Project number:

Efficiency and Agroecology in Greenhouses

EASER-Greenhouse est un projet qui vise à optimiser l’efficiences des ressources naturelles nécessaires à la culture en serre. Il vise à accompagner la branche dans l’innovation des systèmes technologiques et de cultures en serres modernes et en Vertical Farming, mais il vise aussi à contribuer au développement d’une agriculture résiliente par et pour la société et la production.

La recherche se concentrera sur

  1. la gestion climatique en serre équipés de filets anti-insectes ou conduites en système résilient,
  2. le développement de capteurs connectés dont la modélisation des données servira à anticiper des désordres physiologiques sur fruits et plante,
  3. l’optimisation des techniques culturales en vertical farming, et enfin
  4. l’établissement de co-création entre les acteurs de la branche, l’industrie et la recherche.
Last Name, First Name Location
Camps Cédric Conthey
Tran Qnôc Tnan Daniel Conthey

Chiang Silva C. E.
Technologischer Forstchritt: Entwicklung von Anwendungen für den Obst- und Weinbau.
Obst+Wein, 10, 2024, 14-17.

Camps C., Schumpp O., Bünter M., Storelli A.
Desinfektion von Gewächshäusern für die Hors-sol-Produktion bei einem ToBRFV-Befall.
Agroscope. Merkblatt Nr. 208, 2024, 10 pp.
other Languages: french

Ye W., Di Caprio L., Bruno P., Jaccard C., Bustos-Segura C., Arce C. C. M., Benrey B.
Cultivar-Specific Defense Responses in Wild and Cultivated Squash Induced by Belowground and Aboveground Herbivory.
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 50, (5-6), 2024, 1-13.

Sax M., Gallay C.
Mit Wärme aus der Luft Geld verdienen: Stromverbrauch.
BauernZeitung, 14. Juni, 2024, 30.

Tran Q. T. D., Najdevoska E., Dutoit F., Plummer C., Wallbridge N., Mazza M., Camps C., Raileanu L. E.
Advanced assessment of nutrient deficiencies in greenhouse with electrophysiological signals.
Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 65, 2024, 567-580.

Chiang Silva C. E., Tran Q. T. D., Camps C.
Aspen study case: Real time in situ tomato detection and localization for yield estimation.
Agricultural Research and Technology, 28, (2), 2024, 1-12.

Maret D., Wäckers F., Pijnakker J., Norgrove L., Sutter L.
The predatory mite Pronematus ubiquitus curbs Aculops lycopersici damage under greenhouse conditions.
Pest Management Science, 80, (4), 2024, 1904-1911.

Sax M., Stoop R., Nasser R., Seatovic D., Keel S., Lehrmann A., Höfer T., Anken T.
Broad-leaved dock control by unmanned aerial vehicles: What image quality is needed for a plant detection?
In: 80th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering. 10 - 11 November, Publ. VDI Wissensforum, Hannover. 2023, 505-512.

Bernard Q, Caloz T, Graeff M, Tran Q. T. D., Camps C., van der Schuren A, Wallbridge N, Plummer C, Kurenda A
Determination of tomato fruit life stages from long-term extracellular electrophysiology recordings.
Acta Horticulturae, 1353, 2023, 65-69.

Tran Q. T. D., Biselx M., Carron G., Anselmo S., Farinet R., Camps C.
Comparison of plasma vs. HPS lamp on early stage development of eggplant and tomato plant.
Acta Horticulturae, 1377, 2023, 377-382.

Anselmo S., Carron G., Meacham T., Najdenovska E., Dutoit F., Raileanu L.E., Wallbridge N., Plummer C., Camps C., Tran Q. T. D.
Plant electrophysiology for smart irrigation management of greenhouse.
Acta Horticulturae, 1373, 2023, 89-96.

Najdenovska E., Dutoit F., Carron G., Tran Q. T. D., Plummer C., Wallbridge N., Camps C., Raileanu L.E.
Assessment ofthe universality ofthe electrophysiological signal acquired from tomatoes and eggplant.
Acta Horticulturae, 1360, 2023, 219-224.

