Digital technologies are a promising means to tackle the increasing global challenges (e.g., climate change, water pollution, soil degradation) and revolutionising agricultural production. The current research used a two-stage Delphi study with 34 experts from various domains, including production, advisory and research, to identify the key drivers and barriers, the most promising technologies and possible measures to support technology adoption in Swiss outdoor vegetable production. Combining these experts’ views, the method provides realistic scenarios for future development. In Round 1, open-ended questions were used to collect the experts’ opinions. These were then transformed into closed-ended questions for Round 2, where controlled feedback was provided to the experts. Twenty-six experts participated in both rounds, resulting in an overall response rate that was comparably high (76%). It was found that economic factors were important drivers and barriers in technology adoption and, consequently, the experts recommended financial measures to support this adoption. The practical relevance of new technologies provided through communication and education holds further potential in terms of their promotion. These findings are valuable beyond the research field. Educators and policy makers can build on the results and optimally align their efforts to target technology adoption and contribute to more sustainable agriculture.
Ammann J., Umstätter C., El Benni N.
The adoption of precision agriculture enabling technologies in Swiss outdoor vegetable production: A Delphi study.
Precision Agriculture, 23, 2022, 1354-1374.
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ISSN Online: 1573-1618
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