonate.
Separation and Purification Technology, 321, 2023.
Essono D. M., Nkoué B. B., Voundi E., Kono L., Verrecchia E., Gahzoul J., Mala A. W., Buttler A., Guillaume T.
Nutrient availability challenges the sustainability of low-input oil palm farming systems.
Farming Systems, 1, (1), 2023, 1-8.
Metzger K., Bragazza L.
Bewertung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit mithilfe von Nahinfrarotspektroskopie (Proximal Sensing).
In: 10. Nationale Ackerbautagung - Der Boden als Einheit. 12. Januar, Hrsg. PAG-CH und Agridea, Biel. 2023.
Metzger K., Liebisch F., Herrera J. M., Walder F., Bragazza L.
Field-based application of visible and near-infrared (vis-NIR) spectroscopy for soil chemical and physical characterization.
In: Swiss Geoscience Meeting. 19. November, Hrsg. EPFL, Lausanne. 2022.
Metzger K., Liebisch F., Bragazza L.
Best practices for scanning and processing field vis-NIR spectra of agricultural soil: a procedural and instrumental comparison.
In: 17th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy (ESA). 2. Sebtember, Potsdam. 2022.
Zhou J., Guillaume T., Wen Y., Blagodatskaya E., Shahbaz M., Zeng Z., Peixoto L., Zang H., Kuzyakov Y.
Frequent carbon input primes decomposition of decadal soil organic matter.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 175, 2022, 1-9.
Arangio A., Violaki C., Rivera J.C.Q., He M., Motos G., Bragazza L., Grossiord C., Buttler A., Nenes A.
Atmospheric acidity and its impacts on macronutrient deposition and plant growth.
In: EGU General Assembly 2022. 23 May, Hrsg. European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna (AT). 2022.
Xu Y., Zhou J., Feng W., Jia R., Liu C., Fu T., Xue S., Yi Z., Guillaume T., Yang Y., Peixoto L., Zheng Z., Zang H.
Marginal land conversion to perennial energy crops with biomass removal enhances soil carbon sequestration.
Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 14, (10), 2022, 1117-1127.
Fontana M., Bragazza L., Guillaume T., Elfouki S., Sinaj S., Carlen C.
Recycling calcium phosphite as phosphorus fertilizer.
In: ESA 2022 Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. 29. août, Potsdam - Germany. 2022.
Fontana M., Hirte J., Bélanger G., Makowski D., Elfouki S., Sinaj S.
Long‑term K fertilization effects on soil available K, grain yield, and plant K critical value in winter wheat.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 123, 2022, 63-82.
Walker T. W. N., Gavazov K., Guillaume T., Lambert T, Mariotte P., Routh D, Signarbieux C, Block S, Münkemüller T, Nomoto H, Crowther TW, Richter A, Buttler A, Alexander JM
Lowland plant arrival in alpine ecosystems facilitates a decrease in soil carbon content under experimental climate warming.
ELife, 11, 2022, 1-27.
Zeh L., Schmidt-Cotta C., Limpens J., Bragazza L., Kalbitz K.
Above- to belowground carbon allocation in peatlands shifts with plant functional type and temperature.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 185, (1), 2022, 98-109.
Guillaume T., Makowski D., Libohova Z., Bragazza L., Sallaku F., Sinaj S.
Soil organic carbon saturation in cropland-grassland systems: Storage potential and soil quality.
Geoderma, 406, (115529), 2022.
Guillaume T.
Rotation de grandes cultures et saturation en carbone organique du sol.
In: 9th Nachhaltigkeitstagung. 27. janvier, Agroscope, Reckenholz. 2022.
Guillaume T., Bragazza L., Elfouki S., Sinaj S., Lavasseur C.
Potentiel de stockage du carbone dans les sols agricoles et rôle des prairies temporaires.
In: BGS Jahrestagung - Société suisse de pédologie. 31. mars, HAFL Zollikofen. 2022.