Camps C.
Veretzter Tomatenanbau ist unrentabel.
Der Gemüsebau / Le Maraîcher, 2, 2023, 23.
other Languages: french

Camps C.
LED Beleuchtung kann sich lohnen.
Der Gemüsebau / Le Maraîcher, 5, 2023, 17.
other Languages: french

Anselmo S., Camps C.
Vier Basilikumsorten haben bestanden.
Der Gemüsebau / Le Maraîcher, 2, 2023, 26.
other Languages: french

Ammann J.
Eine Befragung unter künftigen Betriebsleitenden in der Schweiz.
In: KTBL Workshop. 7. November, online. 2023, 1-16.

Broccard P.V., Roch J., Tran Q. T. D., Camps C., Löffler J.
Photovoltaic energy production in greenhouses with spectral splitting solar trackers.
In: Agrivoltaics2023. 12 April, Daegu. 2023, 1-9.

Reissig L.
The understanding of digitalisation in agriculture by small-scale farmers: The importance of clear terminology.
Social Sciences and Humanities Open, Preprint, 2023, 1-25.

Steenman E., Hennig E. I., Jaccard G., Mihailescu E., Fischer S., Sutter L.
The potential of entomopathogenic nematodes for the management of the mirid bugs Lygus rugulipennis (Poppuis), Liocoris tripustulatus (Fabricius) and Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur).
Journal of Natural Pesticide Research, 6, 2023, 1-6.

Maret D., Wäckers F., Pijnakker J., Norgrove L., Sutter L.
Lutte biologique contre l’acariose bronzée : Un nouvel acarien prédateur.
In: Journée d'information cultures sous serre. 29 juin, Publ. Agroscope, Conthey. 2023, 1-24.

Anselmo S., Tran Q. T. D., Farinet R., Fleury Y., Gilli C., Camps C.
Organic vegetable production in greenhouses with more diversity and less inputs for heating, fertilization and plant protection.
Acta Horticulturae, 1355, 2023, 173-178.

Sutter L., Koller J. S., Camps C., Farinet R.
Strategien für Salate ohne Blattläuse aus dem Gewächshaus.
Agroscope Transfer, 489, 2023.
other Languages: french

Camps C., Tran Q. T. D., Farinet R.
Culture décalée de tomates en serre : Évaluation de l’éclairage LED et de la consommation énergétique.
Agroscope Science, 153, 2023.

Anselmo S., Camps C.
Sortenversuch zu gegen Falschen Mehltau resistentem Basilikum bei Produzenten.
Agroscope Transfer, 478, 2023.
other Languages: french

Pijnakker J., Hürriyet A., Petit C., Vangansbeke D., Duarte M. V. A., Arijs Y., Moerkens R., Sutter L., Maret D., Wäckers F.
Evaluation of Phytoseiid and Iolinid Mites for Biological Control of the Tomato Russet Mite Aculops lycopersici (Acari: Eriophyidae).
Insects, 13, (12), 2022, 1-13.

Tran Q. T. D., Camps C.
Apparatus and method for assessing a characteristic of a plant.
2022, 25 pp.

Camps C., Sutter L., Anselmo S., Michel V.
Cultures maraîchères sous serre Rapport projets Extension 2022.
Agroscope, Conthey. Octobre, 2022, 12 pp.

Camps C., Arrine Y., Christ B., Collet L.
Xeral wirkte am besten.
Der Gemüsebau / Le Maraîcher, 5, 2022, 34-35.
other Languages: french

Tran Q. T. D., Biselx M., Carron G., Anselmo S., Farinet R., Camps C.
Comparison of plasma vs. HPS lamp on early stage development of eggplant and tomato plant.
In: International Horticultural Congress. 16. août, Angers - ISHS. 2022.

Caloz T., Bernard Q., Tran Q. T. D., Camps C., van der Shuren A., Graeff M., Wallbridge N., Plummer C., Kurenda A.
Determination of tomato fruit life stages from long-term extracellular electrophysiology recordings.
In: International Horticultural Congress. 16. août, Angers - ISHS. 2022.

Anselmo S., Najdenovska E., Dutoit F., Raileanu LE., Wallbridge N., Plummer C., Camps C., Tran Q. T. D.
Plant Electrophysiology for Smart Greenhouse Irrigation Management.
In: International Horticultural Congress. 19. août, Angers - ISHS. 2022.

Sutter L., Camps C., Lambion J., van Rijn P., Studer J. S.
Blühstreifen für Nützlinge im gedeckten Anbau: Ein Werkzeug für die Schädlingsbekämpfung.
Agroscope, Conthey. Merkblatt Nr. 155, Mai, 2022, 4 pp.
other Languages: